..We join this riveting press conference already in progress ...
Helen Thomstein: Mr. President, do you consider Osama Bin Laden to be a political or a religious leader, or both?
George W(higger) Bush: I consider him to be an evil leader with evil goals and many evil followers. I consider him a real creep, Helen.
Brit Jume: Sir, Why do you think the Arab World hates America so much? Could it have anything to do with this governments support of genocide against the Palestinian people and its efforts to export New York/"Hollywood" values to the followers of Islam?
George W(higger) Bush: I'm glad you asked that, Brit. That is a very good question. America is hated by these evil creeps because it opposes evil. We fight for freedom, so it only makes sense that evil freedom haters would hate us, right? Evil always fights good. Why, just the other day I was reading the latest issue of Captain America and well, I forget how it went but good ol' Cap was fighting these evil men who hate freedom and well, he ... defended freedom and ... you in the back, do you have a question?
George Swill: Mr. President, how do you propose to make sure that God's Chosen People are allowed to drive their Arab enemies into the sea, without continued resistance? You know sir, a lot of jews have been injured and killed for no other reason than being faithful to the Traditions of their Learned Elders. What is your plan?
George W(higger) Bush: Well Mr. Swill, America will support religious freedom for the jewish people. We will fight on the beaches of the Gaza Strip, we will fight ... um oohh ... those who hate freedom will have to answer for their opposition to freedom. There is nothing that will stop good men who love freedom from fighting the evil men who hate freedom. Evil will not stop us because we are good. Make no mistake about it, we will remain free. Those who hate the fact that we are free are evil.
Shill O'Reilly: I know this is off-topic Mr. President, but how is your faith-based initiative doing? Do you think it will meet with Senate approval?
George W(higger) Bush: Well, that is an interesting question, Shill. I think ... you know it really has to do with ... it's about freedom, really. How free are we to be? This is an oppotunity to renew our dedication to freedom. You do realize don't you, that the only people who object to freedom are those who are evil, right? So, this is really sort of like my war on terror. You are either with me or you are against me. You either support freedom or you support evil.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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