Subject: The talMUDic High Mass
Well, "our" multi-racial military has now achieved "air superiority" over Afghanistan. Aren't you impressed? Now, they can bomb the Afghan people at will in the same manner as they did the Serbs a couple years back. The blood-drinking pigs who we are still allowing to rule over us are in the middle of another one of their talMUDic "sacrificial rituals" at the moment and High Priest Bush seems to really relish his position. What truly sickens me is the sight and sound of millions of denatured ass-clowns cheering this filth on. When High Priestess Congo-Leeza Rice and Ambassador to Hell, Prick Cheny are done, and the sacred chalice is drained of its crimson contents, don't they realize that whitey is next? Whitey has always had the most powerful "mojo". Osama and company will only whet their little appetites..
Subject: Rush Limbaugh Goes Deaf
How appropriate. Rush is now deaf AND dumb! It's about time. Perhaps there is such a thing as karma. I wish I could pick what "goes" next. Since he had ears but "didn't hear", I think that it would be fair if he lost all the rest of the senses and appendages that he apparently has no use for anyway. Rush has eyes but chooses "not to see". I assume he in possession of male genitalia, but he is often referred to as "dickless". In all seriousness, Limbaugh has toed the the ZOG line his entire career and there is frankly nothing that could ever happen to the man that would elicit the slightest bit of sympathy from myself. He has served as a quite-willing kike asset/disinformationist and it is my fervent wish that his misery has only just begun..
Subject: $$$$Bucks for 'de Victims
I think that it is quite telling that so many chosen "entertainers" have felt the need to "dig deep" and donate money for the families of those vaporized in the WTC/Pentagon strikes. This is clearly borne of guilt. There isn't a kike in the world who doesn't know that his/her people are solely responsible for the events of 9/11. As per usual, they think that money "fixes" everything. They are quite mistaken..
Subject: ZOG Issues Terror Strikes Warning
By Luke LaVellian, White Associated Press WriterWASHINGTON (WAP) -- In a stark, shrill warning, the ZOG said Thursday it has received information there may be additional terrorist attacks inside the United Snakes or abroad in the next several days.
The Corporate Regime said its information does not identify specific targets, but it has asked local Synagogues to be on the highest alert and for all jewish-Americans to be wary of "suspicious and/or hateful" activity.
"Certain information, while not specific as to target, gives the government the reason to believe that there may be additional terrorist attacks within the United Snakes and against Zionist interests overseas over the next several days,'' the ZOG said in its warning.
"The ZOG has again alerted all local Synagogues to be on the highest alert and we call on all jewish people to immediately notify the ZOG and local (f)law enfarcement of any hateful or suspicious activity,'' it said.
President George W.(higger) Bush said he had personally reviewed the intelligence that prompted the ZOG alert. While admitting that he couldn't understand the report, he said that Ms. Congo-Leeza Rice was able to explain it to him.
Johnnie Ashcroft has also warned Americans about possible attacks in retaliation for the U.$.-led bombing campaign in Afghanistan. "Non-jewish, or in other words, dispensable Americans should go on with their lives, there's no reason these people should live in panic. If they are killed they can and will be replaced, as would be cattle. It is the jews who need our help. It is they who need protecting.''
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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