Subject: Aryan Convicted Of Defending His People
Coy T. Brown was sentenced to five years in prison and fined $10,000 for the "crime" of menacing a latrino invader by firing a warning shot in his general direction. Juan Gonzalez whined that he was so very traumatized upon learning that there are still White men in North America who have yet to accept their new roles as perpetual door-mats. The moral castrate serving as a judge lectured Mr. Brown on the evils of racism and proceeded to give him more time than most nigger males who rape White women ever serve. It's too bad that the "victim" wasn't left out in the desert to feed the Buzzards. As for the "judge" (butt-goy kike stooge), the only good thing that can be said for whiggers is that they're biodegradable..
Subject: King Of Pedophilia Dangles Latest Rape Victim Off Balcony Five Stories Up
Skin Bleaching faggot nigger, Michael Jackson, known as Jacko(ff) to his fellow NAMBLA members, was caught on videotape dangling what appeared to be his current in a long line of "life partners" over the railing of a fifth-story balcony. Witnesses claim he was repeatedly screaming that "you'd better keep your goddamn mouth shut, bitch-boy!"In all seriousness, can you imagine what low-life filth the white traitors who breed for this freak are. I don't care what he is paying them. Everyone knows that this self-loathing nigger is sexually obsessed with young Nordic males. To be artificially inseminated and carry beautiful images of Nature's God to term, only to turn them over to Jacko(ff) for a big fat payday is race treason X 10. I hope these pieces of trash live long enough to see the great "Day of the Rope."
Subject: Kerry Kennedy Cuomo Flaunts Status As White Race Traitor on FOX News
Last night, race-mixing slut and negrophile Kerry Kennedy Cuomo was interviewed by Shill O'Reilly. She was gushing over what a "great man" her worthless father RFK was. She bragged about how her dad couldn't stand to see nigger savages held to account for their predations, or what he surely would have considered to be "righteous expressions of rage against oppression". RFK didn't think it was fair to penalize apes for their amorous advances against our women, either.The preceding is reason enough to present Sirhan Sirhan with an "Honorary Aryan Award" for putting this speck of spiritual excrement down before he had a chance to do anymore "good" for this country. His slavish ass-kissing of the inhabitants of the not-so-holy land of Isn'tReal is another damn good reason for having served him up a dirt nap.
Anyway, this slattern prattled on about the need to combat "racism" and "intolerance" and more than implied that if we don't kiss nigger ass with sufficient enthusiasm that we deserve whatever these glorified apes dish out. Don't you just love these ivory-tower-sixties-retread Whigroids? She pledged to continue his "struggle" for "social justice" (code for kike kommie integration and wealth redistribution). Remember, all it takes for evil to triumph is for the rest of us to be tolerant of it.
Subject: Richard Barrett Magoo
[ With My Comments In Parenthesis ]
From: "crosstar" (crosstar@nationalist.org) Subject: Why Renounce Lawlessness? Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 21:06:43 -0600 Status: 3 WHY RENOUNCE LAWLESSNESS?First, the RICO law. If sponsors of the January 20, 2003 memorial, honoring the policeman killed by Negro rioters in 1969, did not openly and firmly renounce any potential conspiracies, they could be held liable for them.[ The above reads like ZOG disinfo. Even in today's AmeReeka, there is no law that requires one to feign upset when kikes or any of their ethnic pets are brutalized, smashed, burnt or otherwise treated as enemies should be treated.
Nature sets the "laws", not a bunch of latter-day pharisees in silly pretentious garb sitting on pseudo-thrones in enemy court-rooms, anyway. Why the fetish for the "rules" that are set from on high to assure that nothing of any importance is ever achieved by anyone who hasn't the strength to walk through life without the approval of the enemy power structure and the herd animals who graze in it's glorious presence?
Here's a hint Richie.
You wouldn't win case after laughable case in your precious kike kourt system if anything you and yours did mattered to anyone. Your "nationalism" threatens the murderers of our people about as much as the duplictious spewing of Pat Pukeanan does. Anyone caught up in your games of whining about an America that in reality never was, while being oh-so careful to never utter a single word on your bolshevik "banned terms" list has been as effectively neutralized (and nuetered) as one can get. You are a liar when you pretend to not understand the concept of a two-tiered racist movement. The above-ground activist is under ZERO obligation to condemn or distance him/herself from the actions taken in furtherance of the revolution by those cells and individuals of the underground. William Pierce never trashed McVeigh, Tom Metzger never has a bad thing to say about ANYONE who takes it to the enemy and Matt Hale has never expressed phony outrage over the actions taken by Mr. Smith.Why haven't they all been "RICO Act(ed}into the Julag? I'll tell you why, Richie. The ZOGites must establish a connection between the aboveground and those who take direct action. It ain't rocket science, ass-clown.]
A simple word, innuendo or, even, silence could be used to rope the unsuspecting into any alleged "plot," especially if someone later were to commit some violent or illegal act.
[ You've got your litttle "friends" so cowed they would never dream of spitting on the sidewalk, Barret. The only thought cop your followers need to fear is you. ]
In court, Nationalists were accused one time by the federal government of being a "front" for others.
[The ADL, perhaps?]
Nationalists must publicly renounce violence or any implication of violence.
[ Here we go again. "Nationalists" must renounce anything that actually moves the ball down the field and instead must content themselves with circle-jerking in a sissy little debate club headed up by a confirmed poof. ]
. . . members of the public who support pro-majority ideals . . .
[Can't you get the simplest thing right, Barret? Your precious "majority" consists of muds, duds and the white traitor cruds who worship them. If you can't wrap your pea-brain around this one, you really are the Mr. Magoo of the blight-wing.]
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--LL
"Sheeple always do things the herd way".--LL
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