..Para "Helms visits Mexico", declared the headline in my jewspaper, yesterday. Helms was down there to do what he has grown to love doing for his superiors in Washington, and that is applying his lips in the prescribed ZOGling manner, to the buttocks belonging to what, in this age of madness, where nature's law has been turned on its head, passes for the "beautiful people."
Para What amuses me, is the fact that this prunish prostitute still seems capable of something resembling discomfort. He still feels the need to "spin" his latest slatternly antics. In an attempt to make his latest "flip-flop" act of treason, a wee-bit more palatable to the dunderheads back home, Jesse explained that, "Yes, I have been among Mexico's harshest critics. But, that was when they were 'communistic'. Now that they have embraced various 'democratic reforms', I now think that it is a spendid idea to do away with that pesky border between our countries."
Para By all means, Jesse! Bring on the cheap labor! Drive down the wages, and bring a slice of Mexico City, to every corner of the land! I was opposed to this plan, but now I've seen the (b)Light. Hey, as long as the little brown bastards are capitalists, then we "ignorant" White Nationalists should all breathe a collective sigh of relief! After all, we all know that the "real" issue is "Capitalism vs. Communism," right? Isn't that what the various NGO's and other, more covertly system-funded outfits have been telling us for the last 56 years?
Para What a hero this man is. Remember his "courageous" stance concerning paying back-dues to the figurehead U.N? Remember when he said that we would "never pay", until he was convinced that only white children were being aborted, with the use of UN funds. As long as a single black or brown mudess was having the contents of her womb vacummed out, he would "stand firm for what is right".
Para The deeds of this sack of demon-droppings are a matter of public record. There is absolutely nothing unusual about the career of Jesse Helms. I single him out, and encourage those who stubbornly cling to CONservatism, to study him, simply because he has proven qite adept at swimming in feces and coming up "smelling like a rose", to the politically and racially, naive. This old "Cold Warrior", deserves not only the undying hatred of all decent White men and women, but he also deserves to live long enough to see a photograph of himself beside "RACE TRAITOR" in our first post-revolution set of Encyclopedias.
"Remember, It's a ZOG eats dog world, so don't be one of their servile curs".--GEB
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