Preaching the Faith to the K.C. Red Star
To: Candidates for Missouri governor
From: The Kansas City Star Editorial Board
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire. If you need additional space
for these or other subjects, please answer on the back or add a page.
Please state your name, address, and all telephone numbers where we can
reach you, including campaign headquarters, if we have additional
Martin Lindstedt, Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri
Rt. 2 Box 2008
Granby, Missouri 64844
(417) 472-6901 Voice & Fax
WWW page: Patrick Henry On-Line, Your One Stop Shopping for Sedition at
I may be reached at my home, which is my campaign headquarters.
1. Why are you running for this office and what would be your priorities
if elected? PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. For example, if education is your
priority, state in what ways you would make changes in funding or state
laws concerning education.
The purpose of my running is to polarize the electorate. The majority
of the voters sense full well the coming storm, but continue to vote
for more of the same big government which is currently destroying the
social order. Since we are at that point in history which I call "The
choosing of sides," my job is to rally the discontented and the wise
onto the side of the Resistance, so that the coming conflict, anarchy,
and eventual despotism will be as short and as cheaply purchased in
terms of human misery as possible. Since there does not seem to be very
many political options left in the remaining time, it is far better to
get as many of the more decent people radicalized to the point where
the government dares not destroy via means of legal usurpation the
social order further. With great good luck, maybe the people will
change, and a true Republic can be re-established.
On the off chance that I get elected, my immediate priority will be
to use my powers of veto and recission to dismantle the government
controlled school system in favor of thousands of private schools
chosen by parents and children for their benefit. This will curtail the
supply of future statists, disempower the current crop of bureaucrats,
cut taxation and people's attitudes toward the desirability of taxation
for the "public good," and actually improve the quality of education by
promoting freedom to choose from a variety of free-market alternatives.
2. Do you currently hold elective or appointive office; if so, what?
What accomplishments are you most proud of and how would you transfer
your skills in creating those accomplishments into the governor's office?
Currently, I am Chairman of the Newton County Libertarian Party. I
was, until the May 25, 1996 Missouri Libertarian Convention, a 7th
Congressional District Delegate to the Missouri Expediting Committee. I
intend to stage a revolt from the grass-roots to regain that seat and
curtail the power of the Expediting Committee, as they are not living
up to their fine Libertarian principles.
I am a commanding officer of one militia, the 7th Missouri Militia,
and am a member of several other militia organizations. I act as a
conduit for information and communications between the far-flung and
jealously independent militia movement.
I write and publish a militant Libertarian newsletter, "The
Southwestern Missouri Libertarian." I also maintain a WWW page dedicated
to Libertarianism and militia matters. I have also written numerous
pamphlets, novels, and short stories to fill that WWW page.
How would my political, literary, and organizational accomplishments
translate to serving as Governor? Simple. Any competent Revolutionary
knows which social changes will make him irrelevant. The father of
revolution is injustice, the mother of revolution is inability to make
necessary changes. To forestall revolution, it will become necessary to
restore justice and allow people to flexibly arrange to meet new social
changes. I do not love anarchy and bloodshed for its own sake, and would
prefer to forestall revolution by curtailing the conditions which make
it inevitable.
Also the time spent kidnapped as a political prisoner under color of
law between April 2 - May 1, 1996 because I refused to borrow money to
pay a bogus traffic fine showed me that the entire Missouri court system
from the municipal courts to the Missouri supreme court is politically
dependent and corrupt. Lawyers and judges who refuse to obey
Constitutional and statutory law should be impeached, fined, and
imprisoned with their victims, thus achieving a raw form of justice. This
policy will be second only to finishing off the government school system.
3. If you are elected governor, what powers of office would you use to
help the state maintain economic stability and growth?
Cut taxes and unConstitutional regulations, bureaucracies, and usurped
powers mandated by the oversized State government through the use of
vetoes and recission of tax money. The current level of spending will
not increase, and if the General Assembly votes in higher taxes, as
Governor I shall not collect those taxes and I shall impound money
already alloted to cut the current level of taxation and spending.
With more of their own money remaining in their pocket, the citizens of
Missouri will be better able to look after their own interests in
maintaining economic stability and growth.
4. What steps should the governor take to encourage economic development?
Reduce taxes and state government regulation whenever possible and
the people will provide for their own economic interests.
5. What are the transportation needs of Missouri? What is your position
on creation of a funding source for mass transit/light rail in Kansas
Maintain the current highway system in full repair using the gasoline
use taxes paid into the treasury for that purpose. Perhaps, even a small
expantion of the current highway system can be implimented if funds
I oppose using tax money from highway gas taxes for purposes other
than road repair. State funds should not be diverted to purposes other
than from which it was derived, nor should the overall state pay taxes
for local government projects.
6. Do you favor changing Missouri gambling laws by removing or increasing
the cap on loss limits per "cruise," by doing away with cruising
requirements entirely, by allowing casinos to be land-based, or by any
other change?
No. The current provisions were voted upon after a political struggle
as to whether to allow gambling at all. I do not favor reopening that
kettle of fish because those who won and got their nose into the tent
are now greedy for even more gambling money.
7. Do you favor or oppose state licensure and inspection of church child
care centers on the same basis as other child care centers currently
I oppose increasing the burdens upon such child care centers. Those
parents who wish for the supposed "benefits" of a state bureaucracy
snooping into their child-care arrangements can choose to send their
children to licensed child care centers. There is supposed to be a
separation between church and state. Those parents who trust their
children with their church more than the government should not be forced
into a "one-size-fits-all" child-care collectivism.
8. Do you support state appropriations to provide family planning/birth
control services to low income women and teen-agers? Do you support
state appropriations to planned parenthood for this purpose?
No. Such funding inevitably becomes an excuse to fund abortions or
pro-abortion propaganda. There is not any Constitutional rational for
any such funding, and to make people pay taxes in opposition to moral
principles is tyranny.
Let those who want more abortions pay for them out of their own pocket.
9. Do you favor or oppose a woman's right to choose to terminate an
unwanted pregnancy?
No human being has the right to end the life of another human being,
even when the existence of the unwanted human being is inconvienient to
the interests of the more powerful.
10. Are there circumstances in which a woman's right to abortion should
be restricted, without a complete ban on abortion?
If a bill allowing an abortion in the case of medical necessity to
save the mother's life was passed by the general assembly, I would sign
it into law.
11. Do you favor legislation which would impose a life sentence for
child abuse that results in death?
In light of question #9 and #10, I assume you are talking about those
children allowed to be born.
I will look at such legislation and if it is a simple matter of
punishing infanticide or murder, I will sign it. However, if this is a
means of sneaking more social-welfare legislation or bureaucracy, the
objectionable parts shall be vetoed.
12. Should there be penalties for failure to report suspected cases of
child abuse by persons mandated to do so under the law?
If within current Constitutional provisions, yes.
13. Do you favor or oppose changing state law to allow Missourians to
carry concealed weapons?
Since concealed carry is a difficult process now, the current
unConstitutional prohibition of carrying concealed weapons should be
changed to allow concealed carry. Since society is breaking down, decent
citizens should be allowed to defend themselves without worrying about
police and judicial harrassment.
In the interim, as Governor, the judicious use of pardons can
eliminate bogus prosecutions.
14. Should public officials be banned from accepting anything of value,
including meals and drinks, from lobbyists?
15. Would you favor prohibiting public officials from becoming paid
lobbyists for a year or longer after they leave office?
Yes, in theory. However it raises First Amendment issues and unless
tightly drafted would fail judicial review.
16. Do you favor prohibiting public officials from representing clients
before state agencies while they are in office?
Constitution of Missouri Article 2, Distribution of Powers, already
forbids lawyers, as holding a monopoly position as officers of the court
from serving in Executive or Legislative positions. It is already illegal
and a conflict of interest for them to be representing clients before
state agencies now. However, lawyers, having no respect for law or
decency, currently ignore the law and the Constitution.
The reason for lawyers wanting to represent any clients while they are
illegally holding public office in the executive or legislative branches
is that a savvy criminal can pay the lawyer a large amount of money to
delay justice while the "public servant" is performing official
So I suppose my answer is "Yes," although it is merely a pinprick of
the current corrupt status lawyers are allowed to hold. It would be far
better to simply strip the lawyer guild of legal monopoly status and all
funds acquired while engaged in enjoying monopoly atatus.
17. Do you support the Missouri non-partisan court plan whereby Judges
are nominated by a nominating commission and chosen by the governor?
No. While it would be a temptation to try to only appoint honest people
to the courts, the current system only allows the governor to choose
from three crooks appointed by the lawyers' guild. The current lack of
judicial integrety and independence of the Missouri courts show the
failings of this alleged "non-partisan Missouri" scheme.
Far better to let the people elect the judges and to allow them to
choose non-lawyer judges, with terms of only two years. Or better yet,
allow juries to take over judicial functions with the most intelligent
and honest of jurors trained in the principles of law to act as a neutral
presiding officers. This jury would undertake its historic function as
tryers of both fact and law.
18. What are the biggest problems facing Missouri education?
Government schools are nothing more than a way for political interests
to indoctrinate the next generation into worshipping the government
while providing political patronage. Setting up a government school is
equivalent to establishing a government religion. It is the means by
which government interests produce a new generation of drones by taking
children away from their parents, teaching them to worship the state-god
and dumbing them down into docility.
Government schools are the largest items of both taxation and government
spending, indoctrinating the taxpayer that all he has to do is vote "yes"
and everyone else will pay most of the tax bills, further eroding the
social order as taxes rise beyond peoples' ability to pay.
Since the people most responsible for creating awful government schools
cannot be trusted with "reforming" their mess, it would be best to
exterminate the government schools and allow free-market schools to
return to parental control by all means possible.
19. Do you support the outstanding Schools Act, Missouri's school funding
and reform law passed in 1993 (SB 380)? Does it need modification in any
No. I met a number of school board officials who were forced to expand
their tax levies without any need for the $2.75 per $100 assessed
valuation while campaigning for Hancock II in 1994. SB 380 was nothing
less than blackmail forced on school districts in order to pay for the
Kansas City federal desegregation scheme.
The only modification SB 380 needs is repeal.
20. Do you support the state's current legal efforts to end court
oversight of the Kansas City school desegregation program? Please
explain your position on the case, including any alternatives you favor.
Yes, although I don't like the way the State of Missouri is even
bothering to acknowledge that the federal government has a say in the
If the feds like overseeing Kansas City schools so much, let them pay
for it.
My alternative is eliminating public schooling force-financed at the
federal and state level in favor of local control and privatization.
21. Where there is a difference or opinion between the attorney general
and the governor concerning the Kansas City desegregation case, which
official should ultimately determine state policy?
The governor, as he is responsible for the executive branch of
government. I am, of course, running for governor.
22. Does the Missouri tax limitation amendment approved by voters in
April go far enough to protect taxpayers?
I was opposed to that amendment fraud wherein governor Carnahan and
the politicians of the general assembly snuck in a $50 million dollar
tax increase under guise of tax limitation. I despise Margaret Kelly for
endorsing this crookedness.
I was the only local politician in this area that I know of who
collected over 250 signatures in favor of Hancock II when I ran for
132nd State Representative in 1994. Hancock II didn't go far enough, but
it was a start.
Sooner, rather than later, the citizens of Missouri will need serious
TAX CUTS rather than mere cosmetic tax limitation.
23. Do you support the ballot question later this year to allow cities
and counties to reinstate the 1.5 percent use tax which was struck down
by the Supreme Court?
No. It would be the equivalent of kissing direct mail sales good-bye.
I certainly am not going to report on my mail-order purchases.
24. What do you think of the performance goals set by the state Board of
Education for school districts?
Cosmetic paper shuffling dictated by the political aspirations of
school bureaucrats.
25. Do you support or oppose the use of tax dollars to pay for vouchers
for private or parochial education?
Of course I support vouchers as a necessary interim step to dismantle
government schools. Eventually, though, there will be very low or no
school taxes collected at the state and federal levels when local and
parental control is established and customized free-market educational
alternatives are the norm. Then vouchers will be unnecessary.
26. Do you favor continuation of the one-tenth-cent sales tax for soil
and water conservation without change as currently proposed by a citizens'
initiative petition drive? Does there need to be a change in the tax to
include urban parks and stormwater projects in the funding?
No. End the tax. Do not expand it to cover the wants of more
political constituencies.
27. Should there be further restrictions on the development and location
of hog farms in Missouri, in addition to what the legislature passed
this session?
I favor bonding and insurance by the corporate hog farmers to cover
complaints arising from operations. Not further legislation which allows
pollution via means of fines paid to government bureaucracies without
restitution to private interests harmed by corporate operations.
28. Should Missouri pass a tax cut for families who care for elderly
Not if it means that other taxpayers must take up the slack. I prefer
tax cuts for all Missouri citizens.
29. Would you favor steps to simplify Missouri's income tax structure?
If so, what steps? Do you favor simplifying Missouri's income tax forms
for individuals and corporations?
Yes, abolition of income taxes for individuals. A person who does not
have control of his income is a slave. Since all legitimate government
flows from the consent of the governed, the individual has no duty to
support the government, much less a duty to fill out papers detailing
how much money and property he has for the government to take.
30. Do you support reform of health care, including medical insurance?
What kind of changes would you make and how would you pay for them?
I am all for free-market-based reform of the health care system.
The best way to do that is to increase the supply of medical
alternatives by abolishing the medical monopoly and government licensing
of physicians and allowing people to prescribe their own medical wants
and needs. Since everyone is going to die someday anyway, the number of
deaths will not exceed live births. With the wide range of medical
alternatives available, medical attention will become cheaper and better
as people who want to live will avail themselves of increased
Employers, insurers, and patients, having more money to spend because
of less government regulation and taxes, will be able to pay for their
own medical attention. Since we will always have the poor among us,
private charity will take up the rest of the slack.
31. How do you feel about government help for child care and training for
persons who are transitioning from welfare to work?
The notion of having the government pay for a babysitter in order for
the mother to work at McDonald's is absurd. Right now, only 28 cents or
less out of a welfare dollar is given directly to the mother, the rest
is eaten out in bureaucratic overhead.
The solution is to up the rate of money paid to the welfare mom and
child to 45 cents on the dollar, cut the social welfare bureaucracy to
where it is only using a nickel of the dollar, and refund the remaining
50 cents to the taxpayer.
Note: Only one welfare child will be paid for, if the mother chooses
Norplant, voluntary sterilization, or to give the surplus children up for
adoption, welfare money will be allowed for those options.
Government "help" for child care and training for non-existant or
low-wage jobs is a waste of money in order to further more government
welfare overhead.
Please include basic biographical information involving education, work
history, family or other information that helps define who you are.
Please enclose or send any campaign literature you may have which talks
about you or your position on the issues.
Martin Lindstedt, Libertarian Candidate for Governor of Missouri
CO, 7th Missouri Militia, member of other militia groups
Filed a lawsuit against the Missouri Libertarian Party, a federal
lawsuit against MSSC College and the City of Joplin, a suit against the
Missouri Department of Revenue, and several others.
Born: 12-25-57
Bachelor Science, Business Administration Dec. 1984 Missouri Southern
State College
Truck Driver, Writer, print and electronic Publisher, Litigator
The Kansas City Star is referred to as the KC Red-Star in this neck of
the woods and I doubt that I have a chance as a conservative Libertarian
to gain your endorsement. However, I am available for an interview at
your newspaper's convenience. Thank you.
Martin Lindstedt