Ralph Reed, former Executive Director of the Christian Coalition, speaking of his precious jews, mouth-farted: "We read the same Scriptures; we seek the same things for our children and our nation." Ralphie recently organized a pro-Isn'tReal rally where tens of thousands of his fellow cultists showed up to demand that CEO Bush continue to support the 8'th century-convert-khazar-hybrids that they like to pretend are the "bible people"?! What a joke. That's like holding a protest to demand that a crack-addicted prostitute continue to turn "tricks". Another Speck Of Spiritual Excrement Speaks
(and confirms that everything I say about the men of fraud is true)
To: Ralphie:
Oh, I have NO doubt that you are telling the fraud's (god's?) honest truth when you say that you wish the same things for America that your CUMinnant (covenant?) people do. You have long evinced a deep fascination with those who work day and night to murder your own people.
Onward, butt-goy soldier! Tell me the truth, Ralphie. Doesn't the blood rush to a certain "naughty" part of your anatomy everytime one of your kike-handlers tells you what a good little goy you've been? You really enjoy seeing those mind-laundered blonde beauties on the arm of some "conservative", "righteous" Clarence-Thomas type, don't you? You must have to fight back those "unclean thoughts" when a block-headed white male (in genitalia only) brings his mail-order "christian" bride from the Philipines to church/temple with him, huh? I bet you'd just loved to have had the chance to "spell off" the lucky groom on his wedding night!
In all seriousness, you have violated statements 1 and 2 of NON SERVIAM'S Rede Of Honor:
1) Love and care for your race always, and have the fierceness of a wolf in their protection.There is no valid excuse for your behavior. You profit yourself at the expense of your own kind. By spreading your moral/ethical leprosy, you make it more difficult for upright Aryans to protect and advance the interests of their people. The pulpit provided you by jewry allows you unfettered access (and instant credibility) with the less discerning members of the race. Having followed your career for some time, I can truthfully say that you are both shameless and conciously complicit in crimes against Aryan humanity. Promotion of jewish causes (namely Zionism and misceganation) are acts of high treason. You had better "pray" that your masters prove victorious, because if they don't . . .2) Individual and collective advancement are achieved by living in harmony with the natural order of the world.
"We're going to see, for instance, the growth of a White subculture in the United States. Just as, during the Middle Ages, there were some people with a natural immunity to the Black Death -- to the plague -- so there will emerge a segment of American society which is more or less immune to the Judaeo-Christian poison."
--Dr. William Pierce 9/84.
Trent Lott Kisses Nigger Ass part # . . .
( I lost count )
Did any of you catch that piece of crap cigar-store-injun, Trent Lott "apologizing" for his insensitivity to the glorified ape community yesterday? He wanted them to know that he really does support integration, phony admiration for Strom Thurmond notwithstanding. He is glad that it led to a four-fold increase in ape-on-human violence. He wanted kikes and their shitskin pets to know that the 20,000 rapes of White women committed by said pets on an annual basis, do not bother him in the slightest. He hopes they continue. He was only sucking up to whoever was in the room at the moment, as he is wont to do. If kikes had been stinking up the hall, he would have been extolling the virtues of Isn'tReal. If it had been a convention of race-mixers he would have gone on and on about his loathing of blonde hair and blue eyes.This whole uproar over his pretending (for 30 seconds) to be a decent White man hurts him deeply. Trent is proud of his red-nigger great-granddaddy and honestly is indifferent to the fate of what he like to call "haters" and "extremists". All those who have had Trent's nose up their posteriors in the past KNOW what a whigroid scum-froth and all-round ass-clown that he is. HOW DARE they turn around and pretend that he is a man of honor! Everyone knows better than that.
Recommended Book for 12/11/02
The Hellbound Heart
by: Clive BarkerThis is the book that inspired the "Hellraiser" series of movies. While there is nothing overtly racial about the book, I enjoyed it a lot because I would love to think that such a world of eternal torment existed in which system swine and the mud, cruds and duds who comprise the participants of the "noble experiment" of judeo-masonry could be re-payed in full for all they've done. I loved the movies. "Pinhead" HATES with a passion that I can truly relate to. Anyone who has ever wanted to reach out and meat-hook someone should check out the book (and movies).
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