The Artificial And Alien Ideas That Made An Abortion Of America
"What does the above mean? 'America is an abortion?' What the hell are you talikng about, LaVellian? America's the greatest country on God's not-so-green earth."Actually, It is a quite literal statement. America was "conceived" by those who fought and died for her (rank and file Aryans), and not allowed to "come to term" by those who from day one thought the fledging nation theirs to do with as they willed. These followers of an insane, anti-nature and non-Aryan system of thought, exercised "choice" and aborted it. That philosophy is jewish and impositional. It is hostile to nature and all those who naturally prosper under its laws. Up is down and pleasure is pain in the mental realm of the judeo-masonic true believer.
--Clueless jew-dazed patrIdiotWhile it is actually quite easy for the emotionally emancipated to laugh and sneer at the idiotic, childish mental meanderings of jew-influenced early "elite" Americans, it is not so easy to combat their poison fruits (mob rule, pandering to the lowest common denominator, false mercy for 'de weak', 'weze all be ekwalls') that continue to afflict us today.
For instance, accepting the yoke of duplicitous democracy, is acceptance of the idea that up is down and down is up and that that is the way it always should have been. The weak and stupid have always and will always outnumber those who can judge things with the head instead of running data through the unAryan, jewish construct,"concience". We are born with instincts, and those who give free reign to them are in contact with the "race soul". Never will their minds be tormented by the hate-filled kike krap of judeo-masonry and its philosophical offspring (judeo-Christianity,'new age' Secular Humanism, or any other effeminate system of belief). When called a "hater" by these wastes of white skin my favorite thing to point out is that there is nobody sicker and more "hateful" than one who begrudges their own children a future worth living in.
I could go on for a week naming names and creating a "Whigger Hall Of Shame", but instead I will just provide some representative samples of this "high-minded" bilge and show you the madness and rot it has wrought.
A) "There is no doubt that the negro too, is a man."The elite white traitors who pretend that their "truths" transcend/trump race, lie. Whether this lying is done knowingly or not, is beyond meaningless. The kike hates and fears homogenous White lands, thus he seeks to mongrelize them to provide for his own safety. The white traitor thinks the kike is oh-so clever, for if all White lands look like non-white lands, noone can object to their neo-colonial policies (or so the wet-dream thinking goes). Many of these pieces of filth have even gone to the length of polluting their own blood-lines in an attempt to "blend in" with those they wish to exploit. Such madness will in due time lead to their extinction, not to the pax-judaica that these spoilt-rotten swine envision. The jews hate us, the perceptive among us hate them right back. That's one thing. What should REALLY anger us is the fact that the country-club Whigroid Establishment doesn't give a rats-ass either way about their own race. We have never been anything more to them than niggers!
Oh my! How profound! As though he who spoke this had actually said ANYTHING. Can you think of a statement more meaningless than this? The hallmark of the castrated moralist/ethicist is the stating of the obvious and/or the pointless, with an air of pseudo-importance. Who cares if the nigger is classified as "animal", "man" or "other"? The nigger, for a myriad of reasons has no place in White society. What you call him/her/it is a matter of great indifference to the clear-thinking. Only the ivory-tower types have the time/inclination to think these "great thoughts". Furthermore, a cursory perusal of history will reveal that these men also had a curious habit of not living their "truth". They just shared their mental flatulence with the rest of us. Weren't they generous?B) "All men are created equal"/"inalienable rights"
These have long been personal pet peeves of mine. Such notions are stupid, impractical and were not meant for one single solitary moment by those who affixed their signatures to the document that contained them. The truly "illuminated" lodge-members understood this to mean that all serfs are equally worthless. Does anyone really think that these elitists meant that they themselves were "equal" to the White man or woman who worked with their hands?Beware of those who come in the name of "Equality". They are either fitting you for chains or are simply moronic. Nature provides opportunities/possibilities. We are not born with anything (including our very lives), that cannot be taken away. This has been said better by others but it bears repeating: MIGHT IS RIGHT. Is the wolf born with a "right" to a steady supply of sheep to eat? Is the sheep born with a "right" to die of old-age, untouched by the predations of wolves? The answers are obvious and those who would croak that "we aren't animals" better be prepared to offer more than a few book quotations in defense of the indefensible!
c) "What about morality?"
First of all, what is this ever-changing tool of the cynic called "morality"? Who/what dictates it and why should we conform ourselves to it when it means our ruination and collective demise? Every criminal scum-froth has a whole litany of grievances and ethical indictments to bring against our Folk. There will never be a shortage of those who screech of how they have been mistreated by evil uncaring Aryans and how until the end of time they are owed a free lunch (and anything else they might want to take). Is there any sensible reason why we should give a second thought to the "concerns" of kikes, niggers, beaners, queers or any other grouping of garbage that wants to parasite off us while at the same time insisting that we at least LOOK like we like it? The answer of course is an emphatic NO. All of the aforementioned collections of trash learned their manipulative BS from the model provided them by nature's foremost parasite -- the eternal kike. If we can find it within ourselves to resist the vampirizing of the self-chosen, then it should be quite easy to ignore the carping and crying of third-rate holocaust survivor wannabes (all the rest who comprise the mud/crud coalition)."Morality", as far as it can be said to exist, is strictly a racial thing. To borrow from Ben Klassen for a moment; 'What is good for the White race is the highest virtue. What is bad for the White race is the ultimate sin.' That about covers this topic, doesn't it? A White man who "picks off" beaners trying to enter his country would be "moral". A 'small w' white castrate who due to his insane, subversive religious faith asists the invaders by housing and feeding them would be "immoral".
For to long, the frothing filth of freemasonry has weaved its spell over the hearts and minds of these pukes until finally they have accepted the lunatic notion that their OWN racial type must cease to be so that they might continue their blood-sucking ways. You cannot reason with such individuals, they must be "staked"! These are the swine whose parents and gandparents enriched themselves at the expense of millions upon millions of Aryans during the recently concluded century. They and their kike "friends and advisors" have always been more than willing to break a few (million) eggs in order to prepare a kosher omelette. Every time they need us to further their Zio/Babyl/masonic cause, they come to us with the latest great "moral imperative". I beg of you to stop responding. If it is bad for the race, then it is BAD, period. Integration, the State of Israel, open door mud immigration, and on and on and on, have all been horribly wrong for the White race. This should/must be all that matters to you. The rest is jewish and as such should automatically be rejected. Nature imposes no "white man's burden". Break the mental chains that bind and find yourself and your people.
Our hope lies not in a "living breathing" aracial CONstitution, nor does it lie in waiting for something/one to 'take out the trash' for us. Hope lies in embracing truth in all things, at all times. Don't pine away for an America that was never allowed to be. What "America" do you want back? (dis)Honest Abe Lincolns? Woodrow Wilson's? FDR's? JFK's? 'Dubya's, perhaps? Nietszche was correct when he said that it was "no requirement of truth that it makes one feel good". The truth is out there and it's not pretty. But it is still the truth, and that is what matters.
Recommended CD For 12/15/02
Bolt Thrower
Earache"What Dwells Within" and "Cenotaph" are my favorites on this disc. Creators of "war metal", Bolt Thrower has been a consistently great band, even while having to deal with a few line-up changes. This is a testament to how pure and strong their vision is. It matters not how many times I play a BT disc, they always seem fresh to me.
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