Bush Announces New CompASSionate CONservative Agenda
I read about this "New Agenda" the other day and think it worth commenting on. Most of G.oy W.higger's agenda has to do with his "war" on the "evil ones", of course. There are more lies about securing the "homeland", as well. The plan to open the Southern border even wider is in true-jew Orwellian fashion refered to by the Bushites as "Immigration reform". The abuses of the English language and the insults to our intelligence continue unabated.The rest consists of BS about improving the education offered to apelings and spiclets, "saving social security", and paying off all the religious scum (faith-based initiative) in America that play such a HUGE role in programming the White masses to accept the murder of their own kind. With what this ass-clown is promising to do TO us (not for us), I'd love some of the political throwbacks who cling to the electoral process to explain to me what exactly it is that those "nasty liberals" would do to us that the CONservative right hasn't already done or is in the process of doing. What would the "liberals" do that should matter one iota to a thinking Aryan? Open up the borders? Embrace ass-kissing policies where muds and cruds are concerned?
I'm serious, here. What is it that should motivate a sane White man or woman to debase him/herself by showing up at the polls to pick between butt-goy A and butt-goy B in 2004? Would those lefties reverse Bush's tax cut? Well, seeing as how I don't know a single Aryan who makes over $350,000 a year, I can't get too excited about that one. Would they move to supress public worship of the jewish people and the state of Israel? Highly doubtful, seeing as how both parties have always supported the subsidization of jew-worship in America.
Personally, I hope Joe Lieberman runs for and WINS in '04. I'm tired of looking at all the middle men. It's time for a REAL KIKE to openly captain the USS ZOG. Wouldn't it be nice if they'd stop selecting all these Reagan-type, judeo-Christian whigroids to front for them?
Whiggers And Replicants
Most folks have probaly seen the movie "Blade Runner" and if you haven't it's really worth your renting. Harrison Ford plays a guy whose job it is to ID and then terminate the "Replicants" (a line of robots that can pass for human in almost every respect). The way they are exposed is to hook them up to a device that guages their reactions to a series of questions. All replicants can do is call up programmed responses for the most part, they weren't designed to be able to respond "emotionally" in the way a human being would. I was listening to 'man on the street' comments the other day on MSNBC and it made me think of the Replicants. I started to wonder -- Could Whiggers Be Machines? Might they be like us Aryans in every way BUT the ability to respond outside of their programming? I'll provide some examples of whigger responses to a few current issues facing America and let you be the judge:ON OPEN BORDERS WITH MEXICO:I've often told whiggers to "get real". Maybe I was being unfair and asking them for the impossible. Perhaps Whiggers are the creation of mad kike scientists. Maybe the only real Whites left are the one's who call themselves Aryans. Yes, I think I'm on to something here! The way to ID these Whigroid Replicants is to ask them point-blank -- "ARE YOU AN ARYAN?" They will not be able to say "yes" and will probably say something along the lines of "I'm an American and proud of it" or "I'm a (small w) white person of European descent and take no particular pride in that fact", or perhaps they will respond by rattling off a judeo-Christian "imprint" such as "Dog is no respector of man. I am but a child of dog and he loves all his children eeek-wually."Whigger A: "It’s wrong for many to blame immigrants for America’s social problems. It's accurate to credit immigrants with fueling the past decade’s economic growth."
Whigger B: "Blessed be the Lard and his servant G.W Bush!"
"Whigger C: "Immigrant workers contribute more in taxes than they use in services".
Whigger D: "We must acknowledge our dependence on immigrant workers.To do less ignores facts, and our heritage as a nation of immigrants."ON WAR IN IRAQ:
Whigger A: "He (Saddam) is evil. He gasses his own people."
Whigger B: "Blessed be the Lard and his servant G.W. Bush!"
Whigger C: "He (Saddam) hates freedom."
Whigger D: "As a country that loves peace, we must go to war with Iraq."ON RACE RELATIONS:
Whigger A: "I want the color-blind America that Martin Luther King wanted."
Whigger B: "Blessed be the Lard and his servant G.W. Bush!"
Whigger C: "Rodney King put it beautifully when he asked 'Can't we all just get along?'"
Whigger D: "All men are equal, This I know. For the system, Tells me so."
Well, it's worth trying because even if they aren't really Replicants, you'll have at least identified yourself some race-traitors.
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