.UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF MISSOURI SOUTHERN DIVISION THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST CHRISTIAN/ )ARYAN NATIONS OF MISSOURI, et. al. ) Plaintiffs ) )vs. ) CASE NO. 08-3405-CV-S-AFS )SENATOR BARACK HUSSEIN )OBAMA, et. al. ) Defendants )PLAINTIFFS' RULE 59(e) MOTION TO ALTER, ABOLISH, OR AMEND THIS COURT'S ORDERS OF JUNE 17, 2009 Comes now the Plaintiffs, Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations, its subordinate political party, the Newton County White Nationalist-Socialist Libertarian Party, and its ArchBishop/Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt to ask this Court to vacate, change, or set aside of its ORDER of June 17, 2009 dismissing Plaintiffs’ suit against all Defendants and this Court’s ORDER also of June 17, 2009 denying Plaintiffs’ Motion against Defendant ‘Sheriff’ Ken Copeland for assault and battery against Plaintiff Lndstedt when attempting lawful service upon ‘Sheriff’ Copeland. This Motion is under Rule 59(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure:
e) Motion to Alter or Amend a Judgment. A motion to alter or amend a judgment must be filed no later than 10 days after the entry of the judgment.
This Court claims that this is a ‘curious lawsuit.’ It is also a secret lawsuit given that even the jewsmedia and press cannot find any sign of the pleadings in the official record and but only the docket sheet. It would seem that the federal courts are determined that this lawsuit with its implications that non-whites – niggers – are allowed to run for the highest public office in the land, and Plaintiff ArchBishop Lindstedt as an open White Nationalist was not allowed to run for governor and county sheriff by virtue of being jailed without trial on a bogus case of child molestation which could not be proven and which had to be dismissed – well after the 2008 general elections. In short by dismissing this case, this Court has in effect rubberstamped the electoral practices of such hotspots of democracy as Russia, China, Zimbabwe, and now Iran. This Court has dismissed the lawsuit even though most of the Defendants have refused to accept service, return the waiver of service, and answer Plaintiff’s Summons and Complaint, and the alleged fraudulent nigger ‘president’ and his stepin’ fetchit nigger attorney general have been those most determined to put themselves above both the White Man’s Law and The White Man himself. This Court actually has a duty under Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to return a judgment by default against the Defendants and for the Plaintiffs. This Court instead cravenly ‘jewed’ Christian White Plaintiffs out of equal justice under the law and dismissed the case by claiming that it could not be understood by this judge Sachs, even though understood by court clerks, and without all Defendants giving an answer, and the Defendants who did give an answer essentially not answering to their particular crimes, but rather gave the non sequiter that they were not responsible for what the alleged fraudulent nigger president did.
Plaintiffs hereby demand that this case be reinstated, that this Court force ALL Defendants to answer the summons and answer for their individual and official acts of misconduct – not bullshit it away by claiming that they are not responsible for what the fraudulent nigger alleged president did when Plaintiffs didn’t ever claim that they were responsible for its acts in getting s]elected, but rather in not allowing Plaintiffs to run for political office because of anti-White Christian and White Nationalist exclusion from the electoral process. None of them get a free ride on the alleged nigger president’s coat-tails by claiming, “You can’t sue our alleged nigger president” and “therefore I get a free ride as well.” Nor any whining about how Plaintiffs are racist. Of course we are racist. This criminal ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government)/Babylonian regime disabled the lawful protections against allowing non-whites to run in the 1940s. Sixty years later, this criminal regime is taking the politically explosive step from which next lies a racial, religious, and class civil war of essentially saying that openly White political activists cannot run for public office, regardless of whether they are jailed without trial or not.
Plaintiffs will make the following suggestions of both fact and law in greater detail:
I. THIS COURT CANNOT LAWFULLY EVADE ITS DUTY BY PRETENDING IT CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THE COMPLAINT Otherwise any and every court would evade its duty by ducking the issue when it is inconvenient or against the interests of those with whom it shares power. Which is what this Court has done.
A. On the first page of its ORDER of June 17, 2009, paragraph 3, the judge, a jew by the name of Howard F. Sachs, says that he was assigned by the Clerk’s Office on the day this lawsuit was filed, Election Day, Nov. 4, 2009 “because there were allegations of unconstitutionality of § 115.355, RSMo, requiring declarations of candidacy to be in person unless there is a physical disability or membership in the armed forces.” Judge Sachs then allows that “If litigated, I take it that there would be an Equal Protection issue, unrelated to the Presidential election.”
Well, this issue is indeed being litigated – Right Now!!! Judge Sachs above admits that his Court Clerks can see a legal issue which is why they assigned him to take this case, and Judge Sachs sees a Constitutional issue himself. So regardless of whether or not this lawsuit fits what this Judge claims is the ‘main issue’ – whether or not Plaintiffs can sue the fraudulent nigger alleged president – Rule 20 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure calling for ‘permissive joinder of parties means that this Court cannot lawfully sever all of the rest of the defendants given that this judge has already admitted that there is litigational and constitutional gold in that thar’ lawsuit of Plaintiffs’.
Plaintiff Lindstedt was informed by the court clerk who took the $350 filing fee and civil complaint that the judge randomly assigned was named Howard F. Sachs, a jew, and that the Aryan Nations plaintiff would have to accept that. Plaintiff Lindstedt said that this would give him something to bitch about if the case went against us, but that even a jew was preferable to that dumb football player that Dumbya Bush II had appointed to the bench named Richard Dorr. However, Plaintiff will make political hay over this matter.
B. This judge Sachs quotes Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 127 S.Ct. (2007) and a slew of newer cases claiming that Rule 8, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, is violated by “overly long and rambling” complaints, including “allegations that are not part of the same transactions or series of transactions that do not share common questions of law and fact between the several defendants.” However, all of the Defendants share the same common question of law: Can a non-white be allowed to run for public office while at the same time a White Christian can, under sundry pretexts, be denied his Constitutional right to run for Governor and for Sheriff? The way things are set up, it really doesn’t matter whether Plaintiff Lindstedt and his political organs even were unlawfully imprisoned or not. The way things are set up, thanks probably to a federal agent provocateur named ‘TraitorGlenn Miller’ no openly White Christian Man can run on a political party with ballot access. Couple that with the fact that many and most of the Defendants had Plaintiff Lindstedt unlawfully imprisoned without trial or habeas corpus or affordable bail although not a flight risk, were unlawfully doping him up as happened during the worst days of the former Soviet Union, and that all or most of the Defendants benefitted from this treasonous tyranny, then any complaint which sets these matters down may well be “overly long and rambling.” However, Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly does not overturn the Conley v. Gibson 355 U.S. 41, 47 holding that “The decisive answer to this is that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do not require a claimant to set out in detail the facts upon which he bases his claim. To the contrary, all the Rules require is "a short and plain statement of the claim" that will give the defendant fair notice of what the plaintiff's claim is and the grounds upon which it rests.” 355 U.S. 48 further states “Following the simple guide of Rule 8(f) that "all pleadings shall be so construed as to do substantial justice," we have no doubt that petitioners' complaint adequately set forth a claim and gave the respondents fair notice of its basis. The Federal Rules reject the approach that pleading is a game of skill in which one misstep by counsel may be decisive to the outcome, and accept the principle that the purpose of pleading is to facilitate a proper decision on the merits.” The Plaintiffs are pro se, and are held to a more lenient standard of pleading and unlike the Bell Atlantic Corp. case there is not much expensive discovery to be made.
The few Defendants who did render an answer evaded the gravamen of the case. The Rule 12 Motion of the Defendants Newton County public officials Skouby, Dobbs, Copeland and Baum, and for some reason the Newton County Republican Party (were taxpayer funds used to hire the lawyer for a county political party) to Dismiss (Doc.3) was merely an evasive claim that Plaintiffs had no cause of action, standing, and that Defendants were not proper parties. All that was made were these bare assertions, no genuine material facts were presented. So all that was presented was these Defendants saying that no, they could not be sued because their lawyer said that they could not be sued. This is not a rational reason to dismiss the case against above Defendants.
This court says that a similar motion to dismiss was made by Circuit Court Judge John LePage and the Missouri Department of Mental Health – a disparate coupling of state defendants by the Missouri Attorney General’s office (Doc. 9). The arguments were bogus, the Assistant Attorney General of Missouri claiming that Defendant judge John LePage has absolute immunity from civil suit although Plaintiffs are seeking no monetary damages, only declaratory and injunctive relief for judge LePage violating his office as judge to deny the basic writ of Anglo-Saxon law, the great writ of habeas corpus in order to imprison Plaintiff Lindstedt without trial, bond, and due process of law resulting in Plaintiff Lindstedt’s not being able to run for public office of Governor. The Defendant Department of Mental Health violated Plaintiff Lindstedt’s right to run for public office while illegally incarcerated by them, and tried to violate his right to vote. Yet the lawyer for these Defendants, and who should have made an appearance for all State of Missouri Defendants, merely made a bogus claim “that the alleged harms alleged are not fairly traceable to either Defendant.”
However, these Defendants were able to read and understand the claim made and the federal judge was able to understand that Plaintiff was kept from running for office by being imprisoned by these two Defendants’ misconduct. Whether or not they understand the claims made against the other Defendants is irrelevant to this case. They have been told in the initial complain why they were sued. Whether or not they agree that they are guilty is to be decided at trial by jury, not on the basis of a half-baked claim that a federal judge wants to accept in violation of the whole point of there being a federal judiciary.
Something is made of the fact that Plaintiff didn’t answer these two measly meager bogus ‘answers’ that answered nothing but merely made more lies. The fact of the matter is that there is no requirement that Plaintiff make a reply given that, as mentioned above in Conley at 48, “The Federal Rules reject the approach that pleading is a game of skill in which one misstep by counsel may be decisive to the outcome, and accept the principle that the purpose of pleading is to facilitate a proper decision on the merits.”
C. Additionally, Plaintiffs have no doubt that the Defendants got their thieving little pointy heads together and conspired to let one or two Defendants make an ‘answer’ while they violated the Rule 4 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure requirement to make an answer of some sort within 60 days. This Court by dismissing the lawsuit against Defendants who have not even bothered to make an answer, especially the lead thieving fraudulent nigger alleged president who isn’t even a citizen of the United States isn’t even bothering to play by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. C’mon, make them give an answer of some kind or sort before you turn them all loose to commit election treason again.
D. This “taking judicial notice that none of the Defendants can prevent” the what this regime court claims to be ‘President Obama’ “from taking office, as he has done, so the case has become moot, in its principal objective” is sheer kikeshit. Plaintiffs never were suing the Defendants who in many cases conspired to foist this fraudulent nigger alleged president upon both Christian and non-Christian Aryan Israel because they couldn’t keep from doing what they planned to do along. Plaintiffs were suing the Defendants for violating the Plaintiff’s political and electoral CONstitutional and Bill of Goods rights to run for Governor and Sheriff while illegally confined without due process of law and trial. This Court has the power – if it chooses to use it – to question whether it is lawful to allow non-whites to run for the highest public office in the land while on the other hand allowing White Christian heterosexual men to not be allowed to run for state and local office precisely because they are openly and unapologetically pro-White and pro-Christian. This decision by this federal court in effect disenfranchises White Christian men and sets up fraudulent niggers, jews, faggots, beaners, mamzers (miscegenated bastards under Deut. 23:2) to rule over an enslaved White Christian Aryan Israel.
E. Not being hypocrites, Plaintiffs can only wish that there had been a White Christian heterosexual federal judge who sixty years ago when the niggers wanted to be able to vote and run for public office had pulled the same shit on them as federal judge Howard F. Sachs has pulled on Plaintiffs. Then the Sixth-Day Beasts of the Field niggers, beaners, gooks, mamzers, and spawn-of-Satan jews, and faggots, perverts, and worst of all whigger (‘white’ nigger) criminal regimeist race-traitors wouldn’t be ruling over us White Christian Aryan Israelites as the new slaves. Essentially now us White Men are on the bottom and slated for slavery and extermination and we sure as hell don’t like it. But YHWH said that the racial alien and jew would rule over the Israelite very high, and we would be down very low for our sins both individually and as a sinning Servant Nation people.
II. SO WHAT ARE YOUR GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Given that quite a few of my White Nationalist colleagues like Hal Turner and Pastor Robert Joos, and the not much liked or respected Bill White/Weiss and Hardy Mongrol-Lloyd are in jail on trumped-up charges for running their mouths and thinking that the CONstipation and Bill of Goods was going to protect them, and an acquaintance James Von Brunn the only one who got his licks in precisely because he kept his mouth shut, Plaintiffs are certainly not going to make any threats. However, this decision to essentially disenfranchise White people from being able to peacefully run for public office openly as White Nationalists will have consequences:
A. Plaintiffs filed this lawsuit expecting it to be lost from the beginning. White people have no rights that the ZOG/Babylon government need respect and the sooner Whites realize that the better. Plaintiffs filed this lawsuit hoping that this Court would in essence disenfranchise White Christian people and give us no choice but revolt. And that Pastor Lindstedt and his faction of the Aryan Nations would be seen leading the political fight. This political objective was accomplished for $350, which also lead to a lawsuit against Defendants who had illegally imprisoned Plaintiff Lindstedt for 3 ½ years and helped to disgorge Plaintiff Lindstedt and make the bogus charges fall apart.
However, this Court is ruling that White Nationalists have no political rights to run for public office in Missouri since the political parties with ballot access can reject the filing fee of any overt White Nationalist candidate, jailed or not, thanks to TraitorGlenn Miller’s and his ZOG handlers’ tricks back in 2006. Is this federal court prepared to deal with the domestic and foreign political and legal consequences of its decision? Domestically as it is now, a sizable majority of Whites think that the nigger alleged president is not even a U.S. citizen, which is a source of great amusement among us White Nationalists. Yes, ZOG spent a half-trillion ZOGbux on [s]electing the nigger, but if sufficient Whites do not recognize this federal regime led by this nigger as legit, what then? Can ZOG/Babylon survive with the passive resistance of White people, much less armed resistance against a criminal regime deemed at best illegitimate and at worst genocidal against Whites?
And what will happen to ZOG/Babylon’s smarmy hue-man rights preaching against Russia, China, Zimbabwe, and now against Iran if ZOG/Babylon won’t even allow overtly White Nationalists to run for political office?
B. This Rule 59(e) Motion timely filed means that you as a judge must either alter, amend and abolish this decision of yours, or Plaintiffs can file an appeal. Granted, Plaintiffs don’t really have much ready cash, but perhaps a number of others can be induced to join Plaintiffs’ Church and contribute money for the political warfare fund for this lawsuit. Perhaps Plaintiffs can sell Aryan Nations trinkets and make little whigger nutsionalist peckers hard that they are real Aryan warriors and propel this leading Aryan Nations faction to national attention. Will the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals essentially disenfranchise openly White Nationalist candidates and furthermore, thus essentially enslave White people to be nothing more than hewers of wood and drawers of water tax-slaves for non-whites, jews, and whigger regime criminals? Will the contents of this lawsuit remain a dirty little secret?
C. Plaintiffs have always plotted to destroy the Republican Party. The Democrats can always do just fine disenfranchising Whites and whiggers. The Libertarians/Libbertoons have always been just a bunch of dope-smoking faggot hippy Marxists wanting to prove how ‘Auntie Waycist’ they is. But the Republican Party has always pretended to be for Whites and whiggers by using code-word racism. They are about on the ropes as a national party now. How can they pretend to be pro-White if they refuse to accept the filing fee of overtly White Nationalist candidates? They might win the primary election to their picked political hacks, but White voters not represented and disenfranchised by the Missouri and National Republican will stay home. And, when there isn’t even the pretense of political salvation for Whites or even whiggers, then what? The pretense that this is a democracy or a republic has always depended upon the illusion that the elections mean something. You destroy this illusion, already wearing thin, then what? Might not a racial, religious and class civil war be right around the corner, especially given the fact that Whites have lost their retirements, jobs, health insurance, and benefits? What will happen when they lose all hope? The whiggers in the Movement are talking the hash-pipe dream of secession, but the White Nationalists are talking Racial Holy War.
D. This matter is not going away. Presently Plaintiff Lindstedt intends to run for U.S. Senator as a Republican Candidate in 2010 if alive and even if jailed.
E. This Court itself has claimed that Plaintiffs can refile this case. So all this foolish decision has done is to cost Plaintiffs $455 for an appeal and then if we lose $350 to file again. This matter of White disenfranchisement is not going to go away. Far better to simply bite the bullet, overturn your ORDERS of June 17, 2009 and proceed this matter to trial by jury as should have taken place already.
Wherefore, the Plaintiffs demand that this regime court alter, amend, and/or abolish its corrupt and foolish ORDERS of June 17, 2009, that this Court force all Defendants to answer for their crimes regarding Plaintiff’s civil complaint, and that this matter be brought to trial by jury, preferably of all Whites.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt,
ArchBishop of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of MissouriChairman of the Newton County White Nationalist-Socialist Libertarian PartyCertificate of Service Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to former Senator Barack Hussein Obama, Democratic Party Candidate for President, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20510.Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to Senator John 'McNasty' McCain, 241 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to Attorney General Chris Koster in general for the Missouri regime-criminal Defendants State of Missouri, ‘Governor’ Jay Nixon, ex-Governor Matt 'Runt' Blunt, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, Missouri Supreme Court and to Assistant Attorney General Doug Leyshock for Defendants Missouri Department of Mental Health/Fulton State Hospital, and McDonald Circuit Court Judge John LePage at: Missouri Attorney General's Office, Supreme Court Building, 207 W. High Street, P.O. Box 899, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to the Missouri Democratic Party, 208 Madison Street, PO Box 719, Jefferson City, MO 65102.
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to Missouri Republican State Committee, 204 East Dunklin, Jefferson City, Missouri, 65101
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to Missouri Libertarian Party, c/o Executive Director Greg Tlapek, 1569 Cape Rock Dr. Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701.
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to TraitorGlenn Miller, 17209 Lawrence 1220, Aurora, MO 65605
Plaintiff Pastor Martin L.D. Lindstedt hereby certifies that he mailed a copy of this Rule 59(e) Motion to Alter, Abolish and Amend via U.S. mail on June 29, 2009, postage prepaid to Attorney Ron Mitchell, 320 West Fourth Street, P.O. Box 1626, Joplin Missouri 64802 representing Newton County regime criminals SHERIFF KEN COPELAND, NEWTON COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY JACOB SKOUBY, ASST. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY BILL DOBBS and for some reason The Newton County Republican Party, c/o NCRP Chairman Nick Myers CPA. Plaintiffs are forced by law to sue KAY BAUM, Newton County Clerk & Chief Election Official.
Last updated July 21, 2009
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