
August 5, 2003

Re: Sundry complaints concerning Neosho City Police Misconduct.

I have asked to be placed upon the agenda tonight. My purpose is to make complaints concerning the operation of municipal corporate employees, especially the Neosho Police but also the municipal judge, Dwight Douglas and Attorney Steven Hayes, for their various misconduct done in the name of this municipal corporation.

In general, as a radical political activist, I am pleased to see stupid, thuggish idiotic animal police, lawyers, judges terrorize the general public because Revolutionary activity is always advanced by having the population hate those people in charge, and want to exterminate those people and their families absolutely. The jew Bolsheviks, for example, gained power by throwing the Czarist's judges, lawyers, administrators and police (called pharos by the population) to the vengeful mobs to tear into pieces and their families were sent to the gulags and death camps. Similarly the gendarmes of Louis XVI and their families were guillotined in the French Revolution, thousands in one day, with an average of one head being lopped off every 30 seconds. My personal Revolutionary hero is `Smilin' Felix' Dzerhensky, the Lithuanian nobleman made the very first head of the KGB, who was so feared for his thorough extermination of the Tzarist regime that his statute was the very last one pulled down back in 1991, long after the Russians tore down the statutes of Lenin and Stalin.

So, no, I don't have any problem with government corruption and criminality per se. I insist that my political associates maintain the highest moral and legal standards, that they obey all laws if possible, and be beyond all reproach. I go out of my way to help whatever poor White person is being screwed over by the government, my abilities are always at the service of my People. All they need to do is ask for it, and I shall be most happy to rescue them from the maw of the criminal regime, as Caesar is merely a subcontractor for Satan. Since this regime is Satan's, then by all means let it go to hell by the most expeditious route possible. However, my friends, and especially my grandchildren, are not of Satan, and therefore they needs be protected by myself using all means possible.

Now I tried to help Richard Doyle, non-lawyer for judge that I ran for Stremel's associate circuit kort judgship back in 1998. I managed to tie up the matter before both the federal district kort and the Missouri Court of Appeals when Stremel, Perigo, and Killebrew were wanting to put him in prison for not being a lawyer running for judge. The odious Greg Bridges couldn't get the Newton County Clerk, Kay Baum, to pull Richard Doyle from the ballot. After all, she had listened to him in 1996 and not put my name for Sheriff on the Libertarian general election ballot, with the end result that I ended up suing her in Federal District Court , and Greg Bridges let her hanging out in the wind. The fool was so incompetent that all he could do was to file a motion to not file an appellant's brief, but rather let the Missouri Attorney General's Office do it for him. Greg Bridges lost the primary election to Scott Watson back in 1998, and the case went no-where fast. Doyle remained on the ballot, in large part because of the incompetence of Stremel and his lawyer, Carleton, now a judge in Jasper County, to write a motion in line with clearly stated election law. Doyle got around 1500 votes and close to 15% of the vote for judge.

Afterwards, it was as if this municipal corporation, its police force, municipal kort judge and prosecuting attorney(s), both Greg Bridges and Steven Hayes, were determined to use whatever police force and cover of law to harass Richard Doyle. Four or five bogus complaints were made, and duly found `guilty' of before the municipal kort of Herbert Douglas. Upon filing a $30 fee for a trial de novo before a court of record the matter would generally dry up because it would be an embarrassment.

For example, the very first `trial' involving a disturbance of the peace between Richard Doyle ended up with the crazed female neighbor and her butt-exposing spawn being `found' not-guilty by municipal judge Herbert Douglas and Doyle found not guilty. As Richard Doyle was leaving the kortroom, one of the crazed females issued Richard a death threat. Doyle demanded of Herb Douglas, "Did you hear that! Did you hear that! And to think that you corruptly charged me with disturbing the peace!" Herb Douglas refused to comment upon being shown up for a crook. He refused to order the crazed female's arrest. Instead Douglas ordered Rich Doyle to leave. I said, "Coverup! Coverup!" as I left with him.

Outside we were met by three Neosho policemen, one of them Steven Douglas. Rich Doyle was bitching about what had just gone on. Douglas was their spokesman, and said nothing except, "We are going to ask you to leave."

I asked whether or not that crazed female would be arrested or not. "We are going to ask you to leave." "You certainly must have heard her issue a death threat. What do you think, `I'm gonna kill you someday!' really means?" "We are going to ask you to leave." "So are you the kort's ofishul perjury patrol or something?" "We are going to ask you to leave." "So you three are just gunning for Richard, here, are you?" "We are going to ask you to leave." "So what happens if we don't leave?" "We are going to ask you to leave." "I don't know if this is a lawful order or not." "We are going to ask you to leave." "You sure you haven't put that lyric to music yet?" "We are going to ask you to leave."

After a couple of minutes of this, I told Richard that we were not getting anywhere so we might as well go. Looking into the window I could see another Neosho policeman keeping the death-threat females from going outside and the judge waiting for us to leave. So Richard let off his bitching and we left.

There was no police report made on this incident. After all, even acknowledging that it existed was an embarrassment to the municipal kort and police. They took Richard Doyle's $30 filing fee and transferred it to Newton County Court, but pursued it no further. Bringing up the matter in a court of record would have destroyed the case and police reputations.

This is why corrupt police departments do not like making reports, especially on matters in which they display their inherent corruption. They certainly don't want an 'ofishul' record which will come back to bite them on the ass later, getting them fired or sued or hated.

What one must realize is that the majority of the population has neither the intelligence nor the courage to challenge the government nor their enforcement minions. In fact, the only reason you are hearing this tonight is because it is Martin Lindstedt getting on your case. I no longer look for fighters wronged by the police because not one hundred in a million of the current population have the courage or mental capacity to challenge the status quo. I urged Richard Doyle to nip his persecution in the bud by filing a federal civil rights lawsuit, but Richard was tired from 1998 and refused.

One of the petty harassments involved changing the license plates from his wrecked Toyota to a Ford pickup he bought with an insurance settlement. I urged Richard to simply pay the ticket, although derived from an illegal stop, for `failure to register.' I said that a jury of lemmings and ass-kissers subject to arbitrary `enforcement' of whatever some piglice said they thought the law had ought to be would find him guilty, but rather to pay the $56 municipal kort fine (Herb Douglas again) and save the juries for the bullshit persecution. Rich Doyle refused and was duly found guilty by a jury of his white-chicken peers. Judge Killebrew refused to let Richard Doyle present his title and let Steven Hayes get away without even preparing a writ of information. The matter went upon appeal, and the corrupt Steven Hayes was so caught in his own incompetence and perjury that he refused to file an appeal brief, going past the 30-day deadline and into over six months before the Missouri Court of Appeals said that they would rule on it. Almost a year after the jury trial, the Missouri Court of Appeals, Southern District, lied that the trial judge hadn't given a final judgment - an obvious lie given that the Court of Appeals had accepted the case, made the government pay for the transcript and trial file, and given the filed notice of appeal.

So it is a given that the City of Neosho, a municipal corporation, and its municipal judge, prosecuting attorney, and police act illegally under color of law, and when brought to an appeal, have no ability to justify their corrupt activities. It was another corrupt court, the Missouri Court of Appeals, which saved this city in the case of Richard Doyle v. City of Neosho, Missouri, Case No. S.D. #23488-1.

After this farce, Richard Doyle lost his enthusiasm for fighting with the system, even accepting a corrupt municipal kort decision in which, at the instigation of one Rick Marble (the one who was supposed to be on trial for shooting at a fleeing suspect a few years ago in Duneweg but who got off) Richard was charged with property destruction for breaking the mirror of a trespassing relative who was all coked up. The witness did everything he could to not testilie in kort, but Herb Douglas put up with his unruliness because he wanted to find Richard Doyle guilty of something again.

Now I bring up this past criminal history of your police forces to show that whether or not someone is arrested depends upon who or what they are. If the complaintant is a solid citizen `wanting his rights' then screw him. It is criminals which are the policeman's bread and butter. Regime criminals employ him to terrorize by means of `ofishul' violence or threat of violence to enforce their will upon the general public, to obey their laws and pay their taxes. Criminals on the bottom provide the police with customers.

Therefore, it was not much of a surprise to myself that a typical policement such as Officer Rusty Schlessman #112, should consider himself above all law except whatever he interprets as whatever law he wishes to enforce under color of the authority of the municipal corporation which hires him. Officer Schlessman was tense and abrasive in dealing with myself, however Officer Schlessman was all smiles and laughter in dealing with convicted child molesters such as my current son-in-law James Baldwin and alcoholic bastardizers (i.e. fathering a child and foisting its care onto the state) such as John Allen Cunningham, alias John Cumming. Officer Schlessman put on an act of stupidity and incompetence (well, maybe it wasn't exactly an act) pretending to be unable to read a docket sheet, something presumed that all criminal defendants have adequate skills in performing. Officer Schlessman, nephew of the deposed McDonald County Sheriff, claimed that he wouldn't enforce a court ORDER and therefore, since there wasn't an arrest, that there would be no police report and that I couldn't get one. Upon my mentioning The Missouri Sunshine Act, RSMo Chapter 610, Schlessman claimed that he "took no orders from the general public," ". . . that nobody would tell him how to do his job," ". . . and that he enforced the law based upon what his superiors told him." I informed him that I would take the matter up concerning his conduct with his superiors but let it go because Schlessman seemed to be on the edge of police brutality.

Upon talking the matter over with Sgt. Steven Douglas, who called up Judge Selby for his interpretation of his ORDER, Douglas claimed that Selby had authorized no arrests. Using jargon that he claimed was the position of the Neosho city attorney, that a police report was optional. Douglas admitted that upon occasion the Neosho Police enforced court orders. (As Douglas was aware that Richard Doyle had been arrested on an ex parte order from a county court.) I pointed out that litigation under Revised Missouri Statutes (RSMo) Chapter 610 has so far been against any police claiming that they did not need to file a police report. Three police officers in three police cars answering a call from 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. was a use of public resources making a report of that time mandatory. That he knew that I had a history of litigation against area police forces and that if I had to subpoena in federal district court any copy of this incident that it would be a de facto and de jure admission of guilt to a Class-A misdemeanor punishable by a $500 fine in a state or federal court.

So, given my past history, the Neosho Police Department chose to obey RSMo Chapter 610 as statutorily written as opposed to how they choose to enforce it usually.

Let me point out that this municipal corporation is not on the side of the angels, but rather supports convicted child molesters. My son-in-law, James Baldwin was convicted as a juvenile of sexually molesting his aunt Merle Turner's oldest daughter Shauna. He plead guilty on Feb. 4, 2003 to a Class-A misdemeanor of child endangerment, State of Missouri vs. Merle James Baldwin, CR402-2047F(M) for kicking his stepson in the face and is on probation for this offense. Contrary to his agreement, he has refused to get a job and hasn't had one since 2001. Respondent #2, James' biological mother Inez Luellen, is currently a bigamist with a felony child abuse/conviction for letting her various boyfriends molest her son, James, and his sister. The sister refuses to have anything to do with James and his mother and so I shall respect her privacy by not naming her current name.

James' Aunt Merle Turner has had five different children by five different fathers. The oldest named Gary is a mixed- race mentally retarded professional violent criminal with lengthy criminal history. The second, Shauna, was sexually molested by James Baldwin. The next daughter, Missy Turner, is the child of John Cunningham (alias John Cumming) and John Cunningham has moved in in order to not pay child support. The next child is nine or ten years old and profoundly retarded and violent to smaller children. The only decent one of the bunch is the youngest boy, a diabetic. His Aunt Merle has a filthy house absolutely unfit for children. She intends to make of James a 'welfare dad' and collect welfare payments for the next 16 years courtesy of my grandchildren.

James's father, Luper Baldwin, molested my oldest (and only) granddaughter and Scott Watson's office and the Newton County Division of Family Services and Sheriff's Office has essentially allowed him to get away with it scot free. See State of Missouri v. Luper M. Baldwin, CR0400-002353FX on open file at the Newton County Courthouse if you want to see for yourself.

Their attorney, Greg Bridges, screwed up my stepdaughter's Legal Aid attorney, so that she can't get a free lawyer on July 9, 2003. I am convinced that this moral degenerate has been advising James and his relatives, all respondents to the case, to make trouble for supervised visitation that they didn't request. Terry Neff suggested supervised visitation on July 2, 2003.

For now all I and my stepdaughter want is the child protective order be made permanent and James Baldwin be made to get a job, removed from unsupervised probation to supervised, pay a modest $200 per month child support and that the rest of James' Baldwin thieving and underbred family never show up again in Granby. However, circumstances may force my stepdaughter to force the issue by sending James Baldwin, Inez Baldwin, Luper Baldwin, John Cunningham (alias Cumming) to prison and a Title 42 USC 1982, 1983, and 1985 civil rights lawsuit with the City of Neosho as the lead defendant. We want this matter cleared up so that she can get a divorce and get on with her life with her children safe from a pack of child molesters.

The City of Neosho doesn't look good protecting a pack of child molesters by virtue of incompetence. You are not on the side of the angels - you are on the side of underbred thieving child molesters. Do you want your police force to be known for "To Protect and Serve . . . Child Molesters?"

If you want a good respectable reputation then you shall have to act respectable.

Most Sincerely Yours,

Martin `Mad Dog' Lindstedt
Republican Candidate for Governor -- 2004


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