Exodus, The Final Chapter

J.J. Johnson



Friends, Americans, Sovereigns, lend me your eyes...

We have since learned that the photo of a downed F-117A was actually 
a downed Russian MIG.  However, it has been confirmed that other 
NATO aircraft have been shot down along with speculations about the 
intent of the Russian Navy.  But this is not the main subject of 
this testimony.

For the past six years, many of us have been frustrated, angered, 
and challenged by this administration.  Our basic principles of life 
have been put to the test.  Of late, we have been reduced to mere 
"joke-telling" about Clinton and his minions along with exchanging 
information about what is going on overseas and why.  But with 
depleting ordnance stockpiles, low military morale, total 
penetration of our national security and Russian naval maneuvers 
in progress, it isn't funny anymore.

Many of us are chained to our employers, forced into voluntary 
(involuntary to some) servitude to repay our debts, and taxes.  We 
hold on to some fleeting hope that we will wake up and this 
nightmare will be over.  Yet each day, more and more of us wake up 
and are simply glad we are still breathing. 

There are some of us who remember the underground bomb shelters 
that were fashionable back in the 50's and 60's.  Many of us grew 
up with the thought of nuclear annihilation being an everyday fact 
of life.  Today these visions, once washed out of the American mind 
set, are back in full view of each of us.

I have never been one to claim that "the sky is falling."  For those 
who claim I am in this case, please go and sign up for volunteer 
service in our armed forces.  The military recruiters are getting 
bored, anyway.  But today, not only do I see the sky falling, I also 
see the oceans opening up to swallow us.

We don't need to look far to see our weaknesses.  Still we are at 
war -- the most important conflict in which Americans have ever 
engaged.  Not with the Serbians, but with our own hearts and minds. 
We all subconsciously know what's at stake, what may happen in the 
future and what we may soon be called upon to do.  We have no choice 
but to fight this war.

If you are seriously thinking, "This government is out of 
control. . ."

You are not alone.

If you are thinking, "Could this mess escalate into World War III?"

You are not alone.

If you are thinking, "Maybe we have spread ourselves thin around 
the world. . ."

You are not alone.

If you are thinking about how Chinese espionage now has a more 
dreaded meaning ...

You are not alone.

If you are thinking "Now is the time to re-locate my family away 
from metropolitan areas. . ."

You are not alone.

Take a look at all those refugees.  Take a good look.  Do you feel 
more sorrowful because they look like you?  Dress like you?  Or 
worse, because you know who and what's really causing this mass 

Here's another ugly wound it's time to open up.  Imagine those 
refugees looking and dressing like the ones you see showing up in 
your small town from a major city near you.  These are the ones 
who happened to be on the interstate -- visiting loved ones. . .

        . . .or the ones who escaped at the last second.

This will be the day when the "We told you so" comments will not be
necessary.  If we are wise, we will be too busy helping these 
"refugees" or building walls to protect ourselves from them.  Still, 
we would be more fortunate than those who choose to ignore the 

It saddens my heart to resign myself and admit we are witnessing 
the Final Chapter in American history.  No one doubts that America 
will be looked at with fear and contempt in the future.  There is 
no doubt someone (or some group) will not continue to stand by and 
watch this carnage go on.  There is no doubt we have become 
vulnerable to our enemies.

Just the thought of becoming one of the refugees you see now could 
turn one's stomach.  But better now than later.  Why do we stay?  
Each bead of sweat that drops from our foreheads helps pay for the 
drop of blood spilled.  None of us are totally prepared to leave, 
but I envision events in the coming future may help us to make a 
faster commitment:

Rising gas prices (you're seeing this already)
Rising food prices
Forced conscription (both military and civilian)
Travel restrictions
Communication disruptions

And any other problems Y2K may bring.

For those of us who yearn to be free -- protectors of the 
Constitution -- for those who cannot align themselves with the 
basis for their own fears...

Let the Exodus begin.

We have no dog in this fight.  It is not "un-American" to say our
political leaders are not acting like Americans.  It is not 
un-patriotic when we are given a blood-stained flag to rally 
around.  Nor can we rally behind a man who has clearly forfeited 
the moral right to stand with our flag.  We must break the chains 
of those who wish to rule the planet.  They should be forced to 
attempt their deeds without our assistance.  This move -- this
Exodus -- must be done not only for our own survival, but as the 
ultimate form of protest.  The ultimate act of defiance.

Charlton Heston recently spoke of the pain of civil disobedience. 
For most of us, this will be painful indeed.  Many of us have no 
rural land holdings.  Nor do we have the tools or the stamina to 
survive in the wilderness.  But why wait until we have no choice? 
Why wait until either the U.S., Russia, or China turn their military 
power upon us?

Those wishing to resist by force of arms cannot do so from a
nuclear-scorched wasteland.  Now is the time to find a safer and 
higher ground.  To stay and support these policies make us just as 
guilty as those who make them -- thus deserving whatever wrath 
may come.

Some will say this is an impossible task.  I say it is not.  It 
will take the true American in all of us to understand the situation, 
the nature of what caused it, and overcoming all odds to achieve 
the ultimate objective.  If the Sleeping Giant has awakened, now is 
the time for him to "get out of bed."  We can analyze the situation 
until the cows come home, but the vast majority of us already 
understand.  Let us not deny reality until we become like the
refugees we see -- running away at the last minute with only the 
clothes on our backs -- and in total shock over what has happened.

This April, one should consider taking a leave of absence.  Can 
your job be done from a distance?  Will your moral conscience allow 
your (and your children's) tax dollars to pay for this?  How many 
more Americans need to be enlightened?  Is it really worth it?  
Would you feel safer far outside the city (or military installation) 
right now?  Take a look in the mirror -- and ask yourself these 

Friends, Americans, Sovereigns, America is lost.  As a nation, we 
have lost our direction; we have lost our common principles.  And 
with that loss, our basic purpose for existing in a civilized world. 
No, I'm am not a defeatist.  Nor have I turned my back on my 
countrymen.  The founding principles of America that we hold
dear to our hearts -- long since gone from Washington, D.C. -- 
should be taken with us on our journey.  We can rebuild.  Together, 
we can create a better, stronger America for our children.  One 
that respects the rights of the individual as we respect the right 
of other sovereign nations.

This will be my last post for quite a while as we relocate -- far 
away.  We will be watching from high ground, even with some hope 
that my fears are not true.  I am going to be an American, with my 
fellow Americans.  To that end: farewell, America -- you were great 
while you lasted.  Let the Exodus begin.

And may the mercy of God Almighty be on us all.

J.J. Johnson - citizen@mindspring.com

"A right to jury trial is granted to criminal defendants in order 
to prevent oppression by the Government." 
Ducan vs Louisiana 391 US, 149 1968



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