April 19th, 1998 is the Fifth Anniversary of the Waco Massacre by the police forces of a corrupt regime. As such, it is a day of remembrance and thought for the forces of Resistance. We remember the innocents the current regime has murdered. We remember Resistance comrades murdered or imprisoned for life by the regime. We remember our history for the past five years. We think about what we shall do, now and in the future, in order for our Great Cause of Freedom to prevail. Such are the nature of these remarks addressed, on this our Day of Atonement and on this, our Day of Triumph..The WWII generation remembers where they were on Dec. 7, 1941, the day Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Likewise, every Patriot in the current struggle for freedom knows where he was when the Branch Davidians were burned to death by U.S. government forces on April 19, 1993. It was a transfiguring moment of the heart: Every Patriot knew that the government had murdered those people, and every Patriot knew that at long as he/she lived that they were going to do something about it -- the government would not be allowed to get away with these murders. The fact that the vast majority of Americans chose to ignore the obvious - - because acknowledgment brings with it moral responsibility to act -- was irrelevant to the Patriot heart. Thus the basis for civil warfare has come to Amerika because of these deep divisions of the heart. Remembrance of April 19th’s Past
To the vast majority of people, Waco was justified because it is from a government from which all good things flow and one dare not question the state-god for its dealings with unbelievers and heretics. Thus, Middle Amerika having become complicit accomplices in murder, the regime can commit as many Wacos and Oklahoma City bombings as necessary to bring to heel those who would not worship the regime. Hence there was no democratic common man facing down the regime tanks in our Tianamen Square -- nor will there be. Democracy proved that in its decay its common man is grossly unequal to the challenges met and matched by his common-man peers in open despotisms. Our criminal regime is composed of devilishly common men holding power beyond their moral and mental competence, chosen by the vast mass of common man for their degenerate qualities held in common. Hence the lessons of courage cannot be learned even if they were to be put on display.
Hence the ludicrous belief, commonly accepted after being widely disseminated, that it was a lone truck bomb by an extremist which took down a federal building designed to be resistant against ‘outside’ terrorism. A mere glance at the physical laws of nature would reveal that to be a lie. There is no natural scientific explanation for the scenario propounded by regime activists. Rather, anyone intellectually honest knows that an Amerika Reichstag was staged by the demolition of the support columns of that building upon the expected signal given by Timothy McVeigh’s truck bomb. Hence the murder of federal bureaucrats and their children is properly laid at the regime’s door.
The reason common man refuses to believe the obvious, is that if the belief was acknowledged, he might have to do something about it. Acceptance of moral responsibility is the great division between patriot common man and regime common man. Patriot common man is significantly advanced enough in the qualities of honesty, courage, and common sense that he is able to leap over the scant inches that are the bar between slavery and freedom. Regime common man is not. Once over the bar, Patriot common man pulls away from regime common man, not wanting anything to do with slavery or the wages of slavery, dependence, ever again.
Once the patriotic common man learns this lesson that mass common man demands slavery, there can be no negotiation, no accommodation with the masses and their democratically chosen criminal regime. Civil warfare becomes inevitable. No nation can live half-slave and half- free. It must become either all slave or all free. Come the war inevitable, this current regime shall be overthrown and replaced by different others who shall impose dictatorship upon their masses who valued freedom little. New nations, free and unfree, with new warlords shall arise out of the old, vast, corrupt multi-ethnic empire.
The Ghosts of Resistance -- Past, Present, Future
Before Waco occurred, there were Resistance forces upon the plain. These forces consisted primarily of survivalist, Christian Identity, anti-tax, and secessionist groups which had never ever had any love for the federal regime. Waco confirmed these groups’ hatred and suspicions of the federal regime. It allowed them to say, "I told you so." However, the events at Waco did not galvanize these political or religious elements, because these people were already in the Resistance for the long haul. They will remain Resistance until death. Now that the happenings at Waco have left center stage, the goings on of the open militia elements still waving the red rag are of little interest or concern to these founders of the Resistance. These people should more properly be called the Old Resistance.The importance of Waco to the overall Resistance Movement is that it brought a great wave of newcomers to the Resistance. Waco was a wake-up call for those who did not hold certain fundamentalist religious or political beliefs which already made up the "Old Resistance." Amerikan citizens were murdered by "their" government in living color on the television set and the most transparent of lies were being used by that regime to justify that conduct. People were being told that "these people deliberately murdered themselves" as if the presence of tanks and machine-gun armed federal government police had nothing to do with the assault and consequent fire. Amerika saw the corrupt federal judicial apparatus railroad the Branch Davidian survivors into life prison terms contrary to the jury verdict and rule of law. And many of the newly discontented young angry white males and many of the old "true believers" in Constitutional process were appalled. It took about a year for this discontent to simmer in the minds of the new discontented who would become the progenitors of the militia movement.
April 19, 1994. Formation of Open, Public Militias.
In April of 1995, several foundational militias formed. Among them are Jon Roland’s Texas Constitutional Militia, John Trochtmann’s Militia of Montana, and Norm Olson’s Michigan Militia. Almost all of these militias, and the militias which were formed afterwards were supposedly open public Constitutional militias, not at all in the image of the Old Resistance organizations, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Minutemen, the Order, or the Posse Comatatus. Openly racist behavior was condemned. And why not? Most of these new militias took pains to declare that they were not private armies or paramilitary organizations devoted to all the things their uneasy middle-class suburban members found offensive. Suburban Yuppie Libertarians, with their notions of free trade and open immigration found they had very little in common with small town and rural old Birchers with their conspiracy-theory-of-the-week who hated these appurtenances of the New World Order. It was inevitable that the officership of these militias should go to uneasy middle-class members who were worried about and concerned about the abuses of the federal regime -- but no less determined to keep out the unreconstructed Old Resistance riff-raff. For their part, the Old Resistance, with their long term formation into cells and family groups, looked on and cheered, but chose for the most part to not go above ground and link up with the new militia organizations.With its new, Politically Correct image, more and more of these open public Constitutional militias formed after April 1994. In August 1994, 15 states had these new style militias. In October 1994, 23 states had them, and by February 1995, 48 states had these states had these open public Constitutional militias. Here in Missouri, the 51st Missouri Militia formed up around December 1994. A number of other militias formed all across the state. Any personality clashes within the current militias would in turn mean that aggrieved personalities would in turn form still another militia. Some of the Old Resistance cells and survival groups even sent representatives to observe the goings on of this New Militia. There was even talk of an alliance of sorts between the Old Resistance and the new Militia Movement.
However, the explosive growth of the Militia Movement was not only noticed by those who were joining these new militias, but also by nervous federal and state governments. With this massive recruitment came also an aura of rebellion and menace to the ruling regimes. In turn, it was believed that on March 25, 1995, a scared federal regime would have Janet Reno arrest and imprison the militia leadership. While some scoffed at such a rumor, many leading militiamen did not sleep in their beds at their homes that night, and some even stayed up, late at night with rifles at the ready, waiting for the knock on the door which did not come. After that night, rumor upon rumor made the rounds that "something" was going down. A bombing, a shoot-out, a confrontation -- anything -- which would give the federal regime an excuse to act against the militias.
April 19, 1995. Oklahoma City Bombing.
What the New Militia Movement expected happened on April 19, 1995.People who arose that morning thinking about the second anniversary of Waco heard that a federal building had been bombed in Oklahoma City. These people immediately became on the defensive, first thinking that in one way or another they, as militiamen, would be blamed for the bombing at Oklahoma City. Their second thought was that the government did it. Yet we did not say anything, hoping that since the "official story" was that it was a truck bomb as used in the Middle East, that Arab or Islamic fundamentalists would be blamed for the "largest terrorist attack on Amerikan soil."
Looking back, this was not only a cowardly position to take, even though we were under shock, but it was a politically foolish tack to have taken as well. We should have taken the offensive and expressed our opinion, that the federal regime had destroyed their own building as part of an American Reichstag, and would seek to put the blame on the New Militia Movement. Instead, we sat silent, hoping that this matter would blow over. When, after a day and a half had passed, the federal regime unveiled their big lie, and we, in telling our suspicions, looked like we were telling a lie to be on the defensive.
Of course, the very first thing which happened, given the new reality, is that the representatives of the Old Resistance such as the survivalists, gave notice (if they did that much) that they would not bring anybody aboveground. In fact, they would be going back underground. "Don’t call us, we’ll call you."
The second thing most of the New Militias did was to hold emergency meetings to discuss the fallout. Generally, there was very little which could be done, and if there was not panic, there were recriminations. People who had previously wanted to openly wear their new BDUs and uniforms and PX ribbons and officer’s rank bought from a military surplus catalogue abruptly put their military finery into the back row of their closet, or in a trash can. These militia officers did not show up. Militia recruitment took a nose-dive.
After April 19, 1995, the objective of the federal regime was accomplished, at least in Missouri. Not a single new militia organization was formed. The remaining open public militias took the blow, keeping hold of the more dedicated of their membership. However, the day of the open public militia movement growing by leaps and bounds was over. From then on, the open public militia movement would live -- and die -- on the quality of its membership garnered before the Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995. The finishing off of the open militia movement would take another several years, but its death knell was assured by the federal bombing at OKC on April 19, 1995. But congruent with the death of the open public ‘Constitutional’ militia movement was the conception of the New Resistance, formed from the Patriots awakened at Waco, who would form a Second Wave of the Resistance after having made, and learning from, all the same mistakes which made the Old Resistance.
April 19, 1996. Year of Betrayal.
In this year after OKC, the open militia and its common-law allies seemingly stabilized their position, while at the same time the worms allowed in the pre-secure days of open recruitment ate to their core. The outrage of the year was at Justus Township, Montana, where the Freemen were being besieged by the FBI.During this time, the foolish boast of the open public militia movement, "No More Wacos" was tested for the first time. And the FBI, because of its nervousness due to the events at Waco and OKC, didn’t carry out another Waco. Instead, it negotiated in bad faith, and broke every single one of its promises after the Freemen surrendered. The open militia movement breathed a sigh of relief that they didn’t have to do anything and claimed that the federal regime had 'blinked first.' Meanwhile, any ‘extremists’ from the foundation of the new militia movement were purged by militia ‘moderates.’
An affiliate of the open public militia movement, the common-law court movement, composed mainly of elderly people too old to run about in the woods, had sprung up following the militia movement. Since they were not interested in or able to provide military efforts to restore the Constitution, these people thought that they would secure Constitutional restoration through their own people’s courts. Many of them relied upon the remaining open militias for military protection of their decrees, if not for enforcement. This was a foolish notion because these open militias were as infiltrated by government agent provocateurs as the common-law movement was filled with thieving and incompetent quacks. A corrupt regime would call the efforts of these common-law court patriots "paper terrorism" -- as if their corrupt machinations emanating from their kangaroo-korts enforced by knuckle-dragging gubbnmintgungoons had something to do with legitimacy.
In May of 1996, a great meeting of the militia movement took place at Gadsden, Alabama. A lot of shooting of militia small-arms took place during this get-together. Foremost figures of the open public militia movement met each other. Speeches were made by Nancy Lord, JJ Johnson, Mike Kemp. The matter of concern was the incarceration of Bob Starr and two other Georgia militiamen on alleged pipe- bomb building charges. Unnoticed except by the sharp-eyed was the fact that slightly over one-third of the attendees were Christian Identity and/or White Nationalist. These members of the Old Resistance pretty much kept to themselves and didn’t say very much. Even so, rumors circulated that pretty much everyone who was a leading figure there was either a CIA plant or agent provocateur.
In November, after the elections, Bob Starr and his fellow militiamen were found guilty by a jury of their white- chicken peers of constructing pipe bombs and imprisoned in federal prisons. Mike Kemp was found guilty of misdemeanor personal herbal-remedy agricultural offenses by a white- chicken jury of which some of them inhaled. The West Virginia Mountaineers were found guilty of various conspiratorial offenses. As was the so-called Viper Militia of Arizona. These open public militias were destroyed because in the days of their open recruitment all manner of government spy and agent provocateur were allowed into their organizations. Being of at least normal I.Q., many of these government agents were advanced to positions of trust, whereupon they immediately betrayed the foolish people who had trusted them. The government informant who turned in the West Virginia Mountaineers was their "Chief of Security."
So in the end days of 1996 and the start of 1997, the structural weaknesses of the open public militia organizations became apparent. There was no strong security apparatus in place to weed out government agents or aggrieved informants. In fact, by being open public militias open to everyone who proclaimed an interest in restoring the Constitution, anyone at all could be a militia member.
At that time, the old lessons learned by experience by the Old Resistance came to the fore. The open militia organizations, shattered by mistrust, began to practice the principles of "Leaderless Resistance" as first enunciated by a chieftain of the Old Resistance, Louis Beam. Any new Resistance organizations would be founded upon the principles of "Leaderless Resistance" wherein new cells would not be formed with over five people to a cell if they were not family-member cells. This process of hybridization, where the open public militias left their previous rank-based hierarchical organizations to new underground cells started to lessen the hold that government agents had upon the militias. After all, the use of one secret police officer to monitor several hundred middle- class suburbanite ‘militiamen,’ or even twenty ‘extremists’ could be justified. But with the new cellular Leaderless Resistance organization, the police bureaucracies could not justify watching from one-to-four of the less extreme militia elements, as the hard-core elements instinctively sought each other out on the basis of mutual interests and after intense scrutiny of their cell-mates. Government informants and agents provocateur were being shut out from scrutiny of their targets as time went on, as the more dedicated and ruthless elements of the former open public militias transformed themselves into the New Resistance.
April 19, 1997 -- Year the Militia Movement Became Irrelevant.
In early 1997, a consolidated organization of militia, common-law courts, and separatists known as the Republic of Texas (ROT) was having pressure put on their more ‘extreme’ elements by the de facto state regime which called itself the State of Texas. The ROT hierarchy had purged the McLauren faction from among its protection in the parent organization based upon minor differences in timing the coming conflict, and because of leadership in-fighting common to patriot organizations. When the McLauren faction, already besieged by the State of Texas forces, decided to hold hostage a neighboring couple with whom they had fought with before in return for a hostage held by the county sheriff, the de facto State of Texas brought up additional forces. The ROT hierarchy further disclaimed the McLauren faction and abandoned them to the tender mercies of the State of Texas and Federal police forces surrounding them."Equally shameful and cowardly was the response of the majority of open, public militias. Any excuse, including the fact that in pursuing separatism that the separatists were renouncing the slavery of the CONstitution, was used to explain why these open militias would not, and could not lend any support to the ROT separatists.
Now the entire conceit supposedly animating the militia movement was exposed. "No More Wacos!" was the cry. However, the ever-present reality, always known by the intelligent and honest, was that when push came to shove, the open public militia movement had no more courage than the members of the general public. After all, almost all of them had already disclaimed in the most cowardly manner possible the right expressed in that revolutionary document, the Declaration of Independence which proclaims as "self- evident . . . the Right of the People to alter or abolish . . . " the current regime ". . . and to institute new Government . . . most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." ‘No, No, we are not Revolutionists!’ When one of the separatists was killed by gubbnmintgungoons in a helicopter, a death of one of their own, the open public militias did absolutely nothing.
The conceit of the open public militia is that they are the descendants of the militiamen of Concord and Lexington. If one militiaman is picked on by the federal gubbnmintgungoon redcoats, then the federal regime and its gubbnmintgungoons have a fight with all militiamen. Supposedly, that is the benefit of joining a militia. Security in numbers with people for whom an armed and active freedom supposedly comes first. At the ROT standoff, this conceit was revealed to be fraudulent. Militiamen of the open, public [yellow] stripe were no different than the show- &-blow mentality common with the majority of today’s society. Such was the quality of today’s open, public, CONstitutional militiaman in a nation of cowards.
Nor did the rationalizations of these public militias in order to excuse this essential element of cowardice go unnoticed by the federal regime or general society. The so- called "militia menace" is only brought up by those who have an interest in amplifying a so-called "militia threat," such as Morris Dees and Mark Pitcavage. The hollowness of the militia organizations were long suspected by both the Old Resistance, who had experienced the days of windbag leadership, and by those members of the New Resistance, those who had always wanted to form an Grand Army of Revolution, who questioned whether, underneath the new militia uniforms and finery, beat the brave hearts and ruthless minds necessary to enforce militia pretensions.
The March 1998 arrest of three members of a militia umbrella organization, the u.S Theatre Command, and the consequent failure of their leadership to do anything about it showed in detail the inherent weaknesses of open, public CONstitutional militias. The arrested members would gather together as part of a "Goof Troop" over coffee and doughnuts in a public restaurant. Not being part of a ‘secret society’ they would talk aloud about their plans to most anyone who would listen. One of their members turned them in because he was a regime in-fill-traitor. The militia generals-in-charge [Confusion] called for an alert. Other militia generals from outside militias said that they would not support the affected militia. Nobody from the arrestees’ militia or an outside militia showed up at the "alert." The FiBbIes and BATF doubtless added some ‘illegal weapons’ to the ‘public militia arsenal’ of the arrestees. And doubtless, at the April 19th, 1998 weekend machine-gun shoot and militia-general meet at Knob Creek, Kentucky some more patriotic pissin’-&-moanin’ took place. The members of the "Goof Troop" will be tried, convicted, and sentenced in regime korts to some long prison sentences.
In 1997 the open public CONstitutional militia movement fell apart. Its bluff was called and it has no credibility. The vast majority of its membership either went back from where they came from, or they have formed underground cells based upon kinship or long-term friendship for mutual protection and survival.
April 19, 1998. The Resistance Political Front and the Time of the New Resistance.
So given that now for every clueless open public CONstitutional militia that there are at least undetectable nine "Leaderless Resistance" cells devoted solely to their own survival, what are those people who came aboard as an after-math of Waco, the New Resistance, to do? Give up and die? Form up with the Old Resistance that they previously despised? Or rather, to maintain themselves, given their massive numbers (which have gone to ground without leadership), as an effective force upon the plain by using the methods of every previously successful revolution?The answer, by default, is that the New Resistance shall survive and prosper in this age of mass communications and no societal self-discipline by growing a flexible communications network of iron self-discipline between a Resistance Political Front (RPF) and the local cells of a Resistance Action Force (RAF). The New Resistance must have an open political and communication network akin to the Sein Fein political party in its interaction with the IRA military wing. Without political direction and ideology the current "Leaderless Resistance" cells will drift along, with no sense of purpose other than maintaining its own survival and for retaliation for regime wrongs inflicted upon its membership. Thus the New Resistance, in spite of superior numbers, might well go the way of the majority of the Old Resistance -- regardless of the fact that today’s political and social situation favors them. But yet, the same process of default which created the Resistance Action Force cells creates a new Resistance Political Front. A growing hidden army of Resistance always develops its officers’ corps of Revolution.
The New Resistance’s Political Front is composed of the new elites in reaction to the corruption of the old regime’s decayed elites. Using the tool of mass communication in an Internet age, and capitalizing on popular discontent, these Political Front operatives will work steadily on furthering the destruction of the current regime. These Political Front operatives shall give their RAF cells direction, using them as guerrilla muscle in both a offensive and defensive role. Eventually, into the power vacuum left by the collapse of the regime shall step the political and military forces of the New Resistance.
The legacy of Waco is that it galvanized into action the small percentage of the population, always there, of those elements which are discontented, idealistic, and/or always looking for a fight. It brought forth sufficient numbers of the New Resistance which will not go away. With the collapse of the open public CONstitutional militias upon reaching the dead ends guaranteed by following meaningless and false shibboleths, the question is what will this New Resistance do?
The answer is that much of this New Resistance, having neither effective leadership, ideology, or a clue will be subsumed and taken over by those elements of the New Resistance which generates effective leadership, an ideology based upon political or religious belief (or in the case of the CI/White Nationalist/RPF it shall be both), and a common flexible secure communications network. This will happen because the imperative of survival will give this New Resistance no other choice.
Summary: Five years after Waco, the New Resistance is gathering its bearings. Upon finding its course of action in the pathway of revolution and the destruction of the ancient regime, it will press forward like a mighty river around the boulder, the irresistible force encountering the massive, but moveable object, until nothing remains of life as we knew it on April 19, 1993.
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