If Martin Luther were around today, he might add . . .

The Nationalist Observer



From: AxCurtis@aol.com
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 16:29:46 EDT
Subject: If Martin Luther were around today, he might add . . . 
To: AxCurtis@aol.com

The Nationalist Observer 
640 recipients  Writing in "[ ]"s by Alex Curtis

If Martin Luther were around today, he might add . . . 

I had made up my mind to write no more either about the Jews or against 
them.  But I have learned that those miserable and accursed people do 
not cease to murder souls; in fact they have grown steadily worse. So I 
act accordingly.

They bray like asses, almost forgetting that it was only some 50 years 
ago that a few thousand courageous ones took the Cross and stuck it 
through the ears and the rears (that "seat" of "Jewish honor") of, 
hopefully, six million of them.  I say: "Listen, Jew, this time may come 
again, YOUR God willing, since He dropped you into it in the first place, 
and left you there to stew in your own fetid leaking juices!".  Let the 
Jews bite on this nut, while noshing their teeth in chattering 
frustration.  For they have been so nurtured with venom and rancor, that 
they poison themselves as well as the very aire, and may as loudly bang 
upon the Heavens as the shyster blowfly uses his might for all the good 
it will avail them in the long run, when they are indeed run down. 

No human heart can penetrate their shield of soulessness, awarded for 
their love of great spiritual evil. They  strive to be kings and queens 
on earth, without souls, entirely dry inside.  In raving madness, they 
thank God because they were created as Jews and not as animals (Goyim 
Gentiles); was this a joke of God?  For I say the lowest lowing beast 
of burden carries more soul within it than the Jew will ever be troubled 
with, as if he would find such a thing troubling in the first.  He has 
a brain, aye, that be true, but a heart, or courage, bah, they are as 
warmly welcome to the jew as dirt beneath his nails. 

From their youth they have imbibed such venomous hatred against the 
Goyim from their parents and their rabbis, and they still continuously 
drink it.  As Psalm 109:18 declares, it has penetrated flesh and blood, 
marrow and bone, and has become part and parcel of their nature and 
their life.  And as little as they can change flesh and blood, marrow 
and bone, so little can they change such pride and envy.

They remain lying hounds laying in wait after Christian blood to cool 
their defective and perverse ardour, who have not only continually 
falsified but perverted all from the beginning until the present day. 
Their heart's most ardent sighing and yearning and hoping is set on 
the day on which they can deal with us Gentiles as they did with the 
Gentiles in Persia at the time of Esther.  Oh, how fond they are of 
the Book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their 
bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous barking, yelping, yearning and hope. 
The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people 
than they who imagine they are "God's people commissioned and 
commanded" to murder and to slay the Gentiles. 

In point of fact, the most important thing that they expect of their 
Messiah is that he will murder and kill the entire world.  The living 
world, I mean rather, for the Jews would be delighted to leave will-less 
automata to serve and entertain, spinning and dancing for them as 
Coppelia, and the whole world's wealth, that of course.  They cry: "Give 
us the baptism . . . of a rain of gold; Give us beautiful things so we 
may spiritually mutilate, strangle, pervert, twist, torment and maltreat 
Beauty; and: Give us the Blood . . . of martyrs we have yet to create!"

For the Jew it doth seem natural to give a clever and ingenious lie, as 
part and parcel of a clumsy, foolish, and stupid act.  Even if all their 
acts are thus vengeful and stupid, the concealing of them through lies 
is fine indeed.  They cursed, blasphemed, whipped, scourged, spat upon 
and crucified God, and simply gave pretense that it never happened.  They 
could brazenly strut before God as whores and claim to be seraphic in 
nature entire.  The jew might even think it a great stimulus to have a 
very devil in his pants, so very little does he think of the very little 
sleep he will get in hell for whoremaking, consoled eternally by 
muck-worms, maggots, stench, and filth.  Let them criticize Hell and try 
Satan in a suit at "civil law" then! . . . They forget how much of a 
stench doth arrogance make.  

The thing most hard to imagine of them is that they will not be satisfied 
by calumny, persecution, derision, and wanton murder of those prophets 
who do oppose them, but will demand the degradation even of those who 
have already perverted themselves to the extent of obeying the Jew.  Not 
only a prophet-murdering people; when they can no longer torment and 
murder the living ones, they must murder in form again the ones who are 
dead, by defaming their memory and defiling their resting places, even 
unto burning the long-dead and long-holy, so that a Jew might scatter 
the ashes in his privies in an attempt to cover the stink of themselves 
with a rosy scent of the prophets' holiness.  They were never able to 
tolerate a true prophet.

Truly, the Jews as a whole are "far more" than a defiled bride, yes, an 
incorrigible vile whore and evil slut with whom God ever had to wrangle, 
scuffle, and fight.  They are far more like the rotted dry corpse of a 
bride who never made it to her marriage bed, yet who think they are 
worthy of being wedded to God now!  Then, is being an impudent, private 
whore better than so much a public one?

The Jews are like angel-followers of Semiaza who somehow escaped the 
wrath of God and attack of the Archangels, and who regard themselves 
as blessed for not being sent to Hell . . . yet.  A jew will rave with 
madness, and others then call it justified!  A ranting, panting jew 
will take from the privy, splash the filth in the face of mankind, and 
then accuse you of hatred for hating him.  Another will follow the form 
of a law, but may shat upon the spirit of the thing.  What does the 
keeping of the laws amount to in this manner other than mere jugglery 
and mummery, indeed, a veritable mockery of God?  Think upon it; know 
ye one amongst them that is not a murderer, whore, or thief, or then 
one who tolerates these "qualities" in his fellows?

Today's history books oft accuse them of hating all other nations of 
men, contaminating the environment, of fashioning grave diseases for 
the blackened race, kidnapping and penetrating children of all colors, 
thence to hacking them in pieces, and in that way secretly cooling 
their wrath with the blood of Christians -- They, of course, deny 
this.  Whether it is true or not, I do know that they possess the 
complete, full, and ready will to do such things either secretly or 
openly where possible.  Murderers of men, women and children of long 
habit, longer serving still are they as the murderers of souls.

And yet, once more will come the days of vengeance for Christian blood 
they have spilt by the seas, I know not when, but can only pray.  Such 
a desperate, thoroughly evil, poisonous and devilish lot are these Jews, 
who for these nineteen hundred years have been and still are our plague, 
our pestilence, and our misfortune.  To let them live, lets us die from 
that same cause. 

In the new days will the Jews be more than self-glorified, for I have 
the conceit to their conceit that smoke will once again rise, with them 
as a burnt offering . . . Let us pray that God's Breath will not be 
stifled with the stench.  Our Lord may even cry from the sting of the 
smoke, but I think these tears will then be tempered . . . with God's 
own hearty and eternal laughter!

- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, in a court filing 10/8/99, said: 
"(only) art can move people, by (its) power to enlighten, challenge, 
frighten and provoke."   

I thereby rest the defense of my art, if any be needed.

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