Survey and Questionnaire Answers, 2000
The Ratings Game --
Answered Questionnaires from the Special Interests
One sure way to tell how a politician will act in office is to hear what he says to those in a position to further
his career. Money is the mother’s milk of politics, and these special interests are the hogs’ tits. These special
interests, since they want something from the government, ask politicians what they will do. Hence the
questionnaires and the ratings which follow, telling the special interests whether that politician is an ally or
foe of their goals and purposes.
As a Reform Party candidate of White Nationalist persuasion, there probably will be no money following honest
disclosures. Special interests are by definition only interested in themselves, and the degree of overall social
health of the nation is irrelevant and outside their zones of appreciation and concern. However, letting people
and voters outside their parochial concerns know what they want and my answers to those wants is an
educational process of benefit to both the general voter and myself. Hence this WWW sub-page.
Martin Lindstedt
Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senate, 2000
2000 Survey Answers
1996 Survey Answers
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