. August 5, 2000
Mr. Christian Whiteman
123 White Avenue
St. Louis, Missouri 63109Re: Your Contribution
Dear Mr. Christian Whiteman:
I thank you for the $25 campaign contribution you sent to me, unsolicited. I am pleased to accept your check. I will apply it to joining another uncompromising pro-White Christian political activism group such as the National Organization For European American Rights or the Council of Conservative Citizens, based in St. Louis, which groups I have already joined. I would not feel comfortable spending such money on myself when it is needed to continue the struggle for the survival of our People. I am not running for office for my own comfort, but because very few others seem interested in protecting our People, our Faith, our Culture, our Civilization, the very racial and religious trunk and roots of which each of us are but the leaves and branches.
I am running for U.S. Senator on the Reform Party ballot and am facing primary competition in the form of an admitted retired international bankster named Hugh Foley, who is also a one-worlder NWO globalonyial socialist. He is the beloved of the Perobot Dallas Faction of the Reform Party. I cannot find any political race in which the differences between candidates are so very stark. We've had a debate at a Reform Party function, and predictably we agreed on absolutely nothing. Them NWO Perobots are all whining about my racism because I don't want any more legal or illegal immigration from the Third-World. However, the very first thing which must be done is to shut off the flow of invading Third-World immigrants, which the New World Order crowd intend to use as a battering ram to force wages and living conditions down, and to bring their global plantation and company store to America. I think I shall win the primary, and then go on to eat out the working-class White Christian political base of John Ashcroft. John Ashcroft and Kit Bond voted in 1998 to import and legalize more immigrant farm labor, along with every Republican in the Senate. Only the liberal Democrats voted against this scheme by the agribusiness interests, and only because organized labor was against it. Thus the Republicans are in many ways the Party interested most in selling out White Christian America. While we cannot do anything against the Democrats, as they have the bloc vote of feminists and minorities, we can do something about the Republicans. They pretend to be for us and our values, while at the same time importing hordes of Third-World legalized aliens to displace and destroy us as a People. Only when faced with the choice of political extinction or of true loyalty to White Christian America, will the Republican Party be forced to change -- or die.
Ashcroft and "Minstrel-Show Mel" Carnahan are in a tight race. Only a Reform candidate who is solidly loyal to White Christian interests can get White Christians to either vote for Reform or stay at home and boycott the Evil Empire's fraudulent elections. HughWorldOrder Foley, the retired international banker and businessman, who wants more gun control and to impose a Value Added Tax on top of the income tax, has no interest in defeating Ashcroft and Talent as an object lesson for the Republicans to actually deliver on their promises to White Christian America -- or else. Only a Lindstedt/Keller Reform slate for U.S. Senate/Governor can actually deliver on this achievable political goal.
I and Dr. Joseph Keller, a like-minded Reform Party candidate for Governor, and Marvelene Pankey as Secretary of State, are running as a slate. I hope you will ask your family and friends to pick up a Reform ballot, and vote for the first names seen in these contested primaries.
Sincerely yours,
Martin Lindstedt
Missouri Reform Party Candidate for U.S. Senator.
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