Your Mind, Your Heart, Your Sons

by Jim Floyd


The Telescreen

Winston found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the rung of his chair. The horrible thing about The Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act the part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's own will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another . . . The little sandy-haired woman had flung herself forward over the back of the chair in front of her. With a tremulous murmur that sounded like "My Savior!" she extended her arms toward the screen . . . she was uttering a prayer."

"At this moment the entire group of people broke into a deep, slow, rhythmical chant of "B-B! ... B-B! ... B-B!"

Saturday, 15, September 2001, George W. Bush stood upon the rubble and dead bodies at the Twin Towers site, laughing actually, beating war drums, and enveloped in the guttural chants of "UG-UG!...UG-UG! ... USA!-USA!-USA!

Eric Blair/George Orwell, and Winston Smith, walk the streets of Manhattan and Big Brother on His "telescreen" invades my world with noises that set my teeth on edge and bristle the hair on the back of my neck. Goldstein is Big Brother!


Below are the most important statements I have ever written or will ever write;

"This is not an Attack on America -- It is an attack on Israel/Jews/ Tel Aviv West." --James Floyd, 11 Sept. 2001

Please, Proletarian America, think, walk away from the indoctrinating, propagandizing, telescreen. Go wash your face in cold water, then know this;

"A lie can go around the world before the truth can get its shoes on." Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

An FBI agent said on Fox News that "...they picked a target that would cause the most casualties." This is a rank, prodigious, lie.

Think just one moment, if they had just wanted to kill Americans, if average Americans were their targets, they would have flown those planes down the cooling towers of four of the largest nuclear plants in this nation. Or into the guts of some chemical storage facility like Anniston Army Depot with its nerve gas and other deadly agents. And they would have killed millions. They wanted to kill Jews, those who supply the money, and weapons that kill their children, the money-changers, the Pentagon. Nothing could be more lucent, clearer.

Yet the Judenpresse has used every legerdemain, known to human-kind or demon, to rebut the above facts. Immediately, the war criminal leaders of Israel spread-out around the globe spouting their vile lies. The ex-furniture-salesman, Bibi Netanyahu, amid palpable idolization from that giant butt-wipe, Brit Hume, told the world;

"These militant Islamics don't hate America because of Israel.
It's the other way around. They hate Israel because of America."

The big lie. Fox News 13 Sept.


The Shoeless Truth

The Israelis and their minions are regurgitating their foul cravings day and night. And what they crave is five hundred miles of devastation around them, a wide 'self-proclaimed security zone' which takes-in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and every inch of sand all the way from the river of Egypt/Red Sea, to the Euphrates, and from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. And the OIL.

And they will fight to the last drop of blood, your sons' blood, to satisfy their insatiable bloodlust. It is the life's blood of your sons that impels me to write you. These lackeys of Israel, from Bush on down, are appealing to your Orwellian "primitive patriotism" so that you will send them the cannon-fodder needed for the "First war of this century." (Bush)

The most applicable definition of 'insanity' that I have ever discovered is, "To do the same things, the same way, over and again, all the while, expecting a different result." This is insanity!

There are those who know what really happened in the last century, and it is inconceivable that the very same people who were responsible for dragging this nation into the bloodiest wars in history should, at the dawn of this new century, be able to seduce Americans into doing the same stupid things, yet again.


What is to be done:

"Just say no!!!"

"Just say no!!!"

"Just say no!!!"

Say no and say it loud and clear! Call these enslaved politicians and tell them this idiocy will not pass the Mother Test. Take the statement above, "This is not an Attack on America it is/was an attack on Israel/Jews/Tel Aviv West," and send it and say it until they are forced to address their looney-tunes foreign policies/aid to Israel that threaten our lives and the lives of our children.

Then go after the talk-show host, one of whom said "If you are not ready to go to war . . . if you are not enraged, something is wrong with you." One definition of 'host' is, "an organism harboring a parasite," but I prefer to use Orwell's description of one of the Ministry of Truth employees:

"He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms -- one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended."

Tell these war studs that if they love Israel, so very much, then they have your permission to form a Rush Limbo Brigade and take-off for Afghanistan! But they can't have your sons.

If you are uncomfortable about talking on the radio/TV just call and say "Israel." I want to watch their discomfiture! I want to hear their lame reasonings. I want them to know that we are here and that we know.

The truth will set you free and the truth may save the life of your sons.

James Floyd


Ed. Note: The "Mother Test" derives from when Russian mothers went to their own trouble and expense to go to Afghanistan and physically drag their raw recruit sons off by their ears and take them forcibly home away from the foreign war zone. The Soviet government was paralysed by this tactic, and so 'declared victory' and pulled out of their Afghanistan Conflict.



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