I'm sure some of what I have to say today will not be appreciated by some (right-wingers). Oh, well. It is high time that we who are serious about things demanded ideological purity of those who assume leadership/spokesman roles in the White racial cause. I really don't think that it is that much to ask that those who request our support refrain from kicking us in the teeth everytime they stupidly conclude that doing so will 'endear' them with the enemy. I don't think it 'unreasonable' to expect representatives of White racism to tell the TRUTH at all times. After all, telling the truth is only a matter of doing the White thing.We must make it clear that pandering to muds/cruds, denial of key points of White racist doctrine, and sniveling are all 100% unacceptable. One is either a White Revolutionary Racist or one is NOTHING. One is either imbued with the Northern (Nordic/Teutonic) warrior spirit or not. Those who cannot escape the fetters of timid lying moralities are useless and hardly qualify as being White, let alone Aryan. It's times like these that separate the men from the "goys".
Examples of inexcusable positions taken by phony right-wing types:
"I'm not antisemitic. I just disapprove of jewish supremacism and what it does to Palestinians. I realize that there are millions of good pro-America jews, some of whom support my efforts.""I don't hate. I just luuuvvvv everyone. My mama done told me that iffin you hate, you can't go to heaven and be with all the lovely diverse souls who done good here on earth." (this one is actually a play on what Robert Byrd told Tim Russert back in February.)
"jews have menorahs and muslims have stars and crescents. Can we plleeze, pretty pleeze have our nativity scenes. If you let us we will make all three wise men black this year. We just love America's judeo-Christian heritage!"
"Please leave George Washington's name on schools where the student body is 93% negro. It makes me cry when I see Malcolm X's name on the side of a school building. After all, wasn't he a racist? Real American patriots absolutely abhor racism. Remember what Lincoln said . . . one nation . . . . a house divided . . . what do you mean am I still a klansman? . . . . youthful indiscretion . . . I'se so ashamed . . . lots of black friends . . . MLK fought for his people, please let me at least whine for mine".
"Nazism is totalitarian and unamerican. Communism, fascism, and nazism are all equally wrong. What I am for is the system that has gotten us into this fine mess to begin with. I believe in, actually I worship, democracy. I would never support taking actions that might actually accomplish something. I'm not some extremist. All I'm saying is where are the equal rights for my people? If MLK can have a national holiday, why can't Jefferson Davis have his citezenship back and why can't Pete Rose be inducted into the baseball hall of fame?"
"Sure, there may be some extremists who support me. I repudiate them (without refunding their money of course). I don't need people like that. It shouldn't be held against me, however. All movements attract their fair share of nut-jobs and haters. By the way, have you met the lovely African-American school teacher I chose as my running-[pri]mate?"
This kind of moronic crap must be openly condemned by White Racist Revolutionaries. Let these fools do and say what they please, BUT let's refuse to fund/morally support their pathetic "efforts".
A good example of what I'm talking about is the BNP and it's call for British "nationalists" to start trashing Hitler in as ugly and cowardly a manner as is possible, in order to "score points" with the imaginary "mainstream" that is just dying to join them in whining about muslims with all their hindu, jew and afro-carribean buddies.
Below, I've included part of an article about the bold new direction being taken by the BNP (butt-goy negrophiles party):
Griffin, British National Party's leader, makes it policy to attack HitlerGriffin in Identity June 2002 says: ญญ
The Nazi enemyThe third 'H' which we have to identify and actively reject as an enemy is Hitler...on our fringes with a perverted nostagia for the 1930s. But we now have to promote our anti-Nazi credentials more vigorously,Let's face facts: Hitler was a disaster not just for Germany, but for the entire white race.
By the way, the last line about Hitler being a "disaster" for Germany and the "entire" White race must be part of an "Ass-Clown Talking Point Sheet". This is word-for-word a line of David Duke's that he used on Hannity & Combs two or three years ago. What an idiotic position to stake out: "WWII was Hitler's fault because if he hadn't stood up to the Zionists and the White traitor filth who emulate/adore them, there would have been no need for war. If he had been as brilliant and effective as the American/British right-wing, the jews wouldn't have felt threatened by him. In fact, a whole bunch of David Horowitz types probably would have joined him. Hitler wasn't smart and savvy the way we are. Just look at all of our sucesses over the last fifty years!"
It is time to get real. This embarrasing nonsense does NOTHING whatsoever to further our agenda, and in fact does much harm. Today's defeats and injustice will not be remedied by adopting jewish word-games and double-speak. Tommorow's assumption of power will be the result of applied force and might, not the feeble efforts of clever and coy ethical castrates.
.NON SERVIAM supports WAR, the American Nazi Party, and all those groups and individuals who refuse to compromise principle for percieved short-term gain.
Death to the Right Wing!
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