Lindstedt's SMAF-'Toonian Rogue's Gallery



The SMAF-'Toonian Rogue's Gallery

Chairman Adolf Himmler-Givens -- Smarmy Fascist LibberToon Bureaucrat
Whatshername -- SMAF-'Toonian Preference 4 U.S. Senator
J.Mark Oglesby-- The Great Master Debater
Jeanne Bojarski-- Rabid Social Democrat
James & LaDonna Higgins -- The Anninas & Sapphira of LibberToon Party Poly-ticks
Dick Ilyes -- The Windbag of Ooooozzz
Kevin Goodwin -- Rear-Echilon Marine
Phillip Horrass -- Don't Turn Your Back On Him
Mitchell J. Moore -- A Lawyer & A Ratman
Edwin Hogg -- Congressfeeb from the 4th District & Collector of Crazy-Checks
Mike Harmon -- Roy Blunt Lite

What is a SMAF? What is the LibberToon Party All About?



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