It's Time to Get Serious

by Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom


It's about time we get serious about what's happening in this country. Now, you're going to jump to the conclusion that I mean about the federal reserve bank, the income tax, the unlawful police state, the loss of our rights, or one of hundreds of other very serious problems that we have. I'm not! I'm talking about the reduction of moral obligation to a point that it appears that we live more in the land of Satan, and less in the land of Christian morality.

Back in May, 1995, I wrote an article, Informants Amongst Us! ( It was about the Serious Problem that we are facing. I had not been able to write the article before then, for I had no proof of just how bad the system had become.

Unfortunately, a very good friend, Grant McEwan, had been charged with a shotgun indictment and was facing many years and many dollars. The plea agreement offered to Grant (and, which he refused) was the material that I needed to write the article. The agreement was the instruction book on how patriots are forced to give up their lives, and prostitute themselves to the government. Guilt is not a factor. The consequences and expense of defending oneself are sufficient to cause many to opt for the status of 'informant'.

Grant was picked up yesterday while plowing a field in Tionesta, Pennsylvania. The FBI, by their own admission, had focused their search in Costa Rica or the Caribbean. Something, however, had led them to a remote farming area, and into a plowed field. That 'something' is the very Serious Problem that we face.

Recently, other friends from Florida stood trial in Tampa. In this case, a man named Quigley ( was an IRS undercover agent. The Serious Problem, however, is much the same.

The Serious Problem, quite simply, is people, human beings like you and me (well, not quite) who are willing for fear or money to sell out their neighbors. Regardless of oaths, loyalty, or any other moral obligation that honorable men might abide by, these scum, and I use the term conservatively, are just a bit below worthless. They will lie, as Quigley did, and they will make up stories, as has happened so often, and they will entrap, as we all know so well, they will do anything to achieve their goal of getting concerned people off of the streets and in federal prisons.

The Founding Fathers had a solution to this problem. Generally men were much more honorable than today, but as emotions stirred against British rule and Committees of Safety were formed, it was necessary to bind men to their word. One of the solutions can be found with the Albany Committee of Correspondence, Protection and Safety. Every member of the Association, the only ones allowed to hold office in the Committee, and to attend board meetings, were bound by this oath:

Wee the Subscribers do swear on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that we will not devulge or make known to any Person or Persons whomsoever (except to a Member or Members of this Board) the Name of any Member of this Committee giving his Vote upon any Controverted matter which may be debated or determined in Committee, or the arguments used by such Person or Persons upon such Controverted Subject, and all other such matters as shall be given hereafter in Charge by the Chairman of this Committee to the Members to be kept secret under the sanction of this Oath, untill discharged therefrom by this Committee or a Majority of the subscribers or the Survivors of them, or unless when called upon as a Witness in a Court of Justice.

The simple beauty (as is true in so many of the Founding documents) of this oath is beyond the complexities of modern life. An oath is given that doesn't allow divulging any information regarding how people voted, or argued their points, if that matter is controversial in nature. Any other matter so charged was also included in the secrecy. The only exception, and being Godly men, they recognized the need for Courts of JUSTICE (not law) to be a forum where all truths could be told. Not to the local police, not to the Sheriff, not to the U. S. Attorney ONLY in a "Court of Justice."

What the record also shows is that those sworn in were never charged with violation of that oath, unlike what we might expect today. In the Tampa trial, for example, "Bob Chapman" (Quigley) signed, under seal, that he was Chapman. Being a paid government agent exempts him from the law but not the moral consequences of his acts when he comes to meet his maker. His oath means nothing in life, and was determined by the jury, in court. But this is not always the case.

Vermin (am I being polite enough?) should be eradicated. If your house were infested with rats, you, surely, would do whatever was necessary to exterminate those pesky little vermin. It would seem that our country warrants the same respect as our house.

If anyone were to take the above oath, as a condition and agreement to an association of people with similar ideals, he would, at least, should he ever testify at a trial, be able to, under oath, swear that he has not said anything of the matters he will now discuss with anyone other than those who had joined him in the oath. It might be difficult for the prosecutor to establish probable cause, if the information was not divulged PRIOR to the proceedings. The means of the eradication of the vermin is to bind them to God and to you, as to their sincerity in such a way that any violation of that oath is proof, to all who will hear, that the violator is vermin.

Let's get rid of this very Serious Problem one way, or another.

Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom
homepage begins at:
September 10, 1997




by Viperfox (September 8, 1997)

Let's face it folks, England is a socialist slut and America is her evil daughter. In both cases, in fact, the principles which helped guide us above and beyond that of the world's heathens and communists are being trampled under the stomping feet of neo-Marxists and the tender toes of the Lavender Lobby. Our governments are being managed by human debris and co-opted by hordes of the culturally defunct. Worse than the blind leading the blind, the two greatest nations on earth are fast becoming breeding grounds for the morally condemned.

Is there a solution? Yes, but it is not what the last remaining patriots want to hear. And what might that be? The system that threatens to destroy our heritage and way of life must be surgically removed.

Unfortunately, this will not be easy; for we are living during the most controlled and regulated time in history. Unlike our forefathers who could easily identify and unite behind a common foe, we have no such luxury. By comparison, we are forced to come to terms with this unpleasant reality of monumental proportions without the blessing or support of the so-called people. Why? Because the vast majority love their servitude and will fight to the death to preserve it.

This means that we must find the courage to defend our cause regardless of the odds. For in the end, it is the will of a triumphant minority who will always call the shots, not the sheeple. Thus, you either get used to bowing to the present ruling class who are manipulating the masses, or become a part of the battle to assert the values you hold dear.

Indeed, you might lose it all, including your life; but to do essentially nothing amounts to one in the same. It's up to you, then, to decide how much freedom is really worth, and how much you are willing to sacrifice in the struggle to regain what has been taken away. But if fighting for principle is not worth taking risks, than it is not worth having at all. In other words, either put up or shut up!

Many say they would not stand by idly while the government stripped them of their arms; yet every day millions yield the right of way to the institutionalized abuse against their Second Amendment guarantees. In truth, when push comes to shove, 9 out of 10 patriots will either tuck tail and run, or they will succumb to the powers that be. But give our archenemies more time, and every last vestige of liberty will ultimately disappear.

For one, conservative patriots have no serious central organization, let alone a universal plan, or a means to execute it. In short, our leaders are divided and have no stable political continuity or direction.

Granted, a few speak out from time to time, but their desperate calls are mere flickers of hope being smothered in a torrent of lies and deceit. Even among conservative standard bearers, opinions remain pitted against each other. This, my friends, helps sustain the chaos and assures prolonged despotism.

So yes, the time has come to look for common ground and to forge a new compact among our conservative brethren. This means that we must carefully consider our beloved ideals, but we must also take heed of the dismal alternatives.

Should we compromise? Only in degree, but not when it comes to principle. Realistically, though, we must learn to have faith in each other if we are going to have any chance of success. But this will require some give and take. And the way to achieve that is by keeping sight of our mutual enemies above our own self-interests. After we deal with them, and drive them from our shores, then we can hash out the details and particulars.

This may sound like a flimsy proposal, but no one has offered anything better. Therefore, I suggest that you take time to reevaluate your positions and seek out our common strengths, rather than stay focused on what are mostly minor differences. Will the real BRAVEHEARTS please stand up?



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