Purpose and Dedication: This electronic and limited print newsletter is dedicated to the modern militiamen and women of the American Resistance Movement. The writers, editors, and contributors of this newsletter have by their talents became leading actors within the overall Patriot movement, be they militiamen, common-law jurists, tax-protesters, Freemen, shortwave talk-show hosts, Libertarians, Conspiracy Theorists or other assorted Rebels with a cause. We are an unruly bunch.
Most of the feeds and articles to this newsletter come off the Internet or electronic mail, which is the Gutenburg device of choice. Far-flung, quick, cheap, and secure, the Internet is a growing web of information which cannot be stopped or effectively censored. While at least one copy of each issue will be printed in order to take advantage of 1st Amendment press protections, thus blanketing the electronic edition, this and every issue is designed to be pulled apart and redesigned for every region, for every portion of the former Sweet Land of Liberty, to be used by Patriots everywhere. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are the opinions only of the authors, nobody else. The result should be freedom, not peace.
This is the SEVENTH issue. This issue will be dedicated to looking at the changing attitudes, and the
growing realization of our predicament becoming evident in *the movement.*
The contents of this edition have been compiled in large part by Roving Editor William Michael Kemp (minutemn@pcl.net).
Managing Editor Martin Lindstedt (mlindste@clandjop.com)
Want a floppy copy of this Issue? There are some people who cannot afford long-distance Internet access or computer fast enough to go on-line. And this Internet publisher cannot afford to print paper copies of these works and send them to subscribers.
So the easy way to get this message out is for any would-be subscriber to directly access this Internet publisher, by e-mail or by written letter, and send $5 asking for this issue or for any other issues and I will fill that order with a 3.5 inch disk mailed back to you. Any excess space left on the floppy will be filled with other witings from "The Patriot Coalition."
Copyright 1997. Anyone is at liberty to copy this newsletter in whole or in part for non-profit purposes provided they properly attribute copied portions to Modern Militiaman and the author(s). People who do make a buck from it are expected to pony up.
Roving Editor William Michael Kemp (minutemn@pcl.net).About This Issue:
The purpose of this edition is to air comments which reflect the changing character of our movement. In times past, many of us were possessed of a sense of optimism with the opportunity to work within the existing framework of our nation and its government. In the absence of optimism, many of the remainder of us felt obliged to expend every effort to work within this framework. We courted the media, we cooperated with *authority* and *the authorities,* we supported individuals who were actively seeking positions of responsibility within *the system,* trying to find a course back to the principles upon which our great nation was founded-- independence and sovereignty of the individual; respect for the rights of everyone; government profoundly limited in authority and thus power; the concept of *do unto others as you would have them do unto you* applied and practiced as individuals, and required of government.More and more of us are realizing that all we have accompllished is to make marked targets of ourselves, those of us who have earnestly tried to make this return a peaceful and welcome evolution by the recitation and application of reason, logic, and the lessons of history. We have been denigrated by the media, assaulted in overt and covert ways by all aspects of government; rather than being a salvation, the Republican Revolution has revealed itself to be nothing more than an enforcement mechanism for the outrages perpetrated by previous regimes.
The general mood is surly; patience and optimism are absent. The essays and snippets herein presented are reflective of that mood. The final piece of this edition is a petition by the Gun Owners of America to Newt Gingrich in an attempt to reverse the assault on the Second Amendment. It is offered in the hope that things can be reversed. It is perhaps the final attempt to set things right *within the system.*