Of Christianity it has been wisely observed that the good Christianity brought to Europe was not new and the new was not good. It has also been repeated that “Christianity was the basis of Western Civilization”, but the fact of repetition does not make false statements become true. The equation of Christianity with Western Civilization is obviously false, since ancient Greece and Rome were pre-Christian parts of Western Civilization. Let’s go into the northwestern parts of Europe, however, where people were said to be “uncivilized”, since they did not reside in cities, for the most part. As Aryans, they lived by means of their crops, their livestock, fishing and artisanry. Fishing led to seafaring and seafaring led to travel and trade with the far reaches of the known and unknown worlds. Northwestern Europeans were also respected and feared as warriors, but they were hardly the uncouth savages depicted by Christian propagandists, who feared bathing as much as they feared their devil.2005 Public Domain -- provided credit is given to Eric Thomson and www.MartinLindstedt.org.They had written languages in various alphabets known as runes which recorded examples of their religions, sagas, songs and poetry. Their social institutions were based on sound biological principles of family, clan, tribe and nation which formed the basis of their government: democracy. Their popular assemblies known as “things” would come together in agreed upon places or “thingsteads” for legislative and/or judicial purposes. All members of the people had a say in such matters, and women were respected participants in these councils. The principles and procedures of what we still call Anglo-Saxon justice were derived from pre-Christian and pre-feudal Europeans.
With the collapse of Rome, Europeans entered a period known as The Dark Ages or The Age of Faith. This period which followed the fall of Roman civilization became the purview of bandit warlords, whose brutal rule was propped up by the doctrines and the hierarchy of the Christian church. This unholy combination of criminals and clerics became what is called feudalism: rule from the top down, on behalf of a predatory and parasitical minority. With feudalism came serfdom, in which the majority of “commoners” were not only slaves, but attached to their feudal lords’ land, as were crops and livestock. Feudalism was an effective form of tyranny over mind and body. It was strictly hierarchical for members of church and state, with comparable ranks for secular and theocratic functionaries.
Feudalism could not have imposed its tyranny over Europeans so long, if it had not been for the accompanying imposition of Christianity: a criminal combination of force and fraud aimed at the centralization and concentration of power and wealth. Neither feudal church nor state could abide the existence of free men, free-thinkers and self-determined people. After Karl the Saxon-Slayer alias Charlemagne broke his sacred truce with Saxon leaders and slew thousands of them, his unholy henchmen of the Church recognized him as their “Holy Roman Emperor”. Thus it is that religion cannot be divorced from politics and economics without becoming irrelevant.
Under early feudalism, trade and other commercial activities which had flourished under Roman civilization languished. Cities had been sacked, roads and rivers were under the sway of bandits, pirates and warlords. Roman order had yielded to chaos in former Roman territories, but this was not the case for people who had not come under the Roman yoke. This tyranny would be imposed by non-Romans and Christians in areas where Rome’s legions had feared to tread, despite the free Europeans’ resistance to feudal-Christian tyranny, as championed by the so-called Vikings, The Men of the North.
For a time, relative order existed in Europe, sufficient to permit trade. Cities usually arose at strategic river crossings where traders regularly met, and goods as well as farm produce would be exchanged. Arrangements for trade were made in advance, in the form of “fairs”, at which peasants, artisans and those who sold the products thereof could congregate. Such fairs also attracted travelling entertainers, tavern-keepers and inn-keepers who made their livings from those who’d come to trade. Money entered the picture, along with money-lenders, and form followed function. Where traders congregated on a regular basis, so did inns, taverns, brothels, coopers, blacksmiths, carpenters, weavers, shopkeepers, clerics, criminals, beggars, and all the various and sundry denizens which one would encounter in Roman cities. The commercial class of Roman civilization was to develop much more fully in ‘the late feudal period, bringing with it revolutionary change.
The Catholic Church was based on three basic groups: the clerics, the feudal hierarchy and the peasants or serfs. With the advent of a large and wealthy class of traders and artisans, this form no longer followed function. Thus was the stage set for the so-called Protestant Reformation and the bloody conflict of The 30 Years’ War in Europe. This religious/political/economic strife extended into Britain with Cromwell, who received the backing of the new bourgeois group which was also known as burghers or middleclass townsmen, many of whom were also jews. It is no secret that jew traders and moneylenders rode in the van of the commercial town-dwellers and accompanied their rise to power and wealth which dwarfed the power and wealth of the feudal lords and kings, who became the thralls of the bourgeoisie or were sometimes eliminated entirely, as during the advent of Cromwell, the American War of Independence and the so-called French Revolution. The Protestant Reformation and the aforementioned events were all bourgeois revolutions against the feudal/clerical order of The Dark Ages, but they were mere preludes to The New Dark Age in which we live at present, the hallmark of which is hypocrisy.
History reveals that community and civilization long existed before the imposition of feudal Christianity or Christian feudalism, which largely achieved the subversion and perversion of both these essential factors of European existence. The cancerous growth of commercialism into globalism, accompanied by global crime syndicates, often posing as legitimate governments, now form a hierarchy which resembles feudalism. But this new form of feudalism is directed not by the wielders of swords and crosses, but by usurers who have discovered “the one ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.”
To identify the problem is the first step in solving it.
Eric Thomson
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