Eric Thomson with Harold Covington in Rhodesia, circa 1970s
ParaTable of Contents
- May 5, 2004 -- Letter to Tom, meth labs, prisoner abuse, Germany, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, Taiwan, etc.
- May 3, 2004 -- Eric's Ancestor, Freemason & Founding Felon Charles Thomson, Seal of ZOG, etc.
- May 10, 2004 -- Swartzenigger, Rural vs. Urban Guerrillas
- May 25, 2004 -- Civil War, Whites as debt slaves, Mexican invasion
- June 8, 2004 -- To Sean: Eric's experiences, Saddam as CIA pawn, ZOG 'jewstice'
- June 9, 2004 -- To Michael: ZOG gulags, ADL Involvement
- June 10, 2004 -- People-Power = Economic Power, Petro-ZOGbux, jew Outsourcing & Inflation, jew Parasitism
- June 11, 2004 -- To Tom: ZOG phony selections, ZOG braggidocio, Gore Vidal & Collapsing Empire, Expendible Africans
- June 13, 2004 -- To Sean: Debt Slavery vs. Black Slavery, Immigruntation, Reagan, Soldiers as War Criminals
- June 17, 2004 -- To Wayne: Ignatiev as AZA jew, Freemasonry, jews subverted South Africa, want to subvert Australia, Whigger Supremacy
- June 20, 2004 -- To Tom: Loss of Community, Chinese Invasion, Christinsanity, Rockwell's Ship Analogy, Future of ZOG
- June 27, 2004 -- To Phil: Chinese Military Capabilities, Chinese Invasion
- June 28, 2004 -- To D.R.: ZOG Misrule Over Iraq, Mossad capers, Separating Iraq and Iraqi Oil
- July 6, 2004 -- To Johnathan: Aryan India, Race-mixing, Earnest Sevier Cox's 'White America', jew Communism vs. jew Capitalism fraud, Rudolf Hess
- Sep. 13, 2004 -- To Mike, The Parthenon Code, Dualism in both Greek and jew, New god of 'Tolerance', Lawrence of Arabia quotes
- Sep. 29, 2004 -- To Phil, Mestizo America & End of Aryan Enterprise, 'Trickle Down', Kerry Fumbling, No Real Third Partys, End of Rhodesia
- To Tom, October Surprises, Fraudulent Elections, Bankster Government, Native American Mestizos as Oriental Sadists
- Oct. 28, 2004 -- To Michael, Conditions in ZOG gulags & How Like Soviet Gulags, SS and Wehrmacht Discipline, French Preferred Germans to American Occupation, Eric's Travels in France & Germany, Telegony
- Dec. 19, 2004 -- To Wayne, Cosmotheism, Geographical Separatists & Covington's Notions, Fashions, Market Researchers, Globalists & ZOG Slave-Thugs
- Jan. 2, 2005 -- To Rudy: The Masonic Roots of the USA/ZOG; Masons Serve Satan; Satanic Heraldry; A Plutarchy, Now a Kleptocracy
- Jan. 21, 2005 -- To Johnathan, Bio-Patriots vs. Geo-Paytriots, FBI Corruption, 9-11 Coverup, Bush Wanting Armaggeddon
- Jan. 22, 2005 -- Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't: The Battle to Make The World Safe For Hypocrisy
- Jan. 23, 2005 -- To Brian: jews advancing, mud infestations in Yakima, France , Germany
- Jan. 25, 2005 -- To Martin Lindstedt:, re-publishing letters, timeless essays, Robert Frenz, Dr. Revilo Oliver
- Jan. 25, 2005 -- To Gary: One Leader per 20 Sheep, Sheep are Slaves, Revolutions are Conservative, Government vs. Terrorists, Teamwork Trumps Anarchy, NS = Good Image
- Jan. 28, 2005 -- To Rudy: U.N is U.S., Religion emphasised over race, Take-over of Christianity, Khazar jews, jews resemble Satan
- Man Is Part of Nature -- Jan. 29, 2005
- Jan. 30, 2005 -- To Alex Linder: Glenn Miller, jews in Rhodesia, Mexifornia, Home Schooling, Eric's School Days, Technology & Dependence, 1800s Tech Works!
- Jan. 30, 2005 -- To Tom: ZOG war against Syria & Iran, Neutron Bomb, Grabbing Trinkets, USS Titanic, Rudyard Kipling Poem
- Feb. 16, 2005 -- To D.R.: White Flight = Flee or Pee; War Nerd Culture; Iraq Fighting; Surveillance Society; ZOG Collapse Like Russian Revolution
- Feb. 20, 2005 -- To Rudy: Eric on YHWH, Omnipotent & Omniscient, Free Will vs. Determinism.
- Feb. 23, 2005 -- To John: Movement Personalities, Traitors & Snitches, Warning Others, Movement Isolation
- Feb. 24, 2005 -- To Gary: ZOG Strikebreakers, Race to Economic Bottom, Violence as a Tool, Inadequacy of Civil Disobedience
- Feb. 25, 2005 -- To Doug: Pro-White Ideology & Forming White Communities, White Supremacism vs. White Separatism vs. White Nationalism Compared
- March 3, 2005 -- To Michael: Prison Proceedings, UN Convention on Genocide, Eric as an expert witness, Eric's Internet writings
- March 5, 2005 -- Ernst Zundel as His Cause, jew Religion, Chinaduh/Canada
- March 10, 2005 -- To Tom: Empty Idle Rich, jews claiming to be Russians, Americans, & Now Germans, Passengers on Spaceship Earth
- Mar. 12, 2005 -- To D.R:, Matt Hale, Ben Klassen, World Church of the Creator, Race vs. Religion, Black History, Courthouse Dramas
- March 16, 2005 -- To Michael: Coining of Term ZOG; jew anti-Zionists; Falsification of Kort Records
- March 17, 2005 -- To Tom: Whites Dispossessed from Farm to City; Rome to America, Pleasure-seeking Fatheads, Dreaming Better Dreams
- March 18, 2005 -- To Rudy: Christian 'fart-halls', Christian hypocrisy, Trials in CanZOG
- March 19, 2005 -- To Harold Covington: Keith Fulton/Covington's White Nationalist Character Defects; White Supremacists vs. Separatists vs. Nationalists; White 'Amurricans & jew Infiltraitors
- March 20, 2005 -- To Phil: China vs. U.S.A.; jew Parasitism; Hitler's Private Life; Montana Legislature
- March 21, 2005 -- To Phil: EM Wright & State Department; Nation vs. Empire; jew Nationalism in Russia and USA; Buying Oil With ZOG-bux
- March 21, 2005 -- To Martin Lindstedt: Differing Views Published; Glenn Miller, $tormfront & 'Geezer-Gelt'; Miller & Frank Collin-Cohn
- March 22, 2005 -- To D.R.: EM Wright; History as Migrations, Invasions & Conquests; Homeland Insecurity, Symbolic Ownership; Hunter Thompson
- March 23, 2005 -- Dear Michael: Covington; German POWs; Denial of Race by ZOG; Takaki's "A Different Mirror" & Multi-Racialism/Culturalism; Inevitable Balkanization
- March 24, 2005 -- To Gary: 88 Precepts vs. Simple Speech; GL Rockwell - Your Race Is Your Uniform; The Strong Will Survive
- March 31, 2005 -- To Johnathan: Siegmund Fraud & Schidzoid jews; Mental Illness Hereditary & Caused by Bad Diet; Mark Vonnegut; Karma & What Goes Around Comes Around
- April 2, 2005 -- To Chad: Diversity Brings Disease; Changes in Employment Since 1960s; Open Borders; Ron McVan & Lack of White Creativity
- April 6, 2005 -- To Michael: Getting Everything In Writing; A Different Mirror; Perkins Interview As 'Economic Terrorist'; Civil War II; Wars with Columbia, China
- Apr. 16, 2005 -- To Tom: New jew Popery; ZOG Collapse Faster Than Rome's; The Trash Empire; Oil Bizness Racket
- April 20, 2005 -- To Michael: Conditions in State and ZOG Gulags; jews Popping Up All Over; Some jews Expendible; jew Behavior; 'White' Traitors; Gone until May 11, 2005
Sundry Comments Without Dates
- The Cabalistic Curse Of Christianity
- Madman On The Street Interview
- Some Observations On The Age Of Total Politics
- Saddam In The Hands of ZOG
- One Is Only As Good As His Word
- Race-Mixing: The Key To World Peace?
- Jesus Christ: Protector of Evil, An Aryan Analysis Derived From jew Mythology
- An Aryan View of Torture -- (Mar. 11, 2005)
- An Aryan View of Church & State -- March 13, 2005
- Blightwing Zundelization -- A Paragon of Political Pathology -- April 5, 2005
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Revised Nov. 5, 2009