Second Interview with Editor of Modern Militiaman


Setting Up The Interview

Mr. X
 I've read all of your essays.  I am a ph.d student doing some in depth
 research on the militia movement.  As you know and have argued against,
 most writing about the movement today in the popular press simply
 categorizes the movement as mere hate groups similar to the KKK, etc.
 My research seeks to look beyond that into what seems are the main
 issues of the movement - those issues of government, soveriegnty, the
 new world order, etc.  That is, I am trying to ascertain more clearly
 through scholarly research some of the underlying motivations and
 concerns of those in the movement.
 Anyway, I say that to ask if you would be willing to correspond with me
 on some different questions and so forth.  As I said, I have read your
 essays and I take them at face value.  However, anything read always
 brings up questions not answered in the text.
 I would really appreciate your help.

[Greetings Martin,
Since I am not in the militia, since I do not answer questions, maybe you
would like to send him some of your writing on the militia?]  

 charlton mcilwain
 University of Oklahoma

   Certainly.  I still think you had ought to give your ideas 
to the press and outsiders, as by default they will demonize everything 
they cannot/refuse to understand.  However, I defer to your principles 
and strategic decision to refuse to be misquoted outside your exact 
words in your writings. Thank you for bringing this opportunity to 
my attention.

--Martin Lindstedt

Mr. McIlwain:

   Mr. X has brought your request to my attention. I have answered 
a number of such queries before for the purpose of clarifying, thus 
legitimizing Resistance objectives and actions.

   If you would, perhaps you could read some of my past postings 
on my WWW pages, and then pose your questions, which will be answered 
in full and honestly or not answered at all by myself.
   I will send your questions and answers to other militia 
organizations, most of which do not agree with me at all, in the 
interests of maintaining open lines of communication. You can ask 
them the same questions and probably get different answers. What 
you make of such a Babel of different answers will determine 
whether you are PhD material or not, won't it?

--Martin Lindstedt
Managing Editor, "Modern Militiaman"

The Interview:


Here are some of the questions.  Of course I think they're all
important, but feel free to pick and choose those that you feel are of
particular importance/relavence.

I appreciate your willingness to look at the questions and pass them
along.  I hope this can be an ongoing dialogue as the more I read, the
more questions I have and I don't want to simply rely on my own
interpretations and representations of you and other miltia members.

Feel free to ask anything you'd like in return.

Thanks Again,

Charlton McIlwain


1. When you talk about the "New World Order".  What do you mean?  What
groups are involved?  What does such an "order" entail? And why are
members of the miltia movement and other groups threatened by it?

   Generally people are talking about a cabal of insiders who seek 
to form a world government with themselves as the despotic elites 
who will manage such a feudal system with unlimited power. It is 
believed that such conspirators (usually Jews manipulating the present 
decaying elite insiders) seek to destroy the American Republic, 
Christianity, and the white race, and everything else good and holy.

   Now of course such could be taken as a characture of what is 
believed, yet it is what is believed.  It entails using the UN to 
bring over foreign troops as NWO Hessians to shoot down Americans 
and the use of American troops to perform similar atrocities upon 
Serbians, Somalis, etc.  It entails genocide by means of government 
produced biological agents, like AIDS, Ebola, Anthrax, etc.
   And the reason such things are believed is because there is an 
element of truth in the matter.  There is a movie out called 
"Conspiracy Theory" in which the conspiracy theory turns out 
correct.  Last year, I watched a movie called "Last Long Kiss 
Good-Night." Premise?  A sleeper agent is awakened and she fights 
the CIA which is trying to blow up half of Buffalo NY with a 
semi-truck packed to the gills with liquid nitrogen.  "Absolute 
Power" and "Murder at 1600" are the names of movies which have 
turned up during the past year as well.

   So nobody trusts the gubbnmint any more.  Nobody trusts the 
media.  Nobody trusts anybody.

   Now in such a world, who am I to say any different?  The 
militia movement is steeped in such urban legend and I would be 
looked askance if I said any different.  

   The real truth is so much more frightening:  We live in the 
age when the current civilization, decayed well past the point of 
reform, will collapse under the weight of its internal barbarians.
There will be a massive die-off, without even the spartan comforts 
of a NWO concentration camp.  Instead of New World Order, there will 
be No World Order or any order at all save that imposed by strong 
men over the survivors.

   This is why I advocate good people forming survival cells, so 
that there are quality people who survive to form the foundations 
of a new civilization, rather than having another 1,000 year dark 
age. Let the criminal and parasitic element perish in the collapse 
of the civilization they destroyed.

2. Today’s technology boasts of making the world a smaller place, of
being able to break down certain national/ethnic/racial barriers.  Do
you believe that this is a good and useful by-product of technoogical

   The first of your premises is correct.  The world is indeed a 
smaller place.  
   The second premise is incorrect except in the sense that separate 
national/ethnic/racial barriers are being destroyed by short-sighted
interests foreign to the indigenous social orders which created those 
barriers for its own protection.

   What made peace possible between these national/ethnic/racial 
differences was separation. With closer contact conflict becomes 
inevitable, with the weaker either being assimilated or destroyed.
How well did the Amerind culture survive when faced with the more 
politically and technically advanced European culture after 1492?
   Now that such European culture has become paralysed by a lack of 
will, further conflict is inevitable now that there there is no 
supreme social order able to act against the forces of chaos and 
conflict.  The pretty toys and weapons of today merely ensure that 
the casualty rate will be higher and inevitable.  A good analogy to
the consequences of a smaller world and better technology are two 
men locked together in a small closet with a Browning .50 cal. 
apiece. The one who wins is the one who first pulls the trigger.

3. Do you as an individual, and the militia as a whole feel as though
you have an identity?  If so, how would you describe it.  If not, what
do you think accounts for your sense of identity loss or conflict?

   I cannot speak for the militia movement as a whole.  However, I do 
have observations.

   In and after April 1994 the majority of the militia movements 
formed, I think as a reaction to the first anniversity of Waco. By 
the end of 1994 there was an actual militia movement forming several 
militias every week.  The militia 'movement' was on the rise, 
encouraging us and spreading fear among the government forces.

   By March 25, 1995, there were rumors that the feds were going to 
act against the movement by rounding up the leadership.  Before April 
19, 1995 it was a given that the government would commit an act of 
terrorism and blame it on the militia movement. So when OKC happened, 
nobody was surprized at what happened.  We knew the government was 
behind the bombing, using some Oswald as an excuse for their murder.
  However, the increased scrutiny made the long-term survivalists 
duck back underground just as they were beginning to make overtures 
with the militia organizations.  Thus the recruitment phase of the 
open militia movement was stalled, then halted, although the open 
militia movement continued with its already recruited membership. 

   At this time what was present was an understanding among the members 
of the public militias of their common ideology favoring a Constitutional  
republican form of government, hatred and fear of the NWO, and fear 
of social disintegration.  This common ground allowed infiltration 
of militia units by informers and agents provacateur who said the 
right code-words.  So was spent 1995 to the early part of 1996.

   In 1996 the government hammered the open militia movement 
with arrests arising from the perjured testimony of agents 
provacateurs, with the show trials and convictions of the Viper 
Militia, the W.Va. Mountaineers, the Bob Starr bomb-making trial, 
the Mike Kemp trial, etc.  These trials caused the open militias 
to crack because of their lack of internal security and for the 
doctrine of "leaderless resistance" to take root, and then to 
be acted upon.  The leaders of the open public militias were 
under attack for their lack of internal security arrangements 
and for their willingness to allow groups like the Republic of 
Texas to be killed and arrested at will.  This lack of solidarity 
crumpled the moral facade of "one for all and all for one" which 
was the primary reason people joined a militia group -- for 
protection from gubbnmintgungoons stealing their property and 
terrorizing or killing them without recourse. 

  As a result of all this, 1997 was the year that the militia movement 
went underground and became an actual Resistance movement. Because 
the split up into autonomous cells hampers communication, it is 
not yet ready to be a proactive force.  With the advance of 
Internet anonymous e-mail and encryption and the existence of open 
news and propaganda sources via the Internet by 1998 the 
Resistance movement should have a communications network in place.  
By 1999, certain rural areas will be governed de facto by the 
Resistance with no government occupation except by expeditionary 

   For all the open factionalization and infighting by militia 
generals, there still is an 'understanding' among the natural 
leaders of this developing Resistance movement.  It is this 
unnwritten 'understanding' of good faith between this officer 
corps of Revolutionists which cannot be understood by those not 
"born" into such an understanding.  We recognize each other on 
sight as if we were biological brethren.  The pieces just seem 
to snap together.  Every one of us just does what he/she does 
best, hence the formation of open and hidden communications hubs 
and hidden ties with elements of the Constitutionalists, 
White Nationalists, and Christian Identity movements.

   I suspect, although I cannot prove, that a social order under 
extreme stress generates its own protectors and sustainers who while 
they cannot save the social order that gave them birth act to 
salvage as much as possible for the times ahead.   

4. If you could give a profile of the typical militia member, how would
you do so?

   I think the profile of a typical Resistance member is a 
rural man in his mid-thirties with teen-age or younger children who 
is stockpiling food and ammunition for the times ahead. No criminal 
or political record, keeps to himself and his family, is striving 
to stay ahead and wants out of the system.  A cell leader.

5. What do you see as being the most salient points of contention
between the militia and the U.S. government?

   There is so much fear, loathing and suspicion between the Resistance 
member and the U.S. Government that there no longer are any salient 
points.  There are no bones of contention, the solving of which 
will 'cure' or fix the gulf between the Resistance and the current 
   The lines have been drawn. The gubbnmint wants to rule over us 
absolutely and we won't let it.  What is there to argue about?
6. What do you feel will be the "last straw" that will encourage violent
conflict between militia members and the government?

   There is so much socially combustable tinder around that any spark, 
no matter how tiny and petty, can unleash a conflagration which can 
destroy the peace.  You must realize that it is no longer a matter 
of a regrettable misunderstanding which must be cleared up.  No, it 
is a matter of how much force can be brought to bear to clear up 
the fire once brought into open flame.  Sooner or later the amount of 
separate fires will overwhelm the regime's fire brigade.
   As Revolutionists, we have no idea as to what will spark the 
conflagration.  In fact, as keepers of limited means, probably we 
will not put into the fray any of our forces until we are sure we 
can prevail.  Chances are better than 90 percent that the spark which 
burns down the regime will come as a conflict between someone we 
don't know and the ordinary police thugs terrorizing the wrong 
person at the wrong time.

   Take for example Carl Drega.  Totally unknown quality to the 
militia movement.  He's 67 and finally snaps upon gubbnmintgungoon 
provocation, ambushes and kills two state troopers, a municipal 
judge and a newspaper editor and wounds a whole bunch of gunthugs.
Now he is a hero to our movement because one of him took out 
some state criminals, who cannot understand his frustrations. 
The average man understands and honors Drega because he too is 
under this regime's thumb and wishes he could afford to do the same. 
   A point has been passed. Instead of some psychotic loser killing 
some "innocent" unarmed women and children in a restaurant, you 
have some person who will not be bullied going out and killing 
his tormentors and making sure they are dead.  You have somebody 
openly going out and hunting these criminals down and killing 
them.  You have these cowardly thugs having to outnumber him 
by thirty-forty to one ganging up on him before he is killed 
without a whimper by his murderers.
   You may not understand this.  The gubbnmint doesn't understand 
what happened, although they dimly realize that those whom they rule 
are losing their fear, and that should be very scary for them. 
Once that fear is lost and hatred reigns, a million cops, judges, 
lawyers and their families will be dragged screaming under the knife 
or into the fire by their former victims.

   Get your mind off the triggering incident that will openly 
herald the coming civil war.  Rather, it is a series of incidents 
which have created the hatred and the cause of the war to where it 
became inevitable. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and now the Drega incident. 
All mile markers which future historians will point out to say: 
After here, the war was inevitable.

7. Many in the mainstream press characterize militia members much the
same as members of the KKK, Aryan Nations, and other white supremacist
groups.  Do members of the militia movement deny any and all such
claims?  Are there some militia groups that do espouse such an
ideology?  If so, would you say those groups are in the majority or

   No, "militia experts" such as Morris Dees and the FiBbIes' 
Behavioral Science Unit say such things and their media allies 
repeat such things. 
   The KKK and Aryan Nations are infiltrated so badly that they are 
essentially ineffective as anything but for the media to use as 
whipping boys.  They are also effective for the Resistance Movement 
because it keeps the FiBbIes and the media focussed on people 
who have little self-discipline while progress is being made 
by those who are both silent and effective.
   However, it is the unknown Christian Identity and White 
Nationalist "cells" which are currently the Resistance Movement's 
shock troops.  This is because they had a five-eight year 
headstart in forming such cells.  They are fanatical for their 
beliefs and attitudes.  They do not have any police records and 
they only discuss their beliefs among themselves. No stranger can 
infiltrate them.

   Last year at the May 1996 Gadsden Rally I estimate a little 
over a third of the militia members were Christian Identity 
or White Nationalist.  The percentage will go higher, perhaps 
to 50-60 percent right now, as they seek out new recruits for 
their cells, but eventually they will go back to being a 
minority as Resistance activity becomes no longer a matter of 
concern only among the CI or White Nationalists.
   No Resistance leader can afford to disparage its CI or White 
Nationalist elements.  Their influence is overwhelming, and one 
must at the very least understand, if not agree, with their 
   My position is that of someone who is trying to expand the 
quantity of the Resistance while raising the quality of the 
Resistance at the same time.  As the Resistance grows, it will 
in some respects grow away from its CI and White Nationalist 
roots, but still, no Resistance member is going to wish to 
enforce through war a new centralized government regime over the 
successor states, some of which will be founded on the the various 
beliefs of its CI or White Nationalist elements.  Let's win our 
war first before we fight over what the post-war world will look 

8. Do militia groups deny membership rights based on race, color, ethnic
group, etc.

   A Resistance cell denies membership rights to anyone who is not 
a member of his family or of long friendship and personal knowledge.

   The open public suburban militias have a tendency to recruit openly 
anyone who will parrot their beliefs.  That is why they are infiltrated.
   As an anecdote, I remember one militia unit when it was activated back 
in early 1995 had its CO boast that its XO was both Jewish and a female. 
The more irreverent of us visiting open militiamen asked, "Is she 
a lesbian? Is she a lesbian, too?"  We thought it idiotic and unwise to 
choose a second-in-command based solely on how well it played to the 
prejudices of the PC bungholes and the media. From what we could tell 
those criteria were the sole reason for that militia's choice of 

9. What are the basic ideological prerequisites for membership in a
militia organization?

    If you are in a Resistance cell, your belief system will be a 
known quality and well known by those who brought you in.

   The militia movement, in both its Resistance and open elements, is 
profoundly hostile to the current government regime.  It is viewed 
as an illegitimate tyranny imposed on those who would be free.

10. Do you believe that minorities are big part of the cause in what you
call America’s decline as a nation?

   Not especially.  I would blame any decline on those who were in 
charge, and for all practical effect the minorities never were in 
charge of anything, although they have been exploited by the regime.

11. How does it make you feel to know that you are being largely ignored
or hardly taken seriously by the American population as well as the U.S.
government? Would you say you are being ignored?

   It is both irrelevant and beneficial to be ignored by the ignorant.

12. If you had your way, how would you “fix” America?

   We are not interested in "fixing" Amerika.  Far better to let 
Amerika destroy itself, and then for us to go our own way when 
there is no means to stop us.
   We would form our own new governments and social orders free 
from the burdens of the old order.

13. What would you say is your primary motivation behind what you think,
feel, do and say as a militia member in regards to your fellow citizens
and your government?

    First of all, it is not my government.  If it was my gubbnmint then 
it would leave me alone to live my life in peace. But it won't. And 
neither will the 'fellow citizens' slaving away to benefit the special 
interests of 'their gubbnmint.'  If I was allowed to live in freedom, 
then they whine as to why must they live as slaves, and I'm allowed 
to live free.  Sooner or later, as happened at Ruby Ridge and Waco,  
the gubbnmint will chain me up or kill me as an example as to how nobody 
can be allowed to live free of its absolute rule.
   Every single militiaman and Resistance fighter knows that this is 
what happens. Our motivation is that we will not allow it to continue.
   So the driving force behind the Resistance movement right now 
is separatism from the corrupt elements of government and society. 
We will not be assimilated into that which we despise. We will work 
out steps, bide our time and do what we have to do to achieve our goals.

14. Would you say you are simply ideologically opposed to the U.S.
Government, “New World Order”, etc., or are there some things about the
way things are and the way things might be, that genuinely make you
fearful?  If so, what?

    As mentioned before, the above-mentioned symptoms are not the 
main event, which is the decline of our civilization.  The symptoms 
are fearful, but not as fearful as the prospect of societal collapse.

15. Do you believe the proliferation of conspiracy theories touted by
militia members give less credence to your movement.

   Conspiracy theories are just an attempt to give meaning to the 
symptoms of social collapse.  They are generated, they make the rounds,
they die, they mutate, they go underground, they resurface.
   In case you haven't noticed, these conspiracy theories are not 
restricted to the militia movement. The best course I have found is to 
listen patiently to the latest rumor making the rounds and agree that 
there may be something to it.  These conspiracy theories and urban 
legends are just natural results from the lack of trust in the 
truthfulness and decency of the authorities and media.  
   I cannot change the fact that these conspiracy theories circulate. 
I would not change it if I could.

16. What do you feel keeps militia members and organizations from having
a united, focused ideology or plan for what you want to accomplish? 
What are some major points of contention between various militia

    Vanity and empire-building by militia generals.  Simple human 
nature.  Nothing of any real importance.
   However, the growth of autonomous Resistance cells means that 
there will be no focused or united ideology or plan other than 
freedom for the overall Resistance. We have no interest in overthrowing 
the rule of a corrupt centralized regime in order to set up another 
group of rulers over us in their place.
   As time goes on and the Resistance is successful in destroying 
the rule of the regime, a new plan will be worked out for the basis 
of free government to be established by the winners.

17. Though you espouse “leaderless resistance”, would you say there are
definite leaders in your movement?  Who would you say some of those
people are and what are their major functions.

   The leadership which is being developed is within the action 
cells.  By definition this leadership is a hidden quality which will 
only be revealed upon our eventual victory.

   As far as the open militia movement is concerned, yes there are 
certain leaders who are well known by both the elements of the open 
militia movement and the FiBbIes.  At some point in time, both these 
leaders and the spokesmen of the propaganda cells such as myself will 
be rounded up, maybe executed. However this curtailment will be only 
a backlash by a doomed regime, it will not affect the Resistance, 
which is rapidly developing its own leadership and communications 

   In fact, I have argued before that gubbnmint in-fill-traitors 
and agents provacateur are actually good for the Resistance movement.
They weed out the stupid, the vain, the inefficient, the loud-mouthed, 
the degenerate and idiotic elements and promote survival of the 
fittest Revolutionist elements.  That is why the Christian Identity 
and White Nationalist cells have a headstart. They underwent the 
survival test before the militia movement.  If it wasn't for the 
events of the past two years there still would be a bunch of militia 
generals fighting over the microphone and not the beginning of an 
effective Resistance movement.

   If you want names, I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to divulge any. 
The open effectives know one another.  Occassionally a bishop or 
knight must be sacrificed on the chessboard to set up the pieces 
for a checkmate.

18. Do you believe that there can be a peaceable solution to the
problems you face with the U.S. Government?

   Of course not.  The ruling criminals are not going to peacefully 
hand themselves over to our justice.  So we will have to drag them 
out and exterminate them the hard way, along with anyone who would 
protect them from the consequences of justice.

   As we get closer to winning, perhaps overtures of "peace" might 
be offered, but not accepted.  After all, we cannot build a new 
social order or civilization if we leave alive the parasites and 
criminals who made our revolution necessary. We can rebuild and we 
will rebuild, but not until we have razed the old regime clear to 
its foundations. 

   In a state of total civil war, policy is decided and implemented 
by the most ferocious and implacable of the combatants.

19. Are there other groups/movements that you feel a particular
solidarity with outside of this country?  If so, who?  And, why?

   I particularly admire Menacham Begin's Irgun, followed by the 
IRA.  These popular patriotic movements drove out a smarmy, 
self-righteous army of occupation which is much like that of our 

20. What amount of your frustration with the government would you say
stems from economic hardships?

   Absolutely none.  Revolutions are the work of dedicated minorities, 
not, contrary to myth, the work of the majority.

   When the time comes, Revolutionaries can always rob a bank or, in 
these modern times, shoot a cop and take away his drug money to 
finance Revolutionary activities.  However, in these days, the 
apparatus of Revolutionary communication and infiltration are 
inexpensive. The average Resistance member, a natural survivalist, 
is well able to take care of himself and his own without concern 
for external economic hardship.

   In fact, I look forward to the day when the financial underpinnings 
of this 'Disneyland for Dummies' collapses and the desperate and 
vengeful majority blames, rightfully, the ruling regime for its 
hardship and travail.  This ruling regime and its police state 
apparatus must be made the scapegoat for their idiotic and repressive 
policies. At that time a whole lot of revengeful justice shall be 
carried out, and when the ruckus is over the well-disciplined and 
prepared Resistance cells will be the only force left which can 
impose its will.  So economic hardship is really an opportunity for 
Revolution. The attack on the Bastille on July 14, 1789, occurred on 
the day when the price of bread was its highest in over 200 years.



Other Militia Units or Militiamen Respond to Above Questions



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