Khazarl Turd-In

of the Tri-States Militia/Coalition

South Oregon Brigade



Khazar Like Khazarl

                            Jewish Like Me
                            by CARL WORDEN
                          The Vigo Examiner

          As  many  of you know, I am a member  of  the  Southern 
     Oregon  Militia.   We execised our constitutional  right  to 
     form  a  militia  after we learned the  Los  Angeles  Police 
     refused to go into the most violent neighborhoods to protect 
     law-abiding citizens they knew to be in immediate danger  of 
     serious  injury or death during the Rodney King  riots.   We 
     were convinced then, and we are convinced now, that a  well-
     formed and organized citizen's militia in Los Angeles  would 
     have  brought order much sooner, and would have saved  lives 
     and property.

          Not long afterward, we began to see news reports by the 
     Anti-Defamation  League  and Southern  Poverty  Law  Center, 
     depicting  the  militia movement as being  both  racist  and 
     anti-Semitic  in  origin, with an agenda  to  overthrow  the 
     government of the United States.  That was certainly news to 
     us here in Southern Oregon, so we filed these stories  under 
     the heading of Utterly False, Misleading and the product  of 
     Paranoid  Delusion.  We knew what we were doing  was  right, 
     and  good  and proper, and could not conceive of  any  other 
     militia group doing otherwise.

          As an Intelligence Officer, I would often talk to other 
     IO's  throughout  the United States on a regular  basis  and 
     never  noticed overt signs of racism or  anti-Semitism.   We 
     were all universally interested in what our corrupt  govern-
     ment  was  doing, the attempt to  disarm  Americans  through 
     deceit and other areas of national interest.  But every once 
     in  a while, I'd see an unusual opinion piece  come  through 
     the Militia Network that troubled me.  These messages always 
     included a reference to a "Jew" banker, or a "Jew" lawyer -- 
     or  a general reference to an unlikely Jewish  Banking  Con-
     spiracy.   Sometimes  I'd  see  a  reference  to  the   term 
     "Khazar", which generally refers to specific Jews, and these 
     references were always, of course, negative.

          The authors of these works often referred to themselves 
     as "Patriots" or some similar designation, and in some cases 
     they  indeed referred to themselves as Militia.  This was  a 
     very disturbing development indeed, since it played directly 
     into the hands of the ADL and SPLC's propaganda machine.  It 
     was well-known that the ADL and SPLC regularly monitored the 
     Militia  Network.  As a result, Morris Dees of the SPLC  was 
     able  to create enough fear in the general  population  that 
     his coffers grew to over $50,000,000.00.  That's a whole lot 
     of  unfounded  fear,  particularly in view of  the  fact  no 
     militia  member has ever been convicted of having  committed 
     an  act  of terrorism in the United States.  You  read  that 
     correctly:  A  few militia members have  been  convicted  of 
     storing  illegal arms, explosives and for having shot  their 
     mouths off on tape, resulting in convictions for conspiracy, 
     but  not one act of terrorism has been committed  by  anyone 
     known  to be a true militia member.  Master  con-man  Morris 
     Dees  ought to be ashamed, but there is doubt he is  capable 
     of that particular emotion.

          Anyway,  we began an investigation into the sources  of 
     these  anti-Semitic  comments and in general, we  found  the 
     basis for these comments to be rooted in a little understood 
     "religion" called Christian Identity.  Those of you familiar 
     with my past exposes of what CI is will recall it is  almost 
     indistinguishable  from the religious teachings  promulgated 
     in  Germany  ten years before Adolph Hitler came  to  power.  
     Basically,  it  is  a religion of  racial  superiority.   CI 
     teaches  that  the true children of Israel  are  the  white, 
     aryan,  germanic, Anglo Saxon people who settled in what  is 
     now  known as Germany, and some of which passed through  the 
     British  Isles and eventually ended up here in America.   In 
     other  words,  those we generally accept as  Jews  are  mere 
     pretenders  to the thrown of the "Chosen", and  these  white 
     guys  are the real children of Israel.  These  teachings  do 
     not  come from the Bible, of course: It seems  CI  adherents 
     become  convinced of their holy status through  "historical" 
     works  written by men, and these are certainly not  men  in-
     spired by the Holy Spirit.  I found one of the more intelli-
     gent  and articulate Jew-bashers to be a man by the name  of 
     Martin Lindstedt.

          I  have no knowledge of Lindstedt's  background,  other 
     than  to say he is not a simple man: Martin Lindstedt  would 
     score  admirably on any IQ test.  As a result, I regard  any 
     philosophy or belief system promoted by Martin Lindstedt  to 
     be  born  of careful thought, and not the product  of  igno-
     rance.   I felt the need to draw Martin Lindstedt out, so  I 
     baited him.

          I began by writing a blistering barrage against  anyone 
     who  identified a person by their race or ethnic  origin  in 
     their writings on the Militia Network.  After all, I pointed 
     out, what people do is not a product of what race they  come 
     from, but is an act of personal choice.  Therefore, there is 
     no need to identify another person by race or ethnicity, but 
     by  who they are and what they did that the  writer  objects 
     to.  I also pointed out the very serious problem of publish-
     ing  Jew-bashing  articles on the Militia Network,  and  the 
     potential damage it could cause the entire movement.

          Well, did I get a reception! I was accused of attempted 
     censorship, a charge that was preposterous on it's face.   I 
     can't  censor  anyone  from publishing  something  over  the 
     Internet, but I could certainly make them pay dearly for  it 
     by exercising my own right to free speech and publicly scorn 
     them, which I did with gusto.  Sure enough, Martin Lindstedt 
     finally responded, but not before I told a little white lie: 
     I told everyone I was Jewish.

          I sucker-punched Martin Lindstedt from the very  begin-
     ning.  My goal was to discredit him and the belief system he 
     was  promoting,  particularly his vilification of  Jews.   I 
     knew Lindstedt would go for the bait: It was just too  irre-
     sistible for a committed anti-Semitic to pass up.  I knew he 
     would use my new-found Khazarine "identity" to discredit  me 
     as  just  another Jew, meaning I had no credibility  to  his 
     conscripts no matter what I said.  The poor bastard went for 
     it, hook, line and sinker, and has since become the laughing 
     stock  of  many who are already in the "know".  If  you  are 
     just finding out about this little ruse, I apologize for the 
     deception, but believe me, it was worth it.

          The  fact is, I happen to be one of those  lily  white, 
     germanic, aryan, Anglo-Saxons the Christian Identity believ-
     ers tout as one of God's "Chosen".  Yep, according to Martin 
     Lindstedt,  I am a direct and rather pure descendant of  one 
     of  the  lost tribes of Israel.  My Grandfathers  were  pure 
     German  and Pure Polish.  My grandmothers were  pure  French 
     and  Pure English.  There's not a drop of Jewish blood  run-
     ning  through  my veins, let alone a drop of  Khazar  blood!  
     But  here's what Mr.  Lindstedt recently said about me in  a 
     letter  published on the Militia Network.  The subject  line 

          "Wet  Khazar Militia Commissar thinks Goyim  ADVOCATE_1 

          And it continues:

          "Obviously this Samuel Dash fellow is both a Khazar and 
     a lawyer, so when he acts according to his nature and Judas-
     betrays  this Starr idiot on behalf of the  First  Criminal, 
     Dash's  fellow racial Wet Khazar would have  White  American 
     Resistance  elements  disown  Advocate_1  for  pointing  out 
     Khazar nature being equivalent to the nature of a weasel  in 
     a henhouse.

          Such  is the nature of Khazars.  They do all manner  of 
     things  and  then they act hysterical when  people  use  un-
     authorized  means  to  point out their  crimes.   Worden  is 
     simply  just another Wet Khazar who has successfully  infil-
     traited  into some foolish militia generals, and  now,  like 
     the  ADL  and Simon Weaselgnaw Center calls  for  the  silly 
     goyim  cattle to geld an obstreperous bull.   These  Askenaz 
     Gogsspawn imposters just can't get over their glory days  of 
     running  a Bolshevik Holocaust, wherein free  speech  deemed 
     "anti-semitic"  was declared a criminal offense, and  as  in 
     the days of Bela Kuhn and Bronstein-Trostsky a Khazar crimi-
     nal regime murdered millions of their white hosts.  

          I  really  would  appreciate it more  if  Worden  would 
     simply  openly join the ADL and stop telling the true  White 
     American Resistance that they do not have any  "entitlement" 
     to their honest opinion.  Perhaps Worden could then give  an 
     interview  on and tell us all how  he  in-
     filtrated  a goyim militia or was simply a front-man  for  a 
     non-existant  militia.  After that perhaps a book deal,  and 
     an  appearance on the Jerry Springer show, wherein he  could 
     engage  in  a  professional tag-team  wrestling  match  with 
     Moreass-the-Sleezester  against  an  overweight  federulist-
     infilltraited Klucker or two wearing a bedsheet.  

          However, the time when the Resistance needs a token Jew 
     or a token house-nigger in order to justify themselves to  a 
     cowardly  eunuchoid suburbanite white mattoid  militia  gang 
     has  long been over.  In fact, the Resistance is  largely  a 
     "white thing" -- outsiders just wouldn't understand."

          It  goes on, but it all sounds the same after a  while.  
     Yada, yada, yada...

          Such  is the nature of the Khazars, Huh, Lindstedt?  So 
     Khazars  have a "basic nature", and that is why I behave  in 
     the manner as you describe? Well surprise: I'm not a Jew  -- 
     I'm  just  like you! Looks like your theory that  an  entire 
     race  or  ethnic group of people can have  a  shared  social 
     defect just went south, and it also looks like your swinging 
     from  your  own pitard with your panties  down  around  your 
     ankles.   I can almost hear the laughter from all  over  the 
     'net right now, and you're the joke of the day.

          Okay, enough of this levity: Time to get serious.

          One  thing I've come to appreciate these  past  several 
     months under cover is just a scintilla of what it's like  to 
     be  a Jew in America.  I had a friend named Joey when I  was 
     around  9 years old.  That was back in 1958.  We had  become 
     close friends and were becoming closer in our little enclave 
     of  Palo Alto, California called "Barron Park".  One  Summer 
     day,  Joey said he had something to tell me, and  his  coun-
     tenance was quite serious.  He said "I think you should know 
     I am a Jew.", and he watched me closely for my reaction.   I 
     was quite puzzled and said "So?, Is that something bad?"  At 
     which point he explained in his 9 year old way why he needed 
     to establish that fact before our friendship continued.   It 
     was  obvious his parents had insisted he disclose his  dirty 
     little secret to me.  I've never forgotten that incident, or 
     Joey,  and I lost a dear friend when his parents moved  away 
     the following Fall.

          Having been raised in California most of my  adolescent 
     and teenage life, I was not exposed to the racism and  anti-
     Semitism resident in many areas of the of the country.   But 
     my  eyes were opened when I took a job that required  me  to 
     travel throughout the United States.  The first time I  ever 
     heard  hard racist comments about people of  Mexican  decent 
     was  in Texas, and I don't have to explain how white  people 
     talked about black folks in the south, but it was urban  New 
     York  that most caught me by surprise.  In  elevators,  sub-
     ways,  on  the sidewalks, everywhere  it  seemed,  otherwise 
     respectable people would utter the most heinous things about 
     Jews.  I had never come across such a concentrated malignan-
     cy  of thought in my entire life, and I still  remember  the 
     shock of it sinking in.  It was honestly one of the  ugliest 
     experiences  I  can ever recall, and I still have  what  are 
     probably  very distorted thoughts and arguably unfair  memo-
     ries of the people of New York because of it.

          Nevertheless,  I learned a great deal about the  Jewish 
     people  from my friend and liaison, a Jewish detective  from 
     Long  Island, and he taught me many of the real reasons  why 
     the Jews were so hated.  For one example, he explained  that 
     although  the  Jews didn't own the large businesses  in  the 

          District  of  New  York, they did control  all  of  the 
     smaller ones, and they possessed another quality envied  but 
     never copied by their competition: They were solidly  united 
     and worked as a synergistic group to affect an economic  and 
     business climate that would favor them in spite of the large 
     competitors  arrayed  against them.   Through  centuries  of 
     persecution  and annihilation, many Jewish families  learned 
     to  be merchants, because when forced to travel  for  safety 
     and survival, salesmanship was an easily transported commod-
     ity.   Many also became jewelers for the same  reason.   But 
     what  stood out most clearly from my conversations  with  my 
     Jewish  detective friend was the solid work ethic  instilled 
     by  virtually every Jewish family upon their  children.   In 
     comparison  to  virtually all others, Jews tend  to  be  the 
     hardest, most dedicated workers in business and  professions 
     where  they can control their own destiny, hence  the  large 
     number  of  Jewish doctors, bankers,  and  business  owners.  
     These  families  also  learned from thousands  of  years  of 
     persecution  that a career in law by many of  their  members 
     could  and  would  eventually lead to  a  legal  environment 
     wherein  they  could live protected by  laws  against  anti-
     Semitism.  As the German Philosopher Neitze predicted: "That 
     which  does not kill us, makes us stronger." Thus  the  Jews 
     have  become very, very strong in an aged environment  where 
     the  killing  of Jews for whatever the reason had  taken  on 
     almost the element of sport.

          Therefore,  what I have found to be the primary  reason 
     for hating Jews is the envy by non-Jews for their  successes 
     in a hostile environment.  But make no mistake about it, God 
     does seem to favor His chosen children.  When one  carefully 
     studies  all  the  elements of the Six  Day  War  by  Israel 
     against  hostile Arab nations, one cannot discount the  hand 
     of God in that conflict.  Over 600 enemy aircraft destroyed, 
     yet  not one single Israeli loss? Give me a break: You  have 
     to be blind not to see that.  Read the entire account of the 
     Six  Day War, including the remarkable story of Israeli  spy 
     Elie  Cohen, and you will come away with a sense of  awe  at 
     how  only the hand of God Himself could have preserved  that 
     tiny  nation from total annihilation.  It was a  modern  day 
     miracle of incredible proportions.

          As  a non-Jew and a Christian, I applaud the  Jews  for 
     setting  the example of a solid work ethic and a  commitment 
     to personal sacrifice and achievement.  Rather than envy and 
     therefore  hate them, non-Jews should recognize the  princi-
     ples  of  their success and emulate them.   I'm  not  saying 
     everything individual Jews do is right and ethical, nor  can 
     I  say  that everything non-Jews do is  right  and  ethical: 
     People  are people, and they aren't perfect by any means  of 
     the  imagination.   But the Jewish  detractors  like  Martin 
     Lindstedt always point out the Jewish origin of someone  who 
     screws up, yet when a non-Jew acts in an anti-social, uneth-
     ical  manner, they just say that person screwed up!  Clearly 
     these  people  have an agenda to vilify Jews,  and  that  is 
     simply not right.  No one can defend such a defamation.  Let 
     us all join together andpublicly condemn such people. 


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          email  edition  of The Vigo  Examiner.   You  will 
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>-------- Original Message --------
     Subject: JEWISH LIKE ME
        Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 00:00:17 -0800
        From: wolfeyes (
Organization: CWA
>          To: "" (
So a letter to the Greater Khazaristan Times&Tattler is in order is it? And Khazarl Woofeyes-in-Sheeple's-Clothing didn't even send me a copy via cc: How typical of the cowardly breed. --M.L.

>Ladies & gentlemen:

>As many of you know, I am a member of the Southern Oregon Militia.  
>We execised our constitutional right to form a militia after we 
>learned the Los Angeles Police refused to go into the most violent 
>neighborhoods to protect law-abiding citizens they knew to be in
>immediate danger of serious injury or death during the Rodney King 
>riots.  We were convinced then, and we are convinced now, that a 
>well-formed and organized citizen's militia in Los Angeles would 
>have brought order much sooner, and would have saved lives and 
First of all, there is no such thing as a CONstitutional militia. See an article by that name in Modern Militiaman #6 at for confirmation. A CONstitutional militia under Art. 1, Section 8 is a creature of the fedrule criminal regime in that it is paid, armed, manned, and disciplined by the fedrule criminal regimes and their lackey state criminal regimes. Since this so-called South Oregon Southern Militia is not authorized by the Oregon state criminal regime nor the fedrule criminal regime (or at least not officially), then it is not a CONstitutional militia. The sacred scrap of toilet paper used to justify the fedruleist criminal regime certainly did not want to authorize any independent people's armies which could be used for an insurrection against tyranny.

Secondly, it always amuses me no end to hear this goofy gliberal militia general sound just like all them little old rural white ladies who ask me "What we gonna do when them niggers come boiling out of the big cities to come and rape and eat us?" (Sometimes I idly wonder if the salivation is wishful thinking concerning the rape part and genuine fear concerning the lunchtime issues.) Like most rural white males I am sorta of itching for a race war, but being a White Nationalist politician I can't just go out and say, "Who gives a rat's ass if them niggers kill and eat whole herds of thieving Democrat bureaucrats and social workers and chickenshit Republican country-club korporate greedsters and banksters? Them niggers are welcome to their lunch of white chicken if they can catch it & kill it. Bon appetite." Nope. Gotta tone it down a tad and assure the old heifers that "Them niggers" will run out of steam at Harrisonville if they're from KC or Rolla if they're from St. Louis and they won't even make it to Willard if they're from Springfield. As far as Columbia or Jeff City are concerned, then Sodom&Gomorrah-on-the-Missouri have it coming as the justifiable wrath of the LORD. "Us ureconstructed redneck racists will protect our wimmen & children from niggers & greasers!" I assure them.

But pore Khazarl is right to be worried. After all, the blacks are far more tired of the Khazar parasites living off of them than even Majority White Americans are. So a place like South Central LA, with the local aboriginal wildlife threatening to break loose from the NWO/ZOG plantation and do what they do naturally in Hollywood or rich white areas in conjunction with wetbacks naturally scares the living shit out of such as Khazarl and the rest of the parasitic criminal regime. To the Khazars all goyim with guns are Cossacks. And they know full well that the piglice, even the Mark Fuhrman types are arrant cowards good only for planting drugs and other stuff on suspects and beating the shit out of handcuffed suspects. These cowardly mercenary thugs certainly are not up to fighting in total civil warfare conditions when it comes.

So pore Khazarl formed a white man's gang -- a militia -- in South Oregon somewhere. Now if Khazarl had any nuts, and wasn't such a gutless chickenshit wuss, and he was an unreconstructed Southroner, Khazarl would call his pack of militia generals something fitting -- like a Klan. But Khazarl is either a Wet Askenaz-Gogsspawn or such a scalawag ass-licking lackey of the ADL that having a few open Klansmen around might not be such a good idea.

Which brings up Khazarl's association with the Tri-States Militia/ Coalition and such savory buzzards of like feather such as the Awful Bitch Hyena Roxanne Johnson and Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog (misnomered Wolfe). These rascals yap the same nonsense about how they love minorities and hate their own white-skinned kind, however what pisses me off is how both the ABH and EtFD act as if they were spies for the fedrule criminal regime when they aren't trying to suck up to the White Nationalist and Christian Identity element.

>Not long afterward, we began to see news reports by the Anti-
>Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, depicting the 
>militia movement as being both racist and anti-Semitic in origin, 
>with an agenda to overthrow the government of the United States.
>That was certainly news to us here in Southern Oregon, so we filed 
>these stories under the heading of Utterly False, Misleading and 
>the product of Paranoid Delusion. 

Perhaps Khazarl has been telling the Anti-Defamation League all about his Politically Correct Southern Oregon Khazar Militia just as Red Mike Vanderboegh tells Moreass-the-Sleezester of the Southron Professional Liar's Center about what the Alabama and Southeastern States Militia is doing. Everyone, including other fedrule informants such as Jeff Randall know all about how Red Mike Vanderboegh feeds Moreass all sorts of information about them "awful Klucker militias." More than likely Khazarl has the same function in Oregon for the ADL.


>We knew what we were doing was right, and good and proper, and could 
>not conceive of any other militia group doing otherwise.

Why, all militia generals and militias have to act like Khazarl and Khazarl's militia. It's an ADL-SPLC rule.

>As an Intelligence Officer, I would often talk to other IO's 
>throughout the United States on a regular basis and never noticed 
>overt signs of racism or anti-Semitism.  We were all universally 
>interested in what our corrupt government was doing, the attempt 
>to disarm Americans through deceit and other areas of national 
>interest.  But every once in a while, I'd see an unusual opinion 
>piece come through the Militia Network that troubled me.  These
messages always included a reference to a "Jew" banker, or a "Jew" 
>lawyer -- or a general reference to an unlikely Jewish Banking 

First of all, Khazarl and his fellow militia generals who claim to be "Intelligence Officers" lack a necessary prequisite for validly claiming to be such -- i.e. intelligence.

Secondly, Khazarl seems to be far more worried about "racism" or "anti-semitism" [although properly speaking these Khazar pretenders have not a drop of s[h]emitic blood in them] than he is with what his criminal regime is doing. Far be it for any racist to find fault with some "Jew" bankster or some "Jew" lawyer such as Moreass-the-Sleezester without Khazarl getting all bent out of shape as to what the goyim militia be plotting. To a Khazar all goyim with guns and a bad attitude are Cossacks or Cossack wannabes.

>Sometimes I'd see a reference to the term "Khazar", which generally 
>refers to specific Jews, and these references were always, of course, 
Of course its always negative, Khazarl. That's the whole point, you ADL twit.

>The authors of these works often referred to themselves as "Patriots" 
>or some similar designation, and in some cases they indeed referred 
>to themselves as Militia.  This was a very disturbing development 
>indeed, since it played directly into the hands of the ADL and
>SPLC's propaganda machine.  It was well-known that the ADL and SPLC 
>regularly monitored the Militia Network.  

Between Red Mike Vanderboegh and Khazarl, I can imagine they got quite an earful allright.

>As a result, Morris Dees of the SPLC was able to create enough 
>fear in the general population that his coffers grew to over 
>$50,000,000.00.  That's a whole lot of unfounded fear, particularly 
>in view of the fact no militia member has ever been convicted of 
>having committed an act of terrorism in the United States.  
Myself, I hope Moreass-the-Sleezester takes white gliberal shitheads and his fellow Khazars for a whole lot more loot. They don't need any surplus pelf around that they stole from the White Majority in the first place anyway. To Khazars and their scalawag shabbes goyim, every goyim with a gun is a potential Cossack ready to don a white sheet and go on a pogram. It's really for the best that Moreass can be counted on to blow most of the money on some more catamites and Khazar lawyers.

>You read that correctly:  A few militia members have been convicted 
>of storing illegal arms, explosives and for having shot their mouths 
>off on tape, resulting in convictions for conspiracy, but not one act 
>of terrorism has been committed by anyone known to be a true militia 
Quite a few militia generals have been caught for shooting their mouths off to criminal regimeist militia generals such as Ken-the-Snitch McWilliams, and Tri-State Militia/Coalition colonels John Parsons and Red Mike Vanderboegh. Of course other militia generals and hangers on such as Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog, Capt'n CONstitution Roland, Mild Bill Uttercrock, and Khazarl here think that is just fine that militia generals who yap, yap, yap to infilltraitors and agents provacateur should be turned into the criminal regime for a little diesel therapy.


>Master con-man Morris Dees ought to be ashamed, but there is doubt 
>he is capable of that particular emotion.

Sounds as remorseless & clueless as Khazarl here.

>Anyway, we began an investigation into the sources of these 
>anti-Semitic comments and in general, we found the basis for these 
>comments to be rooted in a little understood "religion" called 
>Christian Identity.  Those of you familiar with my past expose's 
>of what CI is will recall it is almost indistinguishable from the 
>religious teachings promulgated in Germany ten years before Adolph 
>Hitler came to power. 

That is pretty much the standard smear put out by such as Khazarl, the ADL, Moreass-the-Sleezester, Dr. Mengele Mark Pitcavage, Red Mike Vanderboegh, Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog, Janet Reno, and a whole bunch of other criminal regimeists for the NWO/ZOG.

Christian Identity is indeed the only remnant of Christianity which militantly stands against the Babylonian Askenaz Talmudic Mystery Religion and its recent variant of the Khazar Holy Holohoax. Thus it is not an "official religion" of the baal-state. However, given its militantcy and worth as a fighting faith it is sure to someday become an established religion of Christian Israel.

>Basically, it is a religion of racial superiority.

As opposed to say, "Jewdism" or Greek Orthodoxy, or Islam, or Nation of Islam, or Mormonism, or Roman Catholicism, or Brahmin Hinduism, or Confuscianism or Shintoism or Prebysterianism or Luthernism or Calvinism or Puritanism or Anglicism or just about every single religion or -ism which has ever started out as the faith of the particular race or tribe or people or nation which originated that particular belief or creed.

Pore Khazarl just can't get over the fact that Christian Israel no longer mindlessly worships at the "Jewdeo" alter of Khazar self-onanism.

>CI teaches that the true children of Israel are the white, aryan,
>germanic, Anglo Saxon people who settled in what is now known as 
>Germany, and some of which passed through the British Isles and 
>eventually ended up here in America.  In other words, those we 
>generally accept as Jews are mere pretenders to the thrown of the
>"Chosen", and these white guys are the real children of Israel.  

That's about the size of it, Khazarl. Pore Khazarl and his fellow Khazars and shabbes goyim scalawag lackeys just can't get over us not worshipping them no more.

>These teachings do not come from the Bible, of course:  It seems CI a
>dherents become convinced of their holy status through "historical" 
>works written by men, and these are certainly not men inspired
>by the Holy Spirit.  

You are rather shy on the scripture yourself, Khazarl. What the ADL puts out for Khazarl to parrot isn't even part of the Talmud yet.

>I found one of the more intelligent and articulate Jew-bashers to 
>be a man by the name of Martin Lindstedt.

>I have no knowledge of Lindstedt's background, other than to say he 
>is not a simple man: Martin Lindstedt would score admirably on any 
>IQ test.  As a result, I regard any philosophy or belief system 
>promoted by Martin Lindstedt to be born of careful thought, and not 
>the product of ignorance.  

Well, thanks, Khazarl. If this don't get me an ADL bullet in the back I don't suppose nothing will. With all the enemies and false friends I've made among the criminal regimeists and their lackeys while doing what I please in service to the Cause, there are days when the skin covering my spine between my shoulder-blades positively itches for the bullet. Now while I'd just as soon live a long life, far be it for me to petition the LORD that this cup be passed onto someone else. HIS will be done and when he says my time is up then it is up. There isn't anything either Khazarl and his friends nor me and my friends can do about that. I am content being a Resistance soldier and a Defender of the Faith and my only concern is losing faith.

You flatter me, Khazarl. But I will turn this flattery to purpose by agreeing that yes, I prefer to think things through. So Khazarl admits that Christian Identity religion and White Nationalist politics has a valid reason for those ideologies. The question remains as to whether Khazarl and his fellow criminal regimeists have any share in my particular system of belief. I find that doubtful.

>I felt the need to draw Martin Lindstedt out, so I baited him.

I just love it when people like Khazarl think they're gonna pull a fast one on me.

>I began by writing a blistering barrage against anyone who identified 
>a person by their race or ethnic origin in their writings on the 
>Militia Network.  After all, I pointed out, what people do is not a 
>product of what race they come from, but  is an act of personal
>choice.  Therefore, there is no need to identify another person by 
>race or ethnicity, but by who they are and what they did that the 
>writer objects to. 

Yes, yes, Khazarl, like most gliberals and leftist totalitarians don't believe in human nature nor heredity, but rather in "education" as the be-all and end-all of human manipulation. Given enough power to terrorize and coerce, both overt and subtile, why the human mind can be indoctrinated to do most anything! This is why Khazarl and his fellow regime criminals and sympathizers and lackeys refuse to recognize both heredity and inherent racial differences. Why underneath every black or yellow or brown or red skin is an imitation white man just begging to get out. And in the case of Khazarl and his fellow Askenaz-Gogsspawn, just wanting to serve and worship them. Joy, O Joy!! All it takes is just a matter of sufficient motivation and indoctrination! Maybe someday even hard-cases like myself might even learn to clean Zionist bungholes with our humble tongues and learn to like it. [NOT!!!!!!]

Now someone like myself isn't really interested in teaching the browns and blacks and yellows and reds about how to become a white man. Now why would I want to do that even if I had a right to try doing any such thing? They certainly ain't cut out to be imitation white men. No. Far better to leave them in peace to work out their own lifestyle in their own homelands.

Therefore I am not a racist in the sense that Khazarl and his Zionist Imperialists are. All I wish is for Christian Israel to be masters in their own house and in their own homeland -- America. Therefore in addition to being a Christian Identity believer, I am a White Nationalist politician in that I believe in the separation of the races in order to reduce the surfaces of racial friction. The fact that Khazarl and his fellow Imperialistic NWO/ZOGsters see their slaves fleeing the USSA as the modern prison of nationalities is of little account. Let Khazarl pick his own cotton in the great global plantation.

>I also pointed out the very serious problem of publishing Jew-bashing 
>articles on the Militia Network, and the potential damage it could 
>cause the entire movement.

Yes, yes, of course Khazarl would throw a ring-tailed fit at publishing Khazar-bashing articles which might piss off his ADL masters. Now that nobody bothered to ask pore Khazarl for permission on what to publish, Khazarl has come to the necessary "final solution" to the problems generated by free speech -- censorship.

>Well, did I get a reception!  I was accused of attempted censorship, 
>a charge that was preposterous on it's face.  I can't censor anyone 
>from publishing something over the Internet, but I could certainly 
>make them pay dearly for it by exercising my own right to
>free speech and publicly scorn them, which I did with gusto.
So pore Khazarl was called a censorship fascist by quite a few people wise to him. That certainly didn't stop him from proceeding, though.

Pore Khazarl thinks that people really give a shit for his public scorn. They don't, which is why pore Khazarl is having to deal with a rising tide of CI/White Nationalist opposition.

Secondly, Khazarl at least had enough sense to try not provoking some gusto from this quarter. Khazarl didn't e-mail me a copy of this latest self-indulgent screed, suspecting rightly that I would make sport of pore Khazarl. I've crossed verbal swords with Khazarl before, and Khazarl didn't like the past results.

>Sure enough, Martin Lindstedt finally responded, but not before I 
>told a little white lie:  I told everyone I was Jewish.

Both Klinton and Khazarl have based entire careers for which they were grossly incompetent by telling a series of little white lies. Given your daily waking-hours output, soon enough you have a ton of whoppers to shovel out to fools who are stupid enough to listen to either of you.

>I sucker-punched Martin Lindstedt from the very beginning.  My goal 
>was to discredit him and the belief system he was promoting, 
>particularly his vilification of Jews.  I knew Lindstedt would go for 
>the bait:  It was just too irresistable for a committed anti-Semitic 
>to pass up.  I knew he would use my new-found Khazarine "identity" to
>discredit me as just another Jew, meaning I had no credibility to his 
>conscripts no matter what I said.  The poor bastard went for it, 
>hook, line and sinker, and has since become the laughing stock of 
>many who are already in the "know".  If you are just finding out
>about this little ruse, I apologize for the deception, but believe 
>me, it was worth it.

Khazarl, like Klinton, is really one goofy bastard. They tell one lie among the mass of lies they are always telling, and then they assume that the person they are lying to picked up the correct lie they used as bait and was fooled.

Khazarl reminds me of my conversations with Ed-theFiBbIe-Dog and Ken-the-Snitch McWilliams. These two infilltraitor sneaks would lie to me for hours on end via e-mail, and almost always swear to me about how they were telling the truth and were washed in the Blood of the Lamb, etc., etc., and I'd listen to everything they had to say, archive the reams of e-mail and seine it out for the truth. Eventually Ed-the- FiBbIe-Dog had to admit that his friend Ken-the-Snitch was a federal informant on June 30, 1998.


Ken-the-Snitch was pissed of course, but the most important development was that the militia generals on Mild Bill Uttercrock's PIML/PDML were pissed that EtFD had let this infilltraitor run wild among them and he hadn't even said who farted. So EtFD had to close down the militia general watering hole when the militia generals pissed down their legs and ran for the tall grass. Now pore EtFD is reduced to skulking around on the fringes of the CI/White Nationalist listservers searching for slim pickings.

Sort of what I intend to do to you, Khazarl.

I never believed anything which Khazarl told me. In any case, why should I believe Khazarl when he tells anyone that he isn't a blood Khazar. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. In any case, I despise sellout racial scalawags far more than I despise Khazars, who can't help acting like alien parasites because of their very nature. If Khazarl is a racial scalawag selling out our people to the NWO/ZOG evil multi-ethnic empire then I don't see why I would have any more love for such than Reconstruction-Era Southerners loved the scalawags who sold them out to the carpetbaggers and freed negroes. In fact, the hatred for scalawags exceeded that of outside carpetbaggers or freed negroes, and the same would hold true for Khazarl if he were telling the truth for once concerning his pedigree.

By the way, Khazarl, any laughing done will be done behind my back. After all, you were too chickenshit to send me this message directly to my face. And the ones who would engage in strained laughter will take care that they do not come to my notice. EtFD, Red Mike, Ken-the-Snitch, Capt'n CONstitution, the Awful Bitch Hyena, none of them want to cross swords again anytime soon.

>The fact is, I happen to be one of those lily white, germanic, 
>aryan, Anglo-Saxons the Christian Identity believers tout as one 
>of God's "Chosen".  Yep, according to Martin Lindstedt, I am a 
>direct and rather pure descendant of one of the lost tribes of Israel.
Now hold on, Khazarl. You ain't like the turkey with a frost-kilt grasshopper in his mouth escaping Thanksgiving yet. You ain't gonna get into the deep woods telling this latest story right off.

Now let me admit that I don't keep pedigrees on Khazars any more than I would keep pedigrees on rats. After all, Khazarl, you are an admitted liar. You better keep track of the lies you tell, Khazarl, because I sure am. Just ask your fellow infilltraitors Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog and Red Mike Vanderboegh about how past lies they told coming back to bite them on their butts.

>My Grandfathers were pure German and Pure Polish. 

    Pure German and Polish Khazars? 

>My grandmothers were pure French and Pure English.  There's not a drop 
>of Jewish blood running through my veins, let alone a drop of Khazar 

I suppose we are going to get into an argument concerning the legal meaning of the word "is." It always becomes a necessary topic of discussion when interrogating either Klinton or Khazarl.

>But here's what Mr. Lindstedt recently said about me in a letter
>published on the Militia Network.  The subject line reads:

"Wet Khazar Militia Commissar thinks Goyim ADVOCATE_1 

>And it continues:

"Obviously this Samuel Dash fellow is both a Khazar and a lawyer, so 
when he acts according to his nature and Judas-betrays this Starr idiot 
on behalf of the First Criminal, Dash's fellow racial Wet Khazar would 
have White American Resistance elements disown Advocate_1 for pointing 
out Khazar nature being equivalent to the nature of a weasel in a 

   Such is the nature of Khazars.  They do all manner of things and
then they act hysterical when people use unauthorized means to point
out their crimes.  Worden is simply just another Wet Khazar who has
successfully infiltraited into some foolish militia generals, and now,
like the ADL and Simon Weaselgnaw Center calls for the silly goyim
cattle to geld an obstreperous bull.  These Askenaz Gogsspawn imposters
just can't get over their glory days of running a Bolshevik Holocaust,
wherein free speech deemed "anti-semitic" was declared a criminal
offense, and as in the days of Bela Kuhn and Bronstein-Trostsky a
Khazar criminal regime murdered millions of their white hosts.

   I really would appreciate it more if Worden would simply openly join
the ADL and stop telling the true White American Resistance that they
do not have any "entitlement" to their honest opinion.  Perhaps Worden
could then give an interview on and tell us all how
he infiltrated a goyim militia or was simply a front-man for a
non-existant militia.  After that perhaps a book deal, and an appearance
on the Jerry Springer show, wherein he could engage in a professional
tag-team wrestling match with Moreass-the-Sleezester against an
overweight federulist-infilltraited Klucker or two wearing a bedsheet.

   However, the time when the Resistance needs a token Jew or a token
house-nigger in order to justify themselves to a cowardly eunuchoid
suburbanite white mattoid militia gang has long been over.  In fact,
the Resistance is largely a "white thing" -- outsiders just wouldn't
understand."  --M.L.

>It goes on, but it all sounds the same after a while.  Yada, yada, 

Pore goofy Khazarl couldn't help but lapse into Yiddish, could he? Like a hiccup on the drunk protesting his sobriety, a bubble of Yid passed pore Khazarl's hook-nose shaded lips.


>Such is the nature of the Khazars, Huh, Lindstedt?  So Khazars have 
>a "basic nature", and that is why I behave in the manner as you 
>describe?  Well surprise:  I'm not a Jew -- I'm just like you!  
>Looks like your theory that an entire race or ethnic group of people 
>can have a shared social defect just went south, 

So Khazarl now wants to pretend that he is an anthropologist! However the shits of the matter is that anthropologists have become so PC pussy-whupped that their professional organization recently declared that there is no such thing as race. Why these wretched digging diddlers can't tell the difference between a Zulu and a Swede. Capt'n CONstitution went on for several pages trying not to use the "r-word" before writing several turgid posts about the "R-word-ial Problem." And the politically indoctrinated will scream that there is no such thing as racial differences, most certainly not in matters of intelligence and social organization, while at the same time screaming that people who observe these real differences and have the courage to mention them are "racists." So we have the paradox of having racists defined as those who see non-existent differences. You are not unique in your silliness, Khazarl.

>and it also looks like your swinging from your own pitard with your 
>panties down around your ankles.  

Khazarl, you sound like a black buck salivating over his first purchase of blond twat at a German whorehouse.

>I can almost hear the laughter from all over the 'net right now, and 
>you're the joke of the day.

As mentioned before, Khazarl, any levity at my expense will be behind my back. You do remember that you were such a chickenshit that you neglected to post me a copy of this message, didn't you?

>Okay, enough of this levity:  Time to get serious.

Far be it for you to ever get honest, Khazarl.

>One thing I've come to appreciate these past several months under 
>cover is just a scintilla of what it's like to be a Jew in America.  
>I had a friend named Joey when I was around 9 years old.  That was 
>back in 1958.  We had become close friends and were becoming closer 
>in our little enclave of Palo Alto, California called "Barron Park".  
>One Summer day, Joey said he had something to tell me, and his 
>countenance was quite serious.  He said "I think you should know I 
>am a Jew.", and he watched me closely for my reaction.  I was quite 
>puzzled and said "So?, Is that something bad?" At which point he 
>explained in his 9 year old way why he needed to establish that fact 
>before our friendship continued.
>It was obvious his parents had insisted he disclose his dirty little 
>secret to me.  I've never forgotten that incident, or Joey, and I 
>lost a dear friend when his parents moved away the following Fall.

Capt'n CONstitution told me a similar sordid tale about how he attacked a white kid because the white kid's parents didn't want him playing with blacks or wetbacks. Capt'n CONstitution said he grew up to be a sneaking psychotic racial quisling and scalawag and World Fedruleist akin to yourself, Khazarl.

>Having been raised in California most of my adolescent and teenage 
>life, I was not exposed to the racism and anti-Semitism resident in 
>many areas of the of the country.

Yep. The Dispossessed White Majority doesn't deserve to live next to you do-gooders, Khazarl.

>But my eyes were opened when I took a job that required me to travel 
>throughout the United States.

I take it you were not a truck driver such as myself.

>The first time I ever heard hard racist comments about people of 
>Mexican decent was in Texas, and I don't have to explain how white 
>people talked about black folks in the south, but it was urban New 
>York that most caught me by surprise.  In elevators, subways, on the
>sidewalks, everywhere it seemed, otherwise respectable people would 
>utter the most heinous things about Jews.  I had never come across 
>such a concentrated malignancy of thought in my entire life, and I 
>still remember the shock of it sinking in.  It was honestly one of 
>the ugliest experiences I can ever recall, and I still have what are
probably very distorted thoughts and arguably unfair memories of the 
>people of New York because of it.

What a shithead. Let's see. Khazarl runs all around the USSA, a decaying multi-ethnic empire, and Khazarl is distressed and his little mind is bent all out of shape by white people talking honestly about their racial resentments. It never crosses Khazarl's little mind that those resentments might have come out of bad experiences in dealing with other races while struggling to keep their kind alive and predominant within the boundaries of their own territory. Why all the imperial citizenry are supposed to pretend to love each other, so Khazarl can caterwaul about subtile racism! Meanwhile Khazarl has moved from his besieged racial enclave in Californication to:

    1. Watts, where there are plenty of blacks for Khazarl to love 
       up on.
    2. South Central L.A. where there are plenty of pissed-off 
       blacks for Khazarl to try pacifying.
    3. East L.A., where there are plenty of wetbacks for Khazarl 
      to suck up to.
    4. South Oregon, where there isn't a single nigger, greaser, 
       chink, gook, dink or slope for Khazarl to do some good unto. 
       So Khazarl infiltrates or forms a Politically Correct White 
       Man's Gang  in order to be the idiot of that particular 

>Nevertheless, I learned a great deal about the Jewish people from 
>my friend and liaison, a Jewish detective from Long Island, and he 
>taught me many of the real reasons why the Jews were so hated.  For 
>one example, he explained that although the Jews didn't own the large
>businesses in the Garment District of New York, they did control all 
>of the smaller ones, and they possessed another quality envied but 
>never copied by their competition:  They were solidly united and worked 
>as a synergistic group to affect an economic and business climate that 
>would favor them in spite of the large competitors arrayed against 

So Khazarl on the one hand has no problem with racial solidarity if his fellow Khazars or his Khazar masters do it. Nor would Khazarl have any problem with the stupid blacks and hispanics doing this if only they had the brains to do so.

But let the Whites show any sign of forming a "synergistic group to affect an econmic and business climate that favors" whites, and Khazarl would beller "Racism! Racism!!" like a steer with a hot running iron shoved up his ass. It's not an admirable trait when whites look after themselves, but rather a criminal matter to be stamped out as a criminal conspiracy by the jack-booted minions of the evil multi-ethnic empire as soon as possible.

Khazarl, you see, is a reverse racist. Racism is only beautiful when the victims are white. There cannot be White Seccessionism because every evil multi-cultural empire needs a slave race, and the whites are the only ones industrious enough to make a going concern of the evil empire in which Khazarl would be a ruling regime quisling ass-licking lackey.

>Through centuries of persecution and annihilation, many Jewish 
>families learned to be merchants, because when forced to travel 
>for safety and survival, salesmanship was an easily transported 
>commodity.  Many also became jewelers for the same reason.  But 
>what stood out most clearly from my conversations with my Jewish 
>detective friend was the solid work ethic instilled by virtually 
>every Jewish family upon their children.  In comparison to virtually 
>all others, Jews tend to be the hardest, most dedicated workers 
>in business and professions where they can control their own 
>destiny, hence the large number of Jewish doctors, bankers, and 
>business owners.  

Khazarl is certainly giving full tongue to Khazar butt. Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp. Don't miss a single spot, Khazarl.

Sort of makes one wonder why Jew York, Jew York is governed so efficiently and is such a beautiful city on the island arising from the mud-flats of New Jersey.

>These families also learned from thousands of years of persecution 
>that a career in law by many of their members could and would
>eventually lead to a legal environment wherein they could live 
>protected by laws against anti-Semitism. 

Leading up to the jurisprudence in which Khazar Bolsheviks declared that uttering "anti-s[h]emitic" remarks carried a death penalty. Not that issues of censorship mattered because the Charlie Shumers of the day, Zinovev, Kamenov, Trotsky, Lenin managed to butcher millions of Russians, Byleorussians, Ukranians, Cossacks for the sole reason that they could. Another Khazar, Bela Kuhn of Hungary, led a criminal regime of murder and rapine in the early months of 1919 in post-war Hungary. Not to mention the current Khazar jurisprudence in the stolen territories of Palestine, wherein Arab houses are bulldozed because their kid might have thrown a rock at a Khazar occupation soldier.

I would say that allowing a Khazar legal environment upon a subject non-Khazar population is usually akin to genocide as opposed to a fair and equitable means of minority protection. In any case, the law of the land should be the customs and mores of the majority, especially in America, as opposed to letting it become a free-fire zone of jewdicial oppression and cultural genocide.

>As the German Philosopher Neitze predicted:  "That which does not 
>kill us, makes us stronger."  Thus the Jews have become very, very 
>strong in an aged environment where the killing of Jews for whatever 
>the reason had taken on almost the element of sport.

Try telling that sort of bullshit to the little Palestinian mother whose kid the ZOG in Palestine cut down with automatic weapons fire. Or the sailors on the USS Liberty, who were killed because the Zionists decided to sink their ship and kill them all and blame it on the Egyptians in the 1967 War of Khazar Aggression.

>Therefore, what I have found to be the primary reason for hating 
>Jews is the envy by non-Jews for their successes in a hostile 
>environment.  But make no mistake about it, God does seem to favor 
>His chosen children.  
Just as I thought Khazarl might indeed be a white scalawag ass- licking Khazar lackey, Khazarl brings up the fraud wherein Khazars are supposedly 'God's Chosen Predators.' Maybe Khazarl is indeed a Khazar after all.

Khazars are all derived from Askenaz. Askenaz was the son of Gomer (Gog) and the grandson of Japheth. See Genesis 10:3. There is not a drop of s[h]emitic blood in today's Khazars, who are racially a Turko- Mongolic race, a mix between the Turks and the Mongols. The Khazars appeared after their brethren, the Huns, another Turko-Mongolic race had paved the way. And far from being a "Chosen People," it is written in Revelation 20:7-9 that Gog and Magog will serve Satan when he is released at the end of the Millenium, and as recompense be devoured by the LORD's fire from heaven. Askenazi "Jews" (and the term Separdim refers to the same race of 'Jews' who lived in Spain and Portugal who were expelled in 1492 to their native lands by the reconquistodores Visigoths) are certainly not "God's Chosen People" if as Gogsspawn imposters they are burned to death along with Satan.

>When one carefully studies all the elements of the Six Day War by 
>Israel against hostile Arab nations, one cannot discount the hand of
>God in that conflict.  Over 600 enemy aircraft destroyed, yet not 
>one single Israeli loss?  

Khazarl sounds like a Klinton staffer exulting over the fact that over 20 missles were launched at a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory and not a single rock-chucking Sudanese goat-herder was able to shoot a single Monica-missle down.

Khazarl loves war when it is most like murder, and its victims seem unable to retaliate. Let's kill a few more A-rab goat-herders and engage in some real anti-semitism for once by giving the Khazar imposters keys to the fedruleist criminal regime armory so they can get some more weapons of mass destruction.

>Give me a break:  You have to be blind not to see that.  Read the 
>entire account of the Six Day War, including the remarkable story 
>of Israeli spy Elie Cohen, and you will come away with a sense of 
>awe at how only the hand of God Himself could have preserved
>that tiny nation from total annihilation.  It was a modern day 
>miracle of incredible proportions.

Khazarl finds admirable the sneak attack by which the Gogsspawn waged an unprovoked sneak attack in order to create Greater Khazaria at its weaker neighbor's expense. Also, Khazarl thinks nothing is better than to be a Khazar spy on the goyim. Every Khazar considers a goyim with a gun to be an unreconstructed Cossack. Perhaps Khazarl Turd-In is waiting for the remarkable story to get out of how he infiltraited the stupid militia generals on behalf of the ADL. The title role can be played by Judd Hirsch.

>As a non-Jew and a Christian, I applaud the Jews for setting the 
>example of a solid work ethic and a commitment to personal sacrifice 
>and achievement.  

Hard work at repression and genocide have brought the Khazars where they are today -- claiming to be something they are not in order to dispossess peoples from their homeland. Khazarl is definitely altogether a believer in the theory that "Might makes Right," unless of course there is a buck to be made packing in the mattoids to a Holohoax exhibition. Then the yelping is about how the White Majority isn't worshipping the Khazars enough.

>Rather than envy and therefore hate them, non-Jews should recognize 
>the principles of their success and emulate them.  

Now that you mention it, I suppose we should deport the Askenaz over to their native homeland, between the Turks and Mongols, and boost the portion of modern weaponry alloted to their racial cousins so that the Khazars can live in tent cities and herd goats forevermore. I'm quite sure a number of real semites such as Palestinians would be more than happy to volunteer for sundry genocide duty.

>I'm not saying everything individual Jews do is right and ethical, nor 
>can I say that everything non-Jews do is right and ethical:  People are 
>people, and they aren't perfect by any means of the imagination.  But 
>the Jewish detractors like Martin Lindstedt always point out the Jewish 
>origin of someone who screws up, yet when a non-Jew acts in an
>anti-social, unethical manner, they just say that person screwed up!  

I'm simply pointing out the origin and nature of Khazars. They are a murderous parasitic race of imposters who have insinuated themselves into civilizations and self-righteously insist that they get to call the shots. Every white nation has eventually had to drive these parasites out or killed those who wouldn't leave, starting with the Romans and Greeks. Since most civilizations have been white, these destroyers of civilization are best likened to the rat, which is around infesting human habitation as opposed to living wild on wild plants in the woods.

Khazarl acts like he is a point man for the ADL on this issue. He pisses and moooaaaaans whenever negative facts are pointed out concerning Khazars. He advocates censorship for such as myself for making fun of Khazar self-idolatry. Khazarl is such a racist fascist.

>Clearly these people have an agenda to vilify Jews, and that is 
>simply not right.  No one can defend such a defamation.  Let us all 
>join together and publicly condemn such people.

>Carl F. Worden
>Liaison & Intelligence Officer
>Southern Oregon Militia 

Khazarl is pissing blood about my defaming Khazars. Khazarl is acting like a shabbes goyim for the Anti-Defamation League. Khazarl wants Christian Identity and White Nationalists like myself condemned -- as healthy men for the Khazar blood-ritual of Purim-fest for the "crime" of speaking freely about the origins and history of Khazar infestation.

Khazarl has two standards, one for Khazars and one for supposed goyim. Goyim must obey and worship Khazars. Anything a Khazar does, such as develop biological warfare agents which kill Palestinians to which Askenaz Khazars are immune is OK. It's OK for Khazars to gun down Palestinians and tax White Majority Americans through inflation via the Federal Reserve and the IRS in order to fund domestic and foreign Khazars to the genocidal comfort that have grown accustomed to. Trillions for tribute to a class of natural-born parasites, not one red cent for defense of White Majority America. And too much is never enough! Rather Khazarl insists that those Americans who get wise to his favorite class of predators be silenced so that the cultural and racial genocide of White America and the Decline of the West continues.

Khazarl is losing the propaganda contest. The militia movement that Khazarl infests has long ago become irrelevant. Today's Resistance is largely of Christian Identity or White Nationalist persuation. Any further calls to censorship will result in Khazarl becoming as irrelevant as other spies and sneaks such as Colonel John Parsons and Red Mike Vanderboegh of the Tri-States Militia, Ed-the-FiBbIe-Dog, Ken-the-Snitch and Roxanne Johnson of the Tri-States Coalition, Jeff Randall, or the various LibberToons playing at Revolution. All these infilltraitors and agents provacateur have been exposed themselves, largely in the same manner as Khazarl has done here. Nobody has very much trust to spare for traitors infesting their little corner of the Movement.


In parting, let me tell the reader why I imparted the nickname of Khazarl on Worden.

Worden's first name is Carl. The derivation of that name is from the title given to Nordic free men who were the heads of their household and dedicated to the defense of their families. The Carl (or Jarl) was a title of nobility in a society of warriors. A Carl would have possession of his family's armor and weaponry, and in defense of his family, his clan, his kith and his kin, his king and his country would use that weaponry to defend those people who depended upon him in those hard times. A king's company of housecarls was not merely a militia or fyrd, but rather a very select militia or elite Guards unit of the rudimentary nation state.

What is important to understand is that these Carls defended their own country and own people, and not the interests of outside parasites who wandered in as economic refugees. These Carls knew full well who their own kind were and those who were not. They loved their own and hated outsiders. From these Carls came the natural aristocracy which led the various tribes which became nation states to their destiny in building a social order which became a global Western Civilization.

So here is some Khazar or Khazar scalawag lackey calling itself Carl which insists that it is an American militia general. However, it fights not for our people, but for parasitic alien oppressors of our people. It fights with our native Resistance aristocracy, seeking to silence or murder our true Carls. This Worden is no American Carl, but rather an Askenaz Gogsspawn Khazar Karl.

A good nickname defines, often in a mean-spirited way, within a few words the very essence of the person under question. Therefore I have placed upon the Khazar's Karl the moniker of Khazarl. Khazarl Turd-In. A sneaking stinking Khazarl Turd-In with his foot still within the militia general bowel movement.

Don't blame me for flushing the Resistance toilet.

The name is apt. Let it stick as an identification marker upon this Khazar infilltraitor, as a badge of ridicule and contempt.

--Martin Lindstedt
Resistance Political Front



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